Fa irl1opc. 1\L. 36532; 9 1. 252. Thom os M . tFrC'sllmon). P.O. Box 81. Wi lli ford. AR. 72482 ; I 14 Velmo c. (Senior). 2025 . College ,\\'e . 223. Fl Coll ins. co. 80524. Dunham. Julie / \1 111 (Junior). 248 Be1ha11y Cllurcll Rd .. F<lirview. NC. 28730; 94. 161. 163. Dunk le. Sl1cryl L. (Fresl1man). PSC 37. Box 1974. APO. AE. 094'°9. I I 4. 159. 262. Dunmoycr Ni o llc ,J. (. il 1n ior). HcL 8 108. r-ri1 z1own . I'/ \ , 19608; 130. Dunn Dciwn (Sopl1omore1. Daym1Sue (Senior). HI. 4. Box 370. Fairfit'lc l . IL. 62837; 55. 168. 260. James (I ISl3SJ. 502 E . ce111er. Seorcy. 1\ H. 72 143. Micki c -ivlc (Senion. P. o . Box 1267. Conifer. CO , 80433. 55. 25 I . Richard Brac lley (Sopl1omorC'). 2302 Cas1IC' Rock . cmro ll1 o n . TX . 75007 . Wa lke r A. (G rcl E< IUC'I. Duran . K<1 1ri1m M (J 1111 ior). 1408 S l1c rwoocl , I lo p e. A l . 7 180 1. Durham James (Staff) . 1415 Wallis. Searcy. AR, 72 143. SUSil ll L. (SopllomorC'). 6 10 I N. 'vVe<i tl1n1Jy I r.. Shreveport. L \ . 7 1 129; 94. 10 1. 2+::- . Du11on . Amy R (Senion. 123 11wy 258. Juctsoniil . AR , 7208 1; 171 Duva ll . Benjcir11in I . (Frcshnmn) . 503 ; \ Clclr ' He!. . Norfo lk . NE. ()870 I . I 14. 256. Duzan s11e lly K. (Jun ior). 1418 Crescent. Odess<i. TX. 79 76 1: 70. Dwigh1 James 11 . Jr. o=resllman). 4 I 9 Cl1n1110 11i x Dr.. Fred e ri cksb u rg. V1\ . 22405; 252. Jami E. (Senior). 4 10 Cl1cimonix Dr.. Fred erickslJurg. VA. 22405; 4 1. Dyche. Dovie! Lee (Fresl1man) . .+790 C leve lanct Ave . #808. Fl. MyC'rS. FL. 33007; I 14. 246. Dye Carrie Lynne 1sopl1omore). 1829 Snn ta Fe. Lewisville. TX. 75067; 130. Dyer Aliso n L. o=resl111 rnn1 . 606 1\ rn 1adillo Cl . Cccta r Hill . T X. 75 104; I 14. 260. Candace Lea l1 (Sen ior). 3605 C inm 1mo n ·rwcc. Va lrico. 1: 1. . 33594; 55 . Dykes . Lai in<t (Smff). 13 Magnoli <:1 Dr. Searcy. 1\R. 72 143 . Dynic wski. Jason P (Frcsl1mnn l. 3 I I I t Ion •ydew Or.. Carrollt o n. TX. 75007. Ea ly. Angela M . (Fresl1man). 8255 S1i ll Oaks Cv.. ordOWl, T . 380 18: I I 4. 265 . Earls . w e ncty Y. (Junion. RI. 1. Box 13 1. Biscoe. AR. 7:20 17 . Eason . Jen nifer M . tr-resllrnan ). 2529 Quail Hoot>t Rd .. M icl< llel>urg, 1: L . 32068; I 14, 15..J., 158. 164 . Ea1hc r ly . Joy Brnc llcy (Freshman ). 137 15 RC'pa Lil .. I IOUSIOn , TX. 77014; 259 . Eaton . Stacie H. (FrC'sl1mon). 15 16 Ponderoso Dr.. Lebonon. T . 37087; 114 . EIJy. Jacob S . (Sopl10111ore1. 2540 Hoxburgh Dr.. Roswell. G 1\. 