Ke rr . Paul 13. (Soplmmore). 1~1. I . Box 590i\. Hami/1011 .• \L. 3::;:;70; 97. 264. Key . Ashley I'd . (J1111ior1. HI. 2 . Box 300K. 1\ugus1a. AR. 72CX>6 . 82. 88. 236. 256 . K. H.C.A.. 144. Kiles . Toclci :\ . 1scn1on. 1 nerwick Cr.. Cl1arles1011. . 29407; 6 1. 147. 265. Kilgore . Lisci 1.:: . 1Frcslm1ci11). 1420 SC11l i \lllone. LewiS\'illc. TX. 73()(;7; I 18, 247 . Ki lian Kim!Jcrly 1\ . (Junior) . I.:> Springhill Lil .. Burlington. NI. 08016; 97 , 248. Kris1in L. 1sop/1omorn 15 Springhill Ln .. Burling1011. N.J. 08016; 256 . Killehrcw Bill J. (Frcshrrn111). 1{1. 5 . 13ox 91 C. Osceola. IA. 502 13 ; 118. 261 . Robcn E . 1Sopl10111orc). 807 I loll~ '. Sccircy. i \H. 72143 . Killeen. Shawn P. (J1111ior). 1 14 Ferry Dr.. Brandon. MS. 39042; 82. I GO. I 73. 263 . Killins Anita l\laric (Senior). 106 lnclian Trail. Searcy AR. 72143 ; 61. 158. 173. 26 1. Jason D. 1scnion. HI. 2. Rox 253. Russel/, ·ille. Al . 72801: 62. 2G I . Killion . Ange/ct S . (Senior). 1401 I 40 west. Amcrill o. TX. 791mJ ; 62. 150. 247 . Kilman . Douglas 1sop/1omore1: 13 1. Kimball . Kerry A. (Sopl1omorC'). 10340 S . \V. Kiowa. T\1ala1i11. OH. 97062; 261 . Kimbri e l Geneva C. (.Junior/ . Wecla Lcincll 1Sc11ior1 Kinder . n ·ina Cmol 1Fresl1111a111. 2 12 .J<•nnifC'r Ln .. searn" ,\H. 72143 ; ns. Kinesio logy Dcpanrnclll . :H . King Asl1/ey I) . 11 ~ rcslm1cin1. : i 1 07 Q11C1li1~ · I )r. . Searcy. AR. 72143. Dena E. (Sop/10111orc). 8 1 l S. 41h. Mars/1all. IL. 62441; 98. Don Paul (Senion. 51 1 \\'. ,\,·c . J-9. Lancas1er. CA. 9353+: 256. Kimberley G . (Junior!. P. o . Box 499. l)cs Arc. AR. 72040; 256. Lori A. (Sopl1omore) . Mary Irene 11°rcslunrn1). 8020 Ar/)or Dr.. Nas/1\'il/(", TN. :3722 I ; I 18 . 163. 247. Robbie A . Uunion . Sl1aron E. (Senion . 1280 I Hockwoocl Lane. wooc.lbri tige. V1\ . 22l!J2 ; 62. 13(), 137. 1-1-1 . 151. 248. S/1auna Hence (Senior); 62. 140. Sl1awn D . (Sopl1omorc). 1433 1\llllct 1\\'e .. Mulberry. ,\R. 72947; 98 . Ste/ llanic E. 1sop/1omorc). 9676 S. E . Cl1ula Vista Ct .. Ponl<1ncl. OR. 9726G; 98 . 245 . Tiffany D. (Sophomore) . 5683 s Douglils W<t) '. Anclerson. IN. 4GO 13; 13 1. King·s Men. 254. K.inni ngh;11 n . Bon11 ie sue 1scnior). HI. 1. Box 57X. I IUllO. TX. 78634 ; 62. 168. 260. Laura (Grd Ec.luq; I 30. Kinonen . I\ lark S. 1Sopl1omore). R1. 4. Box 222. Arkaclclp/1i(l. ,-\I~ . 71 ~123; 98. Kirby Ka1hryn Marie 1Grcl Et luc). Tim (Faculty). 6 1 o E . Wooclrutf. scare) '. 1\H. 72 I 43: 3!l. 234. Kirkpa tri ck. Sam c. (l ' res/1111an 1. 3864 Wincling Pine Dr.. Mc1rn11ora. 1\11 . 48453; 98. 265. Kirkwoocl . Loris1111e 1sopl1omore1. 103 Mmquelte. Wes1 l lelcna. AH . 72300. Kirwa. Abra/mm l':ipsrn1g ll "rcslnn11111 . 2435. Eldort'I. l':Cll) 'cl. Ei lSI : 226 Kile. Aaron Lanc 1Sc11ior). I GOS :\ \'(:>llUC' -c;," Ol lWn/Jurg , NE. GD l 3 8 . Ki11rc ll . Cmoly11L. 1c;rc1 t::<luc) . Klein Kevin (F(lcu/ly). #:n Hi\'cr OClks commons. 