1994-1995 Yearbook

Verde. E l C< 1jo11. C \ . q202 I : 81. Harber. Sl1<1r11m11 Leigh (Freshrn<in). :m 15 Ccis rl e Rock nr.. .Joplin. 1\IO . G-J.80 1. Hardin Jeff Don (Junior). 3 1 ~ N . v\ 'estpark Dr. Mc Kinney. TX. 75070: 8 I . 5ara Lo uise (rrcsh11mn). 1200 I E . 89 Pl. N .. Owasso. OK. 74055: 1 15. 155. 245. ll"aci L.1Sopl10111orc). 3 12 N . wes1park. McKinney. TX. 75070: 26 I. qarding Scl1on l of Biblical Srurlies . 20. iardy. Kim I l . 1sopl10111o re). Ht. I . Hox 1855 . Gordon. (j,\, 3 ICX! I : HG . 262 . Jargett . Gregory n . (Senior). 2 1 15 Jo hnson . Vern urn . c. \ , D3 <XJ3 . !argrovc . S1<1ccy ll . (.Junior) . P 0 . Box 433. Bradl o rcl. , \H. 72020: 8 1. ia rgrovc-Ficlcl~. W<11111cc11 (Frcshrn<1n). 122 Edwards Hd . . Ju< lsonici. 72081 . iarklcss . Je rmil cr D . (l'rc hmcin). 4070 Grnph Hcl. . Dellroy. 011. 44620: 115. 159. iarlan Brian L. (Senior). 1 o Slmcly L ci nc Dr.. Con w r1y. AR. 72032 : SH. 172. 174. Melissa 11. (Sopl1ornorc). Io S l1acl\' Ln . Dr.. Conway. r\H . 72032 : 81 . I 4 1. 256. Teresa Denise 1crc l Edun. HRM. I G3 . Jarmon Brian K. 1Fresl1n1<1n). c; Scott St.. Ruckhcinnon. WV. 26201 : I 15 . 159. Jennifer L . (Sopl 1on1ore1. 1303 Los Altos Ln ., Dunrnnville. TX. 751 16: 96. 2+7 . larnden J. Gregory (1 ' <1n il1 y). 7cn Li ve Oak Dr· . Searcy. AR. 72 143: :m. 233 . Jeremy M . 1rrcsl11m1r11. 703 u, ·c Oilk IX. Searcy. AR. 72 143: I I 5. 2<>:>. Scott G. (Junior). 703 Li\ 'C' C>nk Dr.. Searcy. AR. 72143: 130. Susan (Facul1~ ·1. 703 Li\'e Oak Dr.. Searcy, 1\H. 72 143. Jarness. Jeremy D . 1Ju1 11ori. 203 I lard ing A\'e .. Libe rt yvi ll e. IL. <>0048: 81. 255. Jarpcr. Caro1~ · 11 E . 1~opl1omore). 2+06 JJwy. 62. Jeffersonville. IN. 47 130: 9(; , 262 . larr Jacob s. (Fres l1111<111). I I 8 I )ickson Ln . Searcy AR. 72 143: I t 5. 252. Jolm L. (Junior) . : l 18 Hcu1cl1c11c Vi llage. SearC)'. AR. 72 143: 252 . Joshua C. (.JL111ior). I 18 Dickso11 u 1nc . Scmcy. AR. 72 t 43 . Jarrell Bentley T. (Frcsilmrn11. 1<'2 t Briarwoocl. E l Dorado. AR 7 17 0: I 15 , 2 13, 2G I . Brooks Bailey (Senior). I 22 1 Briatwoocl . El Dorado. AH. 71 7~m. Jennif r Ann 1sc11 ion. Ht. I . Box 443. Hayville. LA. 71 269: 256 . Jerem y s 0 11 1fresl1111n11). 2CX) Wilkerson Dr.. Newport. AH. 72 1 t 2 . Harrelson . Ma ttl1ew (Senior). 2 13 Sa\'anrrnh Roun i . Sun1111cr\'ille. SC. 29485: 58. 250. Harrington Brian T. (Junior). 258G co, ·en t Gclns . Ct.. Tl1ousancl 0<1ks. C \ . 91362 . 1arris Damo n w. !)union . 2309 C l1<1 rles1owne. Semcy. i\R. 72143: 80. 170. t 72 . Denton J. (FrC'sl1111a111 . l loutc 2. Mo ult o n . L\ . 52572: I 15. 250 . Ericka Brooke 1Frcsl1man). t 80 I Jlarpc tl1 Fli, ·cr Dr.. Brc111woocl. TN. 37027: I 15. 25G . Gregory (Fres l1ma111. 194-J. Web FOOi PICICC , Jacksonville. FL, 32259. Bi ll (Staff). 