30076; 94. 259. Ecl1ols. Jona11lan B . <Frcsl1man). 2648 \'esclub Cr.. Birming11a111. 1\ L . 352 16; 94. 2 13. 264 . Economics Te am. 1.i.2 . Edcting ron . Jci11a K. 1Sopl10111ore). 00 River Oaks Commons. Searcy. 1\R. 72 143; 79 . Edctins. Jcim es. 111 (Facult y). 24 Jenny Lynn Dr. Searcy. A R 72 143; 20. ELlc lhube r . tcpl1c n (Grtl EtluC) . Ec lcns . Jason Dan ie l (Fresllm<111). 2857 S tarr AHO> .. Oregon. 0 11. 43() 16 ; 04. 246. Edmerson . Gamaiel tr-rcsl1rm111). I 9727 Leapwood. cmso11. CA. 0074(); 94. t 63. 229. Eclmiasto n Jus1in A. (Junior). 6330 40rh , \ \ 'C. .. S1. Petersburg. FL. 33709; 79 . 203. 264 . Wendy L . (Freshmon). 6350 40lh ,\\'e. N.. S1. Petersburg. FL. 33709; I 14. 250. Edwards Be rnard M . (Frcsl11nrn11. l '.O. Box 160. Cu llman. A L. 35056; 229 . Denise Ly nne (Sopl10111orc1. Ma rtha Sue (Spec ia l). Pllillip M . (Freslml<lll). HI. I . BOX 273. Lowell. AR. 72745; 11 4 . Terry (Slaff). Via niozzi 57. -oo 18 S andicci Fl. Ha l ~'. . Vinson Lee (Senior). 11 o E. 23rd S1.. Benton . KY. 42025; - 5. 229. - 6 1. Witliarn L. (Senior). 19 1 I lorvarct Ave .. Lewisville. TX. 75057 . Ehrc 11 . -11acy (Fresl1111an ). 4622 O lcl 1ti ckory nai l. . A rling 1o n . TN. 8CX)2: I 14. E lclri clgc , Go il (Specia l). Elicsc u . Ra luca (Seni or). s i r. Viore le 34. Bl. 15 . Sc 4 Apt 133. Buc l1arcs1. Homania: 55. 140. 172 . 260. E llcctge. Rocl1ell e L . (Sopl1omore1. t 913 Vista Dr.. Modesto. <::A. 9535"'; 94. 26'°. E lliOii Davie! (Facu li y). 800 N I lolly. earcy. 1\ R. 72 143; 36. Gary (Facu li y). 2 River Oaks Bl\·ct . earcy. AR. 72143; 10. 11 . 11eai l1er LaRuc (P Graci ). 2 Hiver Oaks B l\ 'd .. Semcy. AR. 72 143. Lea l1 Renee (Seni or). Macte ly n (Facu li y). 1602 w. Pleasure Ave .. Searcy, AR. 72 143. Marli D . (Freshman). 409 Al ice. Deer Park. TX. 77536; 11 4. Melisso K. (Sopl10111orc). 409 A lice. Deer Park. T X. 77536; 94. 256. 264. Patricia Kaye (Frcs)11 m 111 1. 800 N . I lo ll y. Searcy, AR. 72 143: 94. 256 . Hebecca A nne (Sopllo 111o re1. 800 N. I lolly. Searcy. 1\ R. 72 14 ; 79. 248. Tercssil Ann (Senior). 240 w. l\ lenclota Rd .. 'v\'. Si. Poul. MN. 551 18 ; 252 . E llis 11ea1her Rae (Senior). 4 1 1 East l\tarket. Searcy. AR. 72 143; 758; 55. 154. 166. 247. I lo lly M . (Sophomore). 22930 .\V. Manden Dr.. 1l1alatin. OR. 97062 : 79. 129. 196. 265. Lori L eo (Sopl10111ore1. Mt" lissa A . (Sen ion. 4000 Lynn Ora Dr.. Pensacola. FL. 325 14; 55. 14 7. 