1994-1995 Yearbook

Parkcrstiurg. \\'\'. 261 o I: 62. 149. Chf" ryl (Faculry), 1 Lyn nwoocl Dr.. Scm ~ ·. AH, 72 143: 28. Jennifer I. (Sopl1omorc): 99. Jus1in Dwan e (Jun ior). 2 Wl1i1e Oak Cr.. Searcy, /\R. 72 143. Kencla K. (Fresl1man) . 2 I 04 edar, LaGrande. 01 . 97850. Ki Sun (Freshman). 209 E. Emerson. Jtoloyoke. 0. 80734. Lana Shand ra (Sopl1omore). 9005 F ishl1ook Ln .. Pi ayune. MS. 394GG: 99. 256. l\ la11hew s . (Junior). 275 \V. Univt"rsity I kwy.. Jackson. T ' · 38305: 83 Melissa M . (Freslm1an). 8 1 I 7 Canrerbury Dr.. Sou rl1avcn. MS. 3867 1: 262. sarn/1 Henay (Fres/1man). 1 16 Sl1adv Ln .. Mic /1ignn Ci l y, IN. 46360: 99. 150. 254 . Le fle r Nolnn Jay (Fresl1man1. 330 I Bays/1or B lvd #2004. Tampa. FL. 33629. Lcggc n . Carla (Grd Edu -1. L'l lc urcux. Ji'lcqueli n<> (Ju11ior1: I 18. 1 19. 259. Lci c lmcr . Mark K. (Seni r). 59 Sumrn i r D r.. -rabemacle. NJ. 08088. 62. 259 . L c 111as1c rs. Rebecca J. (Junior). 700 irc lc Dr.. Whee l ing. wv. 2G003 : 83 . Lemie ux. l\ ticl1elle Lea (Senior). R1. I. Rox 66. Romance. 1\ H. 72136. L c 111 lcy, An11e 11e (Special). L c n1111ing. lisha M. (Fres/1111a111. 3 106 I looper. Newporl. AR. 721 12 ; 11 8. I 19. 261. Le m o ns. tvtary Kay (Sopl1omore1. HI. 2. Box 563. M rri/ton. AR. 72 I I O: 99 . 25 1. Lcncl111a n . Jennifer Jean (Junion. 13236 Pmk 1lills J)r.. Granclview. MO. 64030: 83. 25 1. L eona rd Brinn K. ()un ion. 12 I 06 Greenway Cr. .'302. Fairfax . VA. 22033 : 83. 252 G<ilmel E . (Senion. Box 6-6 1GS. El Doraclo. Panama. Panama : 62. 159. Lesl ie Cl1arles Hod (Sen ior). P. o. Box 68. Morril 1on. r\R 72 I I 0: 62. I 48. Jason . \ . (Freshman). 425 Merriman. t tigll land Village. TX. 750G7: I 18. I 19. 253 . S1epl1anic (Special) . Le ll . /\Clcirn L . (Sophorn re). Hr. I . 130X 1071\ . Smrtl1wes1 Cit~'. MO. 64863: 99 Levi. Mark S . (Sopliomorc). P. 0. Drawer 11. Dcrmo11. r\ R. 7 1638: 99. 140. Lewis Allan J . (Freshman). Barrell D . (Senion. 3903 s . Ga tlin Ct .. Springfield. 1\10. 65807: 62. 83. 173. 249 . Brian E . (Sopilornore). 5857 Wooclgaw CJ .. MOl)i lc. AL . 36609: 159. 256. Carnie D. (Junior). 9808 11canl1s idc Cr.. SI 1revepon. Li\. 7 I I I H: 83. I 63 . 233 . 256 . Cl1ristoplll'r L . Uun101'). 7222 Dogwood Tra il. I turni)JC . TX. 77340 : 137. Cynrl1ia S . (Fresl1rnan1. I 058 Nesbi11 Dr.. ,'l(\Sll\' i lle. TN. 37207. Jol 111cit l 1an w. (Fresl 1man1. P. o. l3ox 69. M r. I l oll~ '. AH. 71 758: I I 8. I 19 . Jor 1a1!1an 13. (Junior). 