1404 Deener Dr.. Searcy. AK. 72 143: 44. Jacqueline (Faculty). I I 0 Dci'ln S I , SC'i'lrC') '. r\H, 72143. Jeffrey B. (Senior) . Ht. I . Box 821\. Glen E<1s1011. \NV. 26039 : 2G I . Jennifer Lee 1Fresil1nrn1). 2142 \.\ '. 3 Gt l1 St.. Davenpo rt . 11\ , 52806 . John 0 . (Junior) . 1\pt. 1-11. 11wy. 59 s .. . \1l a111<1. TX. 7555 1: 214. Karl Alaine (Senior). Ht. I , Hox 242, Vrn1. rx. 75790: 58 . Keri Lynn (Grcl Etluc). 1403 w. Colin . 11arrison . AR, 7260 I : 130. Kevin Scott (Senion. 703 S . Oak St.. I larrison. AR. 7260 I : 58. Kimberl y r\ . (Juni or). 82S Tim!Jerv. •c>ocl Pl.. Escondido. c, \, 9202G: 5 8 . I G7. Lara E. (Frcsilrnan J. 2002 \Noo<Jrock Dr.. Duncan. OK. 73533: I 15. 256. Laura D . (Jllniort . Lavelle (Stal fJ. 48 1nc li <111 Trail. semcy. ,\K. 72143 . Robert s1acy 1crc1 Etluc1. 265 1 D'ilX'tYille Dr.. Mobile. 1\L. 3bci9:>: 158 . Shelly D . I ~eni or). 19GG 11wy. 167. Braclforci. 1\H. 72020: 27. 58. 150. 168. navis J. (Fresl1ma t1 1. 5506 Oak cove. Kingwoocl. T X. 77345: 252 . Harrison Amber L . (Frest1nmn1. 2:180 Jlwy. 16. Secirr) '. AR. 72143 . Russell I . Wreslmmnt. 2 I 75 Hw~ · - 2(j7 S .. earcy AH. 72 14 3 Harsh . Julia E. (Junior). 439 Little Creek n<i . . Harmo ny. Pt\ , 1 m>:~7: 2G5 . Ha rl . Tonja H. (Sopl1oniore1. 3 t 5 Scarlc1rs \\ '<1) '. Co llie1Y ille. TN. 380 17. I lartin JoAnne (Sopl1omore1. 30 S r. harles. i\lidlotl1icin. TX. 76065: 96. LeAnne (Sopho m ore). 30 1. Charles. l\licllo tl1ian. TX. 76065: 06. JJ;:ir tsfield . Jennil e r (Fresl1man ). 3834 1-1wy. 36 W.. earcy. AR, 72143 . Jlarvey Deborah DeAnnc (Senion. 9 1 18 Piper LIL Dallas. TX. 75228: 58. 245. Laura Lee (Freshman ). 4336 Burgundy Rd .. Mempl1is. TN , 38 1 I I : I 15. 129. 260 I la rz . Albert Robin (P Grnd) . Has1cn. Janell o. (Sopl1omore). Rr. 2. Box 977. Sa lem. MO. 65560. I lauge. Deborah LeAnn (Freshman ). PO. Box 93. Roe. t\R. 721 34: 96. 200. 11aug ll1 Dicine (S l<l ff). 22 o . L. Jones Rd .. Bald Knob. AR. 720 10. James Edward (Junio r). 22 n. L. Jones Rel.. Ba ld Knob. AR. 720 I 0. 11m1stcin. Joiln P. (Freshman). 14 79 1 Appa lacl1icin -rrciil.. Chest e rfi e ld . MO. 630 17: 1 16. 11avmcl . Jcison s. (Junion. BOG I icardy. Lufkin. TX. 7590 1: 8 1, 259. I Javens. Caroli ne M . (Sopl1o m o rc). 2713 FWsswoorl. Plano. TX. 75075: 130. 15 1. 252 . 11awlcy . Shannon Ly nn (Senior). 3255 W H ill top Ln .. Franklin. WI. 53 132: 58. 187. 256. 11aycs 1\ s l1ley B. (Sophomore). 155 Fciirway Blvd.. Jackson. TN . 38305: 81. 06. 15 1. 250. Bradley T (Juni or). 155 Fairway Bl\'cl .. Jackson. TN . 38305: 166. Danna J. (Junior). I 14 . Va lley Rel. . Searcy. AR. 72 143. Ke ll y E. (SC"nior). 170 1 Okmulgee Ct . Nonl1 Little Rock. A R. 72 I 16: 58. J laynes . C11arlo tt e (Staff) . 999 Donnie tevens Rd. Juclsonici. AR. 7208 1. 