169. Morri s (Faculi y), 41 I E<is1Marke t. Seorcy, AR. 72 143; 36. 154. I ()() . YVC' ll e Yol<i 11da (Freslmian). 6807 N. 12 tll Si.. Ph iladelp lliil. PA. I 9 126 ; 158. 247. E llison . Caro l E. ( enior) . Elme r . Sara r oe l (Sophomore). 67752 Lower CO\ 'C Rel. . cove. OH. 07824; 94. E l rod Mark (Faculty1. 3 E\'crgrecn. Searcy. 1\ R. 72 143; 32. Ta ra L . (Sopl10111ore). 1605 Greenwood Cutoff Rei.. weat11erford. TX. 76086; 94. t <> 1. 163 . Tisl1 tStoffJ. 3 E\·ergreen . Scare} '. 1\ R. 72 143; 256. E l~nc r Bradley R. (Freshman); 94. 252 . Lm1ra , \ 1111 (Grd Educ). 913 Soutl1 20t l1S I . Rogers. AR. 72756; 250 E ly. Rebecca F. (Junior). Em e ri c k cam L. (Sophomore). so Locl1ow H( i .. Sequim. \V . 98382; 94 . Em e rson Clt111on \\'. <Sophomore1. 2909 S. Daie. Broken ,\rrow. OK. 740 12 ; 94. 229. 259 . crystal R. (Senior). 9429 res1lake. Dalio -. TX. 75238. ,\l icl1ciel tFoculty). 1301 D encr Dr . SC'arcy. AR. 72143 ; 24 Enctc rr . Maria J. (Junior). 3329 Roxona Hct .. l\lo111gomery. 1\L. 36109; 79. End~tcy. Dm·ict Russell tFresl1111on). 41 1 Loi Jowk Dr.. I lcbcr Springs. 1\H . 72543. I I 4 En g tanct oon (F<icu l ty). 928 E. M<irke1. Scorcy. :\ H. 72143 ; 9. Kari Leo (Sophomore). 2 14 t 1oncyhil l Lp.. Searcy. 1\R. 72 I .+3; I 08. 250. I\ lark Thomo (Sophomore). 928 . 1- tarket. earcy. 1\ R. 72 143; 230. En~J cs. Billy Jake tGrd 1- tFrJ. Eng lis h Laun ,.\ . (Junior). 9585 .E . Dunct c Dr.. P rtland. OR. 97266: 265. Stocy L. 1sen1on. 104 Indian lr<til. Searcy. , \ H. 72 143; 53 . Engli~l1 De partrne111 . 34. Enriquez. I lenry Guill ermo ( en iol'). Apc!o . I 8 Tibas. Son Jose. Cos ta Rica ; 55 , I 72 . Eppc r~on . i \ lbert Hal (Sophomore'). 2 t Io Pel>IJI brook. Irving. TX. 7"'060; c 5. 255. 258. Ep ton . 1\ mando J. (Senior). 3605 Arctic Hl\'Ct. # I 452. Anchornge . AK . 9503. E ric~on . 11annon tFresl1man1. 1737 D laforcl. carroll1on. TX. 75007; 114. 159. 258. Es ·uc . molyn E. ( enion. ~498 Sulgrave Dr.. Mc111pl11s.TN.381 19;55. 137. 172 .2<35. Es1racta Luis , \ lejrn1dro Uunion. Barrio 1\lto Cruz. 1l1rriallJa. Cartago. Costa Rico ; 79. 172 . Morlene Rocio (Junior). 17 Crille 33-03 Zona 7 ' ol. Vi lla Lindo 2. Gurnem<i l<1. -ivctad. Guatemala. o 1007; 79. Eubo nk..., Andrew C. (Freshman). 