7222 Dogwood Tr<'lils Dri\ 'e . Humble. TX . 77346. Ke, ·in J. (Senior). 1333 Collyer St .. Longmon t. 0. 80501 . Monica (Junior), 504 N. 8 1!1 Si. . Augus1a. AR 72CX)6. Timmy H . (Sen ior). P. 0 . Box 27. Beulal1 . MS. 3872G. Li . Haitong (HSBS). Libra ry , 19. Lig l 11 foo t Danny R. (Soµl1om o rc). Kayla D. (Fresl1man), 1628 S. Jonesboro. RLISSC'll\ 'ille. AR 7280 I : I 18. I 19. 26 I . Prnrick L. o=resl1man1. 3 1027 Torres Dr.. uwomlJe. LA. 70445; I 18. I 19. 253 . Rona/cl\\'. (Fresl1rnan ). 3 1027 Tbrres Dr.. Lacornl)C. L t\. 70445: I 18. I 19. 253 . Liin1a tt a Axel F. (Junion. 26 \•Visn r St .. Pontiac. M l . 48342 : 56. 83. 153. 158. I 6 I . 256. Ingrid E . (Fresl1rnan). 2G Wisner St., Po111iac. M l . 483.+2 ; 102. 1 18. 11 9. 159. 16 1. 26 1. LimlJu rg. Richa rd 1\ . (Sot ilom ore). 2 145 Hu111ing1011 Dr.. Florissant . MO. 63033: 179. 265. Lin Lill-Yu (Senion. 43 In. 141 C11ung Sl1an N . Rd .. sec. 7 . Taipei. Taiw<'l n . Rep . of Cili11a: G2 . Mci+lui ()union. 4 17 A . D iamond St ...Arcadia. C t\. 9 1006: 83. Te-M ing (Sop l10111ore). 43 L n. 14 1. Cl1ung Sl1an N.Rcl. 7Sec. Taipei . Ta iwan. Rep. of Ch ina: 97. Linc k . Janice 1Faculr y). # 1 Lynnwood Dr.. Searcy. ,AR 72 I 43: 28 Linc ks . Billye (Staff). 120 1 w. Arc/1. Searcy. AR 72 143 . Linda ll/ . Daniel L. (Fres/1man). I 2G S. Skyview Dr.. Nederland. co. 80466: 1 18. 1 t 9 Lindsey. Dan iel R . (Jun ior). P. 0. Box 606. Cenr 'r Hill Sta1ion. Paragoulrl . . R. 72450; 83 . Linds ley, James Nathan 1Frcsl1man). 634 Crawforcl Cr. Sullivan. MO. G3080; 1 19. Ling ua. ,Alissa L. (Freshman ). RI. I . 13ox 62. ClarkS\ 'ille. MO. 6333G; I I 9. 158. 168 . Linski. Kri ti LeAnn (Junior). 1687 S. While SlaliOn. MemplliS. TN. 381 17 : 99. 252 . I 11 cl e x 2 9 2 Lire tt e. Leal r M . (Fresl1mant. 55 15 S~·n1morc Creek Dr.. Kingwood. TX . 77345. Lis le. Rebecca 1\ nne (Junion. 381 1 Lcnwood. Amari ll o. TX. 79109; 83. 25G. Li ttle Kimbe rly R (Junior). 614 Evelyn Lt1 .. Burleson. TX. 76028 ; 83. I +6 . Kr is 1y A. (Freshmant. 32 13 Cl1oc1aw. Mempl1 is. TN. 38 1 1 1: 1 19 . Matthew w. (SOpl1omore). RI. I . Box 66. cooper. TX. 75432: 144. Ricl1ard Alan (Grd Ecluc). P. 0 . Box 354. Capalaba. Qlcl . 4 157. / \ustralia ; 130. 169. 209. Li ttl cj o lln 1\aron M. (Fresl1manJ. 412 Lern<111sw;:1y. Fai rY iew Hg ts .. IL. 62208: 229. i \ ngic Kay (Fresl1111an). 