291 o E . ,\loorc . Searcy. 1\R. 72 143; 33. Kyle Grady (Se11ior). 3 003 Qunil rnctgc Cr.. @[;i is an island af pm ~nu "'"' disconie<" Presi(1<:111 J('OlllJt'rtro11n Aristiclt' was elected J)f'('Sic1f'111 ill Jute J 990. But less 1ha11 a year lwer lw was orrcstecl by the militory 011cl t"xµcllecl frulll 1/1e cow11ry. Couµ leaner Lt. Gt'11 . Rooul Ceclras assumed µresicfe11tiol powers 011<1 clcclorecl 1/J<:> urmu 10 /Jc in clloroe. 1\ 11ego1ia1i11g wum. Jee/ by forlller Presicle111 Jimmy Caner. struck a cleol w ith Gen. Ceclros thot ollowecl U.S. troops 10 occ11pu tilt' isto11d one/ Aristicle wos wttffrn'cl 10 p ower. At 011e poi111. more them 20.CXX> U.S. troops occupied 1/1<> is loncl. Pho to court f'sy of RJ\t P/1010 SPrvicc. Inc. Dura111. OK. 74701; 62. 173. 256. Leslie t\nn (Junior). 106 S/1ady Pines. El Dora lo. AH. 71 7 O; 82. 256. Knapp . Brandon A. (Junior). 3260 Dudley St .. Whea1ridge. CO. 80033 . K11ig /1t Aclrian (S1a lf) . 6 Franklin Circle. Searcy. AR. 72143. Darvin L. (Sopl1omore). 1020 N. E . 20111 1.. Paris. TX. 75460; 98. Jennifer M. (Fre t1man). 2 12 E. Hulll. Box 771. Cerro Gordo. IL. 6 1818; I 18 . Kimberly M . (Freshman). 16 1 o Knig/11 Cr.. Grand Prairie. TX. 75050; I 18. 155. 248. Kimberly R. (Frt"sl1man). 704 N . W/1ite . Poteau. OK. 74053 . Kn ig l11s. 256. K11011. Ada111 D . (f=resl1man). 289 CrossO\·er Rd .. vVickliffe. KY. 42087; I 18. 165. 246. Knowles. Emily M . (Fresl1man ). 1908 S. Main . Ca nl1age. MO. 64836; I 18. Knox Angela M. (Fresl1man ). 23607 reekwood Dr.. Spring. TX. 77389: I 18, 157, 254. Darla D. 1sop/1 om re). 23607 Creekwood Dr.. Spring. TX. 77389: 98. Ko Jo Kai. 256. Kobayashi. Masa1c ru (Fres/1man). 202-225 Sc10gaya-cho Hoctogaya-ku. Yokohama-sl1i. Japan. Koch c unney N. (Junior). 406 w. Adams. Fairfield. IA, 52556; 82. 248. .Jason L. (Senior). 406 w. Adams. Fairfield. IA. 52556; 223. Kochl er. Edwarcl A . (Freshman). 1659 Lomaciia Terr.. El Cajon. Ct\. 9202 I ; 98. 259 KOil / Hicliard D. (Junior). 1 19 Ko/11 Hd . Hussell. AR. 72139. Huby Ka1 t1erine ( rd Educ) . Tennyson (Sophomore). 1575 Nortl1ridge Rd .. Allan1a. GA. 30350: 98. 250. Ko /de . Dona L. (Senior). 5504 Overlook He!.. Mobile. t\L, 366 I 8; 62. Koone. Kevin w. (Fre hman). 73 15 Fox Hun Or.. Mcibelva/e. t\R. 72 103; 98. 264. Kopf. Emily L o ren (Sophomort"). 92 S \'camore St.. Grenada. MS. 3890 1; 98. 256 Kornegay. Sonya A . (Junior). 3455 N . s 1s1 ' ' c . Phoenix. t\Z. 85031: 82. Kosko . Pe1er Jon (Senior). I 153 Bel Aire Dr.. Daytona Beach. FL. 32 1 18. Kovach . Rachel E. (Junior). 8944 28 Mi Rd .. Albion. Ml. 49224. Kozawa. Tom ko (Fresl1man ). 2-26 Ki1amicl10. Mitosl1i. tbaraki. Japan; 118. Krame r . Jennifer A . iSt"nior). 9 179 El anor cove. Milling 1on. TN. 38053; 62 . 163. 173. I 74. 253. Kran tz. Jo /111 H . (Senior). Krape . Amanda Joy (Frt"shman). 1350 Blue Ridge Dr.. S1. Pe1ers. MO. 63376; 98. 