11aynie Freddie (Seni or). 205 Chrisp. Searcy. AR. 72 143: 58. K<1y la (Facult y). 6 Jawcin la. Searcy. AR. 72 143: 35. Pmrl (FacL1lt yJ. 6 Jaw a ncla. Secircy. 1\R. 72 143: 32. 170. 11;1ys I lolly A. (Senior). 3 1 o Mecidowlake Apts . #2. Searcy. AR. 72 143: 58. 1 l1illip Nea l (P Grad). I laywood. Stacey Lynn (Seni r). 330 Mcison S t. 11 I Springs. AR. 71913: 58. Haywood-Powell . Jo hanna F. (Senior) . 40 I E. Marke t. Searcy. AR. 72 143: 58. I !<:'ad . Debra J. (Sophomore). 3760 Little Rock. Rose Bud. AR. 72 J3G. Jlea ly . Sara J. 1scnior). 22 F11ller Te rrace. A lbany. NY. 12205 . llcmcl A ndrew D . (Fresl1mnn). 4534 Reel Bluff Rd .. Glosrer. LA. 7 1030: I I G. 138. 26 1. S1ept1anie S. (Fresl 1man ). P.O. Box 824. Clrerokee Village. AR, 72525: 22 11cas ley Damon R. (Senior). 8304 1rner locl1en Dr.. Nixa. MO. 65714: 130. Robin L . (Senior) . 5683 . Douglas w ay. Anderson. JN. 460 13: 130. 192. 193. JJca th . Leora Carme n (Juni o r). 1o1 11appy Ci rc le. w. Monroe. LA. 7129 1: 77, 8 1. 167 . 11ca t11scott . scinclra Lynn (Grcl Educ). 3 12 I lodge Rd .. Judson ia. r\R . 72 8 1. I lcbe rt . Budd (Farul1y). 402 E . Cenrer. scare). 1\R. 72143: 2-J.. 11cclclen . Ryan B. (f-' resl1n ian1. 4680 Olcl I lickory Trail.. Arling ton . T . 38002 : 104. I JG. 256. 11cclgcco rtl1 . Tessa Kay (Sopl1omore1. 9309 weclgewood Ln .. Cha tt a nooga. TN. 3742 1: 96. 250. J l eC'ke. Brems. (Senior). Rt. 1. Box 1+7. E\·ans1on. IN . 4 753 1: 58. 20 I . Heffington. Hea1her A 1sophomore). 5G Edwina Court . Day1on . NJ.088JO:BI. 15 1. 166 . 25 1. 253 . Hcineke. Mary Racl1el (Junior). 2505 2nd Ave. N . E.. n rsrnloosa. AL. 35+06: 81. 143. 166. 172, 265 . 11c insc lr11;:111. Brenr T (Sen ior). 4833 Topeka Ct.. Atlarna. GA. 30338: 5 8 . 146. 252 . Jle lm Margarer (Senior). Rt. I I Box 0-2 . Santci FC'. NM: 171 . Perer s t1cine (Junior). P. 0. Box 3 1OI . Russellville. t\R . 72801: 81. Rebecca Anne (Grd EduC). P. 0 . Box 67. Perryville. KY. 404-68. lle llllS Cheryl Leigh (Grcl EduC). 9 18 S. Inglewood. Russellville. i \R. 7280 I . Donna (S1afl). 71 I E. Markel #6. Searcy. A FC 72 143: I 0 , 44. 250. Jmnifer L. (Freshman). 23002 Ashfi lei . Lake Fores t. CA. 92630. Mary E. (Grcl MFr) . Hcl1on Richarcl A. 1sopl1omorel. 8 Kingwood. Cabot. r\R. 72023 : 229. Vikki L. (S nion. 50 King" ood. abot. AR. 72023: 58. 11e n1me ricil . Tamar S . (Fresl1mci111. Hemphill I ana B . (Junior), 275 Wood Fred Dr.. Cabot. AR. 72023 : I 7 . Willicim (Fcicu lt y). 275 w oodfrcd Dri\ 'e. abot. AR. 72023: 24. 13 7 . I lc nclc rson Amy L. (Junior). P.O Box 2479. Grancl Junction. CO. 81502: 82. 247. 259. April D . (Freshman). 130 N. Emerson. w ena1cl1ce. \Vi \ . 9 8801 : 96. 158. Benjamin i\I. (Senior). 405 AF Rocid. Dexter. MO. 638+1. Elizcibetl1 I. (Senior). Box 5005 Southern S t. . of M .. I lattiesburg. i\IS. 39+06: 58. I t 3. 