104 Milin SI . El Po o. (fJL, •c1eesfledng llw "'°'"'"'" d«'fill< «' of Fi<ld Costro W('W refus('cf e111ry i1110 1/w l 'nite<I Stows . Presidc111 Bill Clinton <'n<ic·<i 28 ycors of fal'orcd 1rcw1nc'nl for Cl tl >on rcjuoces w1d or<1cred l '.S. ships 10 inwrccpt 1/1osc fleeing Cu/Ja /Jy boot to <letwn tlwm w the l '.S. SOl'!J /)(1Se in GllatllOIJ(llll() B<l!J. osrro wo.s ollowing rile rcjupee.s ro /c'rn '<' tile is /011<1 cour11ry and rens of 1/1ou .srn1<1s l>our<iert 1 nuke-shift L1 essels /Joun<ifor I ' /ori<fo. In t 980. Costro flooded Florido w it/1 mow t/Jon 12:>.CXX> Cu/Jons. Pho to courwsy of H,\I P/1010 S<'rL 'iCe. Inc. 1\H , 72045; I I 4. 244 . Kyle Wi lson (Grd Educ) . 2 13 \V. Sill. St .. Eclmc net. OK. 73003; 229. Us<1 1\1. tFresllman); 1 14. Evans Corl Dn\·1ct tSenion. 231 o Sun SJ ring Ct.. ' pnng. TX . 77373 . 55. 259. l1ri 1opl1er Keith (Sophomore). 23 1 o _ un S1 ring Ct .. Spring. TX. 77373 ; 79. 259. Gregory ,\ rFreshman). 3 Chipmunk ove Hct .. ,-\Slle\ 'ille. NC. 28804; I I .J.. 259. 11ca11l Woyne 1Juni n. 321 w. Leh1gl1 Ave .. l\ lu111lall. Pt\ . 15120; 7D . 25 1. Jaime Lyn (Freshman). - 40 Tobylyn11 Dr.. Nil lwi l le. T N. 372 1 I ; I 14. 15!), 254. 262. Jenny I. (Fre l1man). Rt. 2 . Box 266 . Pars n . KS. 67357; I 14. 154. 158. H I e ca 1\ . (Senion. R1. 1. Box I OH/\ . A lamo. TN . 3800 I ; 55. I 74. n <:icy D . ( enior). 3 Chipmunk Cove Rel.. ;\ She\'ille.NC.28804;55. I . 142 , 168. 169. 172. 174. E\'CrCll Pamela t peciol l. Velna ( pccial). Evins . Brndley 1\. tFresl1mani. 689 1 Aspcnhill Dr.. D u n c a 11 r o F e s 111 i r c Bartlett. TN. 38133. 95. Evrictge Lincla (Facult\'). 406 E. cerner. Searcy.. \H. 72143 . 28 Tl1omas L . IP c;rmh : 130 Ewing Elizol>e1i1 J (Sopl1omore1. t 055 Ook Pork Lil .. 1l1pelo. MS . 38801: fl5. 265. Jo11 Ricl1ard (Senion. 96 I Anc lerson Cr.. I leber Spring~ . , \II, 7254:3: 55. 223. 259 . EXlllll , JOl lll L. (SC'lliOr). 2 I I 0 Pebblebrook. Irv ing. TX. 75060. Eyri c l1. Elissil B (Frcshm<tn). I oo S. Seasl1orc I >r.. Long BcaclJ. MS. :39560. I 14. 158. 159. 254 Eze ll. , \ my H (Fresl1man1. 8904 E. 59 Pl .. T\.tlso . OK. 741.J.S. 243 Fahrenwa lcl Kristine Ly1111c (Grtl Ectun: 41 . M ichael Edwmcl (Senion. 15 Indian -11ail. Se<ircy. AR. 72143 . Fa in . Jessica tr-rcsl 1111<in). 3401 Mancil Ster Or.. Garland. TX . 75041; I 14 . -48 . Fa ll Fest. I 84- 187 . Fa l vo. Orlrn1eto u=ret>lm1<i111. 1205 Rl1oncta I r . iC('\ 'ill<> . FL. 32578; I I .J. . 229. 261 Falwe ll. llilcy D . (Senion. 975 l\ lcCull ugl1 . Cornlen .• \R.71701 .55. 149.160. 166. 172. 256. Family & .011..,umcr Sc ience!>. Department. 