145. 248. Krebs . Sl1errie A. (Freshman). I 093 1 Branc/1 Rd .. Glen Allen. VA. 23060; 98. 158. 16 1. 253 . Krinks . Jeffrey A . (Freshman). P..O. Box I I 7. Hic/1wood. NJ. 08074; 118. 1 19. 159. 246. Krudwig. Larry iHSBS). P. 0. Box 64 . I !Ollis. OK. 73550. Kruse. Keri Ellen (Juni or). P o. Box 345. Jndt"pendence. KS. 67301 ; 83. 168. 260. Ku lm. Daniel E . ( ophomore). 206 Plum 1.. Ma rsliall. IL. 62441: 98, 246. Ku le i . Kenne 1l1 Kiproticl1 (Freshman). 1778 E ldore1. Kenya .. E. r\f; 98. 226. Kuli/cl. Ana K. (Jun ior). I 2 Slaff POSI Hd .. Fl. Sam I IOUSIOn. TX. 78234; 83. 265. Kunke l. Mall (Sop/1omore). HCR 8 1 B x 63 A. Sa lt"m. MO. 65560. Kurakazu. Yurika (~cnior). 5-6 Nejo Azakubo. 1tachinol1e. Aomori 03 1. Japan; 102. Kymcs . -!)·son w. (Sopl1omore). 1377 El Camino Village Dr.. Hous1on. TX. 77058; 98. 259 . Lacefield. Timotl1y R. (Fresl1man). I 034 Richard S1.. Ja ksonville . AR , 72076; 2 13. 253 . Lackey. Hebecca s . (Junior). 86 1rona1on Rd.. Talladega . t\L. 35160; 252 . Lacy Avriel L . (Freshman). 1893 Lakeview Or.. Searcy. AR. 72 143. Nancy Ann 1specia/). Ladyman. P/1ilip 1 . (Sophomore). H1. 1. Box 430. corning. AR. 72422 . Lafayette. Ja on A. (Fresl1man). 8821 Burr S1 .. Oakland. A. 94605; 13 1. Lair . Mic11ael D . (Fresl1man). 95 1 Claremon1 Pl . Loveland. 0. 80538; I I 8. I 19. 259. Laird. Jerry \\'ayne (Senior) . 12709 Bertl1a Rd .. Lill/(" Roc k. AR. 722 I 0; 62. 2 13 . Lairson Pl1ilip J. (Fresl1mcin). 5 11 E. ce111er. Searcy. AH , 72143 ; 11 8. 119. Lamb Emma Jane !Senior): 62 . athan \V. (Junior). P. o . Box 1331. Waldron. AR. 72958; 83. 151 . 264. Lambe rt Helen (Faculty). 504 E. Cen1er. Searcy. AR. 72143; 2 . 171 . Kimberly A . (Junior). 6342 Crestside. Pasadena. TX. 77503 ; 83. 250. Pa1ricia ( mff). I 03 C11risp, Searcy. t\R. 72 I +3 . William. r. (Facul ty). 504 E. Ce111er. Searcy. AR. 72143 ; 20. Lcimbe th. Virgil (Slaff). 1700 E. Park #3. Searcy. AR. 72 143 . Lamon. Bara L. (Junior). 431 2 Willowbend Rd. S. E.. Decatur. AL. 35603 ; 83. Lamp . had . (Freshman). HI. 1. Box 402 , Be111onvillc. AR. 72712; I 18. 119. 246. Lancas te r . Paige J. (Sopl1omore). I I 17 w. Front St .. Heber Springs. AR. 72543 . Land Jol1n 1-1 .. IV (Junior). 1319 Saxon Ct .. Montgomt"ry. AL. 361 I 7; 141 . 252. William (Staff). 1006 N . Cedar. earcy. AR. 72143. Landrum. Brenda D. (Senior). I 17 Y&Y Salvage Rd .. Judsonia. t\R. 72081 ; 62 Lane t\nge/a Kaye (Senior) . 7784 Mcmpllis Arling1 n Rd .. Bart/ell . TN. 381 3 5 . Jennifer L. (Fresl1man1. 24 Maple S1. . Cha tl1am. NJ . 07928: I 18. I I 9 . Sherry (Specia l). Lang. Leslie . (Fresl1man1. P. o . Box 8133. Searcy. AR. 72 143. Langdon. Lee l\lichael (Junior). 4 Oak Drive. Tabernacle. , J. 08088 ; 155. 160. 257. Langley. Dus1in ;\ . (Fres/1man). PO Box 94. Pangburn. 1\R. 7212 I . Langston Abral1am J. tSophomore). P.O . Box 516. Jal. NM. 882-2 . K e r r t o L c' e Racl1el R. (Fresl1man). P. 0 . Box 516. Jal. M . 