9250 Osceola S t .. v\ 'es tminsrer. CO . 80030: 9 I . 99. 256. n <1cy Lcigl1 (Seniort. 9250 Osceola St. \VCStminSl('r, CO. 80030. Li v ings to n Hrya11 s. (Juniort. P 0 . Box 202. l ':11gla11cl. AR. 72046: Kl. 252 . Lis<:t M . (Senior). 9 1 I S Lal1orna. Norman . OK. 73069: 29. 62. 265 . Sheri L. (Junior). 756 Sl1annon Lynn Sl1ores. Ta lladega. ,\L. 33160; 83. 180. 265. Liza no. Hoy ( enior) . Bo Villa Ligia.Fie al I. ~,\ .. I ercz Ze lcclon. Costa Rica. 8000: 62. 143. 148. Lloycl tvtmcie 1Faculty). 43 I larding Dr.. Scare>" AR. 72 143 . scotr !\. (Grcl Ecluq . .+235 Newlyn Lrl.. Win JCT 11m·cn. l'L. 33880; 130. 255 . Teel (Facu l ty). 43 I larding Dr.. Searcy 1\ I~. 72 I 43: 36. 225 . rlwoc lore. Jr. (FacuJr~ · 1. 707 E. \\'00< lru ll . Searcy. r\R 72 143 . LO. C l1il1-Fen (Sophomore). + LN5 Cl1ilin Rel .. Taipei. Taiwan. Hep . of Cl1i11a : 99. Loe Craig L . (Junior). 105 s . E . Oakridge 1 r.. DeKi1 11). TX. 75559: 263 . i)clisa Dian (Freshman). 105 Oakridge Dr.. DeKalb. TX. 75559: I 19. Loffink . Roberr E . (Freshman) , I 2 N . E . 198. Port lcll"JCI. OR. 97230; I I 9 . 256. L o nes . .Jason E . (Sopl1omorei . 30+4 Ncwmon1. Magn olia. 0 11. 446+3: 99. 249. L o ng Brinda (Specia l). C11ris1opher R. (Fre l1rnani . It 1 Wiseman Place. Searcy. i \R. 72 143 : 99. Jcrmiler B. (Sop/ 1omore). P. 0 . Box 924. Gres/1am. OH. 97030: 99. 262 . Uirry (Facu lr y). # I Wiseman P lace. Sei1rcy. AH. 72 1.J.3:33. 168.:315 . HclJckail Ann (Junion . 120.+0 oakl<111d ,.,,·c.. tr. Morris. M l. 48458 : 83. 2.+5 SCllldra (Facul ty!. I I 0 lllclian Trnil. SC<1rC> '. ,-\R. 72 143:28. 17 1 Wendie Melissa (Freslin1an1. Hi. I. 1:3ox I OA. SCnE'ca. MO. 648GS : I 19. I 53 . 230. L ooney Jason Elliot (Junior). I 1307 Cl1arlott Dr.. Mabct, ·a le. t \H. 72 103: 244 . Ma1 1i1ew E. (Sopl1omore). I 1307 Cliarlo tt e Dr.. Ma!Jel, ·ale. AH. 72 103. Robi n r\nn (Specia l). sma E. 1sopl10111ore1. 706 Masters Way. Kingwood. TX. 77339: 99. 160. 165. 170. 265 . L o pez 1-=rancisco Hnmon (Junior). Calle Hul)en Dario. Leon. N icaragua; 83. I 73 , 256 . Kendall R. (Jun ior) . Casa 17a. Urb. San Marino. Sal ia11i ll a. Monies etc Oca. San Jose'. Costa Hi ci. 0: 83. L n uks. Suzanne R. ()union. Lovl'lacc. Brooke Janelle (Freshman). 354 Temperance. CIO\'iS. Cr\. 9361 I : 11 9. 164. L C' c IO ,\ / Cl /l Cl s c Ci 2.+5 . L o w e r\llly Mic! lCIC (Senior). 