42 . Fam Ile r . Wayne B. (Freshman). Farna uzzo Misty Suz<i1111e (Senior). 306 S. Chorles. 'C'arc~'. t\ R 72 143 . Tirno1 l1y S 1sc•11ion. ~06 s . Cllarles. Searcy. A l < 72 1.J.3 . Faram . LinctsC'~ ' ,\ (Freshman). Rt. 1. Box 377,\. i \IVill . T •. 77- I I ; I 14. 248 Fo rley Crisrin<i 11 rsenion Fleure11e (Frcslmrn111. P.O Box 556. ,\lornllo11. r\R. 72110. 14. 11.J. . Paula L. tFreslllllan). 510 Miller Rd .. Juclsont<i . :\R. 7208 I ; I I 4 Robert . (Freslllllclll) . I 05 N . St. Vincent SI .. Morril1on . AH. 72 t IO: t 14. 264. Sl1annon S . (.Junior). 105 N . S1. Vincent. Morr ill on. AR 72 1 10; 79. 247. r-arnswo nh. t\ mancta K. (Fresl1monl . 605 w. 4111 I.. LO\'e la11ct . CO. 80537; I 14. 158. I 6 I . Farra r . Lucion I\ I. 11'rcshman1. 4743 S . Tacolllc :\\'e .. 1l1lsa. OK . 74107; 114. 144. 161 . 168. 245. Farri e r Emily Jane 1Fre lm1a11> 231 3 , , . Knox, ·illc . Broken i \rrow. OK, 74012 ; 265. Sl1elley J. (Jun ion. 23 13 \ \ '. Knoxville . Broken Arrow. OK. 740 12 ; 79. 168. 265 . Farri o r . -11esil1a tSpeciCJ I). Farris Ann L . (Junior). 506 sou1 l1wood Dr.. Bossier Ci l)'. LA. 7 I I I I : 79. Bar!)ara A . (Fresl1111<in>. 3 559 11wy 50 East . Columbus. MS. 39702. 130. Ste1 l1anie E ()un ion. 32 S t one~ ·brook . Searcy. t\R. 72 143. 150. Fast . Rolx·rt (Freshnia11 ). 5710 Hidgc Dr.. Arlington. TX. 760 16. Fa ulk11er Dennis (I ISBS). Sara l l (Stafl). I JU BOX 840. Searcy. AH. 72 149; 44 Fa u1l1. Liso A . (Junior) . 2406 94th way N .. 13rook l ~ ·n Park. MN. 55444; 79 . 141 . 154. 158. F<iyad . Jenniler c. (Fresllmon). 406 D<tvis 1\\'e. E .. Bossier it} . L . \ . 71110: 1 ~2 . Feagin. Karla (St<lff) . 206 SummC'rwooct Dr . Seor y. ,\ H. 72 143 Fears . Aprrl . 1Fr sl1111an1. P. o . Box 616. 11elena . AR. 72342 ; 9~. 145. I 48. I 65. Feas1e r . Monroe. \ . (Ju111on: 130. Feene ·. Mcghan K. (Junior). 122 N . Emerson. 1\ 11 Pro pect. tL. 60056. 79 . BO. 153. 164. 2 1. Fe lkne r . 1\ m<:1nct<i ·. (Fresl1man1. 819 Strange Dr.. Richmond. TX . 774<>9: I 14 . 250. Fe nske Conctice J. (Sen ior). 11 oo Li ncoln Ave .. York. N l-0. 68467. Condicc J. ( enior). P.O .Box 267. I tencterson. NE. 68371 . Fe rg uson . Jol11111\' (Slalfl. 1415 McGee. earcy, t\R. 72143. Fe rre n . Donald .\ . (Ju111on. 102 Solomon. Judsonia . :\ R. 72081 : 79. Ferris . !\Ii l1oel L. 1sopllomore1. 5068 \\ '. I lorlan Dr.. Terr I lilll te. IN . 47802 . Fesmire . Kimberly I . (Frcsl1man). 7208 Bonflclcl 283 I 11 <I e X