88252 ; I 18, I 19. 260 Lanier . Jess C. (Freshman) . P. 0 . Box 154. Celes1e . TX. 75423 ; 2-9 . Lank. S1evt"n Shane (Senior). 2951 S . Vine . Wi l1i1a. KS. 672 I 7; 62 . Lareau. l1ris1op/1er J. (Junior). 1 Lort"t1a L< ne. Manitou Spri ngs. co. 80829; 83. 141 . 167. 252. Larner. tepl1anit" 1s1aff). 2 1 12 w. Pleasure. Searcy. AR. 72 143. LaRoc hc. S1even P. (Sopt1omore). 4 Maxwell Dr. . Derry, NH. 03038; 98. 144. 153 . 246. 261 . LaS ll l C'~' t\ d ri nne Marie (Senion. 425 E . Kee1oowcil1. Ta/1/equah . OK. 74464; 62 . Ke111 l\I. (Fresl1man) . 425 E . Keetoowa/1 S1 .. Tahlequa/1 . OK. 74464; I 18. I 19 , 155 . 265. Lasley. Michat"I R. (Junior). 1 168 Grcent" 757 Rei .. Paragould. AR. 72450; 83. Las ter. Susan J. ( opl1omore). 1808 Non/1 281h . van Buren . AR. 72956; 13 1. Laich. Sherie.Ian Eugene (Grd Eclu ). Lat l1am t\my D . ( opl1omorc1. 2300 Briar liff He.I .. Jasp r. t\L. 35501 ; 83. Jennifer C. (Sopl1omore1. P. 0. Box 13 19. la111on. AL. 35045; 98. 141 . Lonnie C . !Sophomore). 490 Cochrun Dr. . 1orcross. GA. 30071 ; 98. 161 . Latiker . Lorne D . (Senior). 24 Sullivan. Mt"mpt1is. TN. 38 109: 229. 261 . La1imer , / lolly K. (Sophomore). I 02 Sunsl1inc Acres. Searcy. AR. 72143; 98. 252 . Law. Angela He'Nay (Senior). 914 w . 133 St .. Compton. CA. 90222 ; 131 . I .+5. Lawrence Diana Lynn (Grd EcluC) . Patricia (Staff). 300 S . Moss. St"arcy. AR. 72 143: 44. Reb cca E. 1sopl1omore). 300 s . Moss s1 .. Searcy. AR. 72 143; 98 Rob rt Tl1omas (Grd Ecluc). 1 oo Oakwood Circle. Niceville. FL. 2578. Laws George C . (Sopl1omore). 1626 Soutl1 Wine! Dr. Branclon. FL. 335 10 ; 98. 252 . Hea1h M . (Fresl1ma 11). 426 Lcmon1 Dr.. Naslwill le. TN. 37216 ; I 18. I 19 , 144. Kennc1/1 s . (Junior). 5700 Saylor SI. . Lincoln , NE. 68506; 83. 155. 246. 267. Kevin R. (Senior). 5700 Saylor. Lincoln. NE. 68506 ; 153. 246. Kyle B. (Freshman). 5700 Saylor SI.. Lincoln. NE. 68506; 5. 98. 153. 155. Lawson Bradford L. (Senior) . 5204 Mill . Creek Hd.. Cl1a11anooga. TN. 37415. Dianna Lynne (Freshman). 140 Coombe Hd .. Bald Knob. AR. 720 10 ; I 07. I 18. I 19. 176. 26 1. Mylinda K. (Junior) ; 259. Lawyer. C l1arles R. I enior). I 78 Sunset Dr.. Murphy, TX. 7509.J.; 62 . Layrock. Susan Ann (Special) . I lwy. 267 . Sear y. AR. 721-1-3 . Layton . Jeffrey Quiram (Junior). 46-67 1 Williamsburg SI. . Indio. CA. 92201 ; 83 . 99. 146, 147. 149. 166. 173. 180. 259. L earning ASsis1ancc Cen1c r . 19. Leave ll. Rt"bec a (Staff). I 0 I S . LOCUS! # 12 . Searcy. AR. 72 143; 44. 163 . Leave lle. Lynda R. !Freshman). 671 1 Ridgecres1 Pl .. Texarkana. TX . 75503; I 18. I 19. 140. 251 . LedbC' tlCr. Michael L . (Junior). 4907 /-le\' rs/1am oun . Fairfax. VA . 22032 . Ledge rwood . 'fyson R. (Freshman). 5408 Hangeview Dr.. Cheyenne. \\'Y. 8200 I ; I I 8 , 11 9. 244 . Lee A lma M . (Senior). 22 17 Highland Hd.. 291 I n <I e x