172 , 174, 265. Jennifer t ta lf). 15 C lo\'erdale. Searcy. 1\I~ . 72143. Jessica E. (Freshman). 607 N. Joyce t. . Ulysses. KS. 6 7880: I I G. I 65. 259. Josl1uci C. (Freshmcin). I I 34 Meadow Run Cr.. Duncanville. TX . 75 13 7 : 11 6 . Lisa I . (Junior). 137 1 Cha tter ton Rel .. Eagan. MN. 55 123 : 59. 265. l\Jary 1Fresl1man1. 405 AF Road. Dexter. MO. 63841: 265. Mattl1ew (Sopl1omore). Box 5005 ou1l1crn (f)tun Juckscm hit <he chuus with a < 3· song album - "Wl10 I Am... Th is ho1. yo11110 country s inger w irl1 his 1 c>-gallon hor hos enough µorenrial hit singles on this. hisfourrli allJum. 10 keep him in 1he chips for o lono 11111c . P/1010 courresy of Ri\ t Pho10 SC:'ruice. Inc. St..U. of S . M .. Ha ttiesburg. MS. 9406: 265. Parsy (Specia l). Robert "'" (Fresl1man). 2256 Oak Jlills Dr.. Pi tt sburg. CA. 94565: 96. 244. 11cnclon . carol (Facul ty). 5 Sherwood Loop. Searcy. 1\R. 72 143. llc nclric ks Bricin K. ( ophomore). 60 Caney Creek Rd .. BaleS\'ille. AR. 7250 1: 96. Lori r\ . (Junior). 15810 N.E. 35111 St., Vancouver. \VA. 98682 : 230. 23 1. Marsha (Facul1y). I oo w. Vi ne #4. Scare~ '. AR. 72 143: 39. Jlc nclrickson . Cl1ris1y L. (Sopl1omor 1. I .0 . Box 1064. Jas1 er. TX. 75951 : 96. 250. llemlrix Ashlee D . (Freshman) . 5547 s . Elmira. Springfield. MO. 658 1O: 130. Chris1opl1er Paul (Junior) . 4020 Country Sq. Dr.. C<ln tonmen1. FL. 32533 . Jake D . (Junior) . 1863 Park Cr.. Marysville. A. 9590 1. Jana C. (Freshmcin). 9 Rue Pciul Gauguin . G9330 Jl or/Jcr 1 0 lli f)l1fil l MeyziC'u. France: 116. 143 . 164. Kiri Page (Sophomore). 4243 Cl1elsea Dr.. Ba1on Rouge, LA , 70809: 9G. Henegar . Amy L. (Fresl1man). 8140 Pasadenci /\Ve .. LCIMCS<l , A , 9 194 1: I 16. 2-J.5. Henman. Mark B. ( enior). 9722 su1llerland w ay. Garden Grove. CA. 92644: 40. 59. 138 . Henry He len e les1e (Jun ior). 240 1 Hirlcten Lakes. Columbia. T . 3840 1: 59. 250. Juli e Ann Basl1c1w iSpe ial1. R. R. 2 . Box 3 15. Waller. T X. 7748-J. . Rebecca M . (Freshman), 1208 . Monroe St.. Lexingron. NE. 68850: 116. 168. 248. Sheila M . (Junior). 1208 N. Monroe. Lexing1on. NE. 68850: 82 , 149. 166. 248. 249 . Sl1ereen Jean (Senior). - 024 l1eyenne Ave .. Love land. CO. 80538: 59. 150. I 70. I 73 . Henslee. Clirn c. (Sophomore). 437 Firelly Dr. . nrcker. GA. 30084 : 96. Henso n Dana Jo (Fr s l1rnan). 40G Oxford Rd .. Lexington. . 29072 : 124, 256. Eli zabe th R. I opl1omore) . 1-1ea1he r L. (Sopl1omore). 5564 i \nn Peake Dr.. Fci irfax. VA. 22032: 9G. 245. 11e rcil cl. Mar i Linn !Jun ior). Rt. 2. Box 16. Hook r. OK . 73945: 82 . HerlJert . .Joseph M . (I ISBS). 920 s . Hwy 16 1. Jacksor1\'illc. AR 720 16 : 130. He rman . Cin ly ( opl1omore1. Z.2 . Apto . 