6 I 18 Chanticleer Dr.. Kei tl1\'illc. L t\. 71047; 62. Dawn (SJnffJ. 38 Sl1erwoocl Loop. Searcy, AR, 72 143 . La inee E. (Freshman). 61 t 8 l1nn1icleer Dr.. Keith,·illc. LA 71047: 110. 25u. Nicole Hen e (Sophomore). 8035 sw Conncrm1rn Terr.. l:Wavcnorl. OR. 97008: 99. 25 1. Hebecca L. (Frcsl1111ar t). 406 Lon don Rel. Belmo111. BrislJane. Qucenslanrl 4 153. AUSll'Clfia . Rebeka!\ I: . (Fresl1rnan). 38 Sl1erwood Loop. Scare~" 1\11 , 72 143: 99. 155. 251 Loy d Cynt hia L. o=rcshmcin). 152 Haml:Jo Rd .. Fa)'CllC\'illc . TN. 37334: I 19. 245. Steplicn 1\1. 1Sopl1ornor<:>). 152 l ~<:tmbo Rd .. Faye11e, ·iJJe . T . 37334 : mi . Waneta (Srilff). t OC> Jamie Lrl. . Hf"el ie . 1\ R. 720 12 . U ra l/ e n E lisabe1!1 t\ . 1sopl10111orc). 103 Li les Dr.. Searcy. t\ R. 72143: 9\l. 248. Mary (Sraff). I 03 Lilt's Dr.. St'cll'C\ '. r\R. T2 143 : 44. Roger (S1atf1. I 03 Liles Dr. . Sc<trcy. AR. 72 143. Llt C<lS Jeffrey 1\1. (Fresl1rnan). 308 Sou1h G. i\\'e .. Co ll inS\ 'i ll c. OK. 7402 I : I 19. Ka ri D . (Freshman). 19810 Sourhwcst 79111 , \\'e.. Miami. FL. :~3189 : 250. Lattrn Jane 1Sc11ior). 1308 w . Euclicl. 1ncli rn1ola. I/\. 50 125 . Na tl 1an 1\ . (r-resilrncin). 2 Io I l\ larily11. Jetlerso11 Ciry. MO. GS I 09 : 99. I 54 . I 5H. Lu111pki11s Sl1ane L. (Frcsliman). 70+ Iris Lane. Vic1oria. TX, 77904: 83. I 40. 264 . Shanna L . (Junior). 704 Iris Lane . Vietoria . TX . 77904: 250. Lurn1. Jea 11cnc A. (Frcshmrn1). r\PDO I 70, Que1za l1em111gu. Gua1ema la : 1 10. 159. Lundy. Ryan S . (Junior). 762 \\ 'in<ling Bcml Ln .. Ma11cl1es1er. l\ ICJ . 6302 I : 157. 158. Lu11go. Zonnia K . (Senior). 5<t Calle Orinte #3-5. A l1uael1api111. El 5<'11,·aclor : 1 1 n. I 4D. 258 . l.l rt en . Molly 13. (Junior). 130 Starl in. ,\ mericus. G t\, 3 1709: 83. 161. I G3. Lwhe r . James C. (Fresl1manJ. I 003 Molly Coun. Faye11e\'illc. 1\R. 72701. 9~J . Lutre ll . Dm·icl \\ '. (Sop/1omore). 5510 Ramick H<I. . Pine 131ull. AH. 71 G03 . Lutt w l l. 1\11ge1a D . (Freshman). 3902 Forestcla le r\\'C., \VoOdbr iclge, Vr\ . 22 193: 26 1 Ly 11 11 Bri 11on E . {Senior) . t .+74 J-l ickor\' SI tallow Dr.. Morristown . TN . 3 78 t 4 . Jua11itt<l (SOJJl10111orc1. L~ ' ons. rx1tc Kc111wrl1. Jr. (Scnron. 138 s. s c quoi<t BJ\'{\ .. FlorerlC(' , AL. 3 5(;:30 ()2 , 138. 246. :\ lacl 1acn . .Jose Utis (Junior) . Lcmclres #34 Col. Mexico Ci ty. l\ lexico. OG()OO: 13 1. 