1994-1995 Yearbook

Business Group Travels Overseas To Teach and Serve Masses in Romania School of Business T IK' School of Business tl1rew its hat int o the ring thi s ye<ir wi tl1 ot lwrs wl10 trcivc led overseas doing vcuious types of c<:m1paigns . 1\ltl1o ug l1 missio11ary emphasis was a definit goc1l. tl lC drivi11g motivation for tll e ir trave l was business rel<1tcci. Dr. l-3uclci I lebert . assoc ic-1 1e professor of busin ss. junior Jociy vcnkc-ucsc-m . senior Bri a11 Hoover. sopl1omore Wendy Mm1ricio ancl nine businessmc11 spe111 IO days in Romania in Septeml K'r conduc ting sma ll business seminars. \ 'i iting an orplla11;:1ge <:mci transpor ting medications to c l1ildren in need. In Hornanic-1. tl1e group l1e ld seminars to teach new business people abou t leaders l1ip . c ust omer servi c and business planning. financ ing and regulations. Worksl1ops cover ing such topics c-1s labor relatio11s and maximization of profits cclucatecf busi11essmen in Eas tern European coun tries ;:me! the former Sovie t b loc. 'Tiley were llungry for anything tl1a t pertai11ect to free enterpr ise." Hebert sa id . "Tiley wanted to learn busi11ess." While tl1cre. the group also visited a g irls'orpharl's hom e. ctistributing c lo thi11g and m ed ic ine w l1ic l1 had been collected from I Iardi11g s tuden ts. facult y and s ta ff . "Tiley were very exc it ed tl1a t we were the re: it was a qui f' t excitemen t ," ve11ka tesan sa icl . 'They want ed the ir picture~ t,1kcn witl1 us. "I remember one g irl wl10 c ri ed wl1en we le ft .'' Ile said. "It wc-1s very important to them thc-11 they rece ived what they did. It was CIS ii thi s was til e firs t tirnc anyone had done anytl1ing for tl1cm... Tl1eir trans lc-uor was to uc l1ed by tl1e ges ture. vcricatcsc:in related lie r reacti on. "People don't come e\'ery day from til e Un it ed States with bags and boxes of c lo thes fo r people tl1ey don't know... s l1e sa id . As tl1e v isi tors wait d for a group o f children . a missionary suggested that they star t singing. "A w e did, a few children popped tl1e ir heads in the door. Tl1e kids wanted to s ing back." vencaresan sa id. They knew an American l1ymn in Homanian and asked if they cou ld s ing it fo r their guests. "We heard the most beautiful harmony as they ang a familiar tune in the ir ow11 language," Hebert sa id . Tl1e group made a delivery o f medical supplies to Fundeni I !Ospita l in Bucl1arest and v is ited with a Dr. Provac, head o f urologica l medicine in Romanicr. "We have been waiting fo r you ... fo r 45 yea rs ." he to ld them. This was the fo urtll such trip by business professors from Het rding in tl1e las t yea r . Dr. Bob Re ly conduc ted seminars last May fo r the Univers ity o f Bucharest . the loca l church and tl1e Cl1ambe r o f Commerce . "It was xciting to involve business students," he said. "This program was a good model fo r tl1e Scl1ool of Business ... Tl1e trips w e re pl anned throug l1 th e Cent e r for Interna ti o nal Business. a new program within the Schoo l of Business. Developed to assist fore ign na ti ons through Chris ti an support. the Cen ter served as a link between organizations such as tl1 Romanian government , trade and educa ti ona l sys tems and the Romanian bus iness commun ity. The university is cons ide ring s imilar programs in other developing coun tri es . - Ka thry n George I Ir. Bo/1 l{c ·lly <-;/Jli/C''i Ill WSflO/lS ( ' l<J (/ '-;l(l(/('ll/ ~'; CU/ll//JC'll/S Slll<iC'lllS (( 'CT< ' CO/lSlrnll/!J fill<fill<J ll 'U!JS IC!C'l l/('r/(/I/) /)( )//J l/J( ' /lJSd! 'C'Sll/)(///Jl'irtc·ucfl< 'IS . I'/)()/() f>!J ./USOIJ ill/rt 1'illl ,\ IOO/'C' . (/SH/(/('/ JI (( 'I 1rk1-r in ti l<' Sci)()( >I (>I BL /Sil )( 'SS. rnJs(( •c-rs c1 qw·stion}or \\'c•n<fy sw/Jur<I . T/1c· Sc/100/ 11} Husill<'SS fl(/( '(' S/l/(/('IJIS /)r<l( ' /icu/ ('X/U'(i('/J('( ' in /Jo1/1 olfin ·s <11)(/ ccJ111pr11c·r /u/1s. l'/1010 l>!J .J<1so11 Ill/rt. B ti Si 11 <'SS 25 1\ (' (/ (/ I' Ill i C S