1 I · I o 1. one!. a11adas cle San Angel. Gua1emci la it ) '. Gua1emala , 0 1002 : 96 . He rnandez Carlos Donari ( opJ1omoreJ. Calle El Colegio. Bo. El Cernro. Gualcic . O lcincho. Honduras : 96. Guille rmo (Freshman). Rcmbranch #5230. Guadalajara. Jal.. Mexico: 13 I . Heriberto R. (Jun ior). 917 1w e . A. Eagle Pass. TX , 78852 . Juan Carlos (Fres l1man) . 5230 Rembrandt Co lonia. zapopan Jalisco 45000. Mexico: 13 1. Vel\'et I. (Sopl1omorcJ. 4 1a . alle 15-83 Zona 14. Guci1emci la City. Guaternalci : 1 16 . Vince Ramon (Sopl10111orcJ. Rp10 . Las Brisas. Casa E-32. l\lanagua . Nicaragua : 96 . I le rnclon Lee T. (Fresl1manJ . 242 Slickback Rd . Benton. KY. 42025: I 16 . Mic hael D . (Fresl1man 1. HC. Box 1 19. Forsy1J1. MO. 65653: I I 6 . 252 . Natalie . (Senior) , 1o 14 Biglane or.. Brookhaven. MS. 9GO I : 59. 197. 2GO. He rren Angelia c. ( enior). I 608 Loberg. Jonesboro. AR. 72401. Jeffery P (Senion. 9355 JJwy . + 12 west. Paragould. AR. 7245 Herrin . Kci1!1y J. (Freshman). 102 River Oaks Blvd .. Searcy. AR 721.J.3: I JG. 1-J.0. 168. 247 . Herrmann . Mera (Sophomore) . 562 E. Thomas St. . Oak Vi w. C . 93022: 82. I lesselrocle Sl1elly Lenay (fresl1man 1. 1993 1 Windy Nook. Houston. TX. 77084 : I 16. 265 Stacy L. (Jun ion. 1993 1 Windy Nook Dr.. Hous1on. TX. 77084: 265 . Hes tehave . Kre ten B . (Fresl1mcin). 202 F \ . Rockrimmon Bl, ·d .. o l rado Springs. o . 80919: I 16 . Hes1erman Micl1ael (I ISBS) : I 30. Sandra (S1aff1. 1108 w Cen1er. Searc y. AR. 72143. Hes ters, Kristi Mic h lie JGrd Ecluc). I OG Mary Ellci Dr. . Searcy. AR. 72 143. Hewilt . Jason R. I enior). 812 Lane St. . Irving. TX. 7506 1: 59. 154. 155. 16 . I 73. I 74 . Hibba rd . Rebecca L. ( opl1ornore1. 260 l3ircl1clifle ere . Hami lton. Ontario. anada. L8T4L: 96. Hic kerson . Ashley D. (Fresl1111cin ). 1 12 Essex Ct .. Jacksonville . r\R . 72076: I 16 , 155. 26 I . Hi krnan David Spencer (Grcl EduC): I 30. Mary E li zabe1!1 (Senion. I 62 11 Kuykend a l1!. Houston. TX. 77068: 150. J lickmon . William. Jr. (Faculty), I-I L' 2262. Searcy. AR, 72 149: 20. 2 I . Hi cks Charles (Facu lt y). 207 Li\'e Oak. Searcy. AR. 72143 . LaDonna J. (Senior) . Matthew D . ( ophomore1. 512 Windl1ill. N . Little Rock. AR. 72 118: 82. 2 4 . Melincla (Sraff). 207 Live oak. Searcy. AH . 72143: 44. Sara L. (Junior). 2 108 Ellicott Dr.. Tallal1a ee. FL. 323 12: 59. 256. Higbee. Laura R. (Junior) . 684 Caroline Cove. Colliervi lle. TN. 38 17: 82. 142, 220. 265. Higginbo1harn. A .. Jr. (Staff) . I 120 Ella. sear y, AR, 72143 : 16. 17. Higgins Jaquline Renee I p ia l). Je remy S . (Junior) . RI. 4. Box 464. Mc.'\les1er. OK, 7450 I : 259. Lexie Di'1\nn (Special) . lliggs Jerry L. 1so1 homore1. 420 . 1Oth S i. w es t He lena. AR. 72390: 9 7 . Steven (Junior) . 11igl1fi ll . Julie D . 1sopho111 re1. 287 I n ct e x