137. Mac key ~on ,\looddo u ~s <'lenc<l 10 om,,.,,, th<' t'io /cll( cm11 11ry ofSol/l /J A.fri cu i11 1/Je jirst a ll-rue<' c'/cnio11 r/ 1m enc/eel w /1i re m inority ru l<". I le won rile 1993 Nol w l l'C'OC<' Prize wicl Jws /Jc·en opp louclccl .for lcorlino /1is country 1/1rou (J /J o peocc.fu/ ret 10/wio n . Facer/ w ir/J critic ism 1/1w /1e wo.s s low 10 accomplish/ 1is ooals. 1\ Ionc/e/a soic/ p eople mus / /Je w o l is ric. I le soicl luck of 1ruinn l workers w ic Iproper co1 rn11w1icario11.s muc lc' rop icl [Jetl(' /opn w11 1 impossi /J/<:'. P/1010 courtesy of HJ\/ P/Jo10 Sen •ice. Inc. James (Facul 1y). 1 t 1 /2 Mag11olii?l. Searcy. AR. 72 143; 39. Jo11i 1S1alfJ. 1 1 112 Magnolia. scare~" AR. 72 143: ! fl . :\J;1c ki l'. 1~ 111ily J<tne (Frcslm1an). Io 15 Oaklawn Dr.. cooke\'illc. TN. 38501 . \.!aeon . Norcilell (Junior). 419 Inez. Greenville. MS. 38701 ; 83 . Maclcle n . Moll y E. (Frcsl1rnc111). 6833 Bugle Ct .. Houlcler. co. 8030 1; t 19. Maddox D<111a K. (Sopilomore). 18. 6 Cml Dr.. Rescue. C.'\ . 95G72 . !\1acle ley . Usu K . (Se11ion. 5 i\ lcrion. r\tiilcne. TX. 79606: 63. I GO. I GG. I 73. I 74. '\'lad ison . St<1ccy M . (Sopl1on1orei. P. 0 . Box 368. Codorus. PA. I 731 I; ~m. 252 Magnusson . Eric Ryan (Sopl1ornorcJ. 3708 E. 80 St .. T\.t lS<l. OK. 74 136: 99. 160. 2-J.5. 259 . Magrude r . Elizobeth E . (Junior). 51 29 Gorgas t\V . So .. J:::cli!la. MN. 55424: 83. 248. Maguffcc Daniel I t (Ju nior). Lynn (Spec ial). l\ la l1a ffey. Arrlcn M. (Junior). 6227 S . 89111 E. Ave.. 11. rl sa. OK. 74 133: 83 . 147 Ma llaffy. Angel R. (Fresilman1. Hi. I . Box 40B. J<tCtwin. 10. 6550 I : I 19 M aj o r . Jen11i1cr Kate (Fresl1111an ). P. o . Box 355. Mr. Ju l ie !. TN. 37 122: I 19. 245. M<t ka rov;-1, Lincla A. (Frcsl1111an). 644099. Om sk . Hussia: 119. 138. Ma lc ik. Emily Dnwn (Junior). 104 1G Roya/wood Dr.. Dallas. TX. 75238: 83 . l\ ta lc k . Kci tl1 w. (Senior). 3()8 JJuntcr Riclge Rd .. Longrnon1. co. 80504. Ma ll ett . .Jon ie R 1sopl1omore1. Ma llo ry. Hya11 G . (Sophomore) . 2480 I lopper Rd .. Micl\'ale. ID. 83645 ; 09. 259 . i\ta lloy . Saral1 B . (Juniot). 5 Canm: ll. Little Rock. /\H. 72207. l\la lo n c. Gcoflrey M . (Junior). 10331 Summcrl1ill Dr.. I IOUSton. TX. 77070. Mal o ll . Cl1ris1ie D . (Junior). I'. 0 . Box 457. Ba ld Knob. A l~. 72010. Ma n ; isco . Lysbe1l1 Brooke (Senron. 1900 1 I 1!1 ,\ve .. t talt>)'\'ille. 1\L, 355G5: 63. 256.