TX. 75446. Justin Thomas (Junior) . 507 N. I s t. Ho ney Grove. TX. 75446: 76. 229. 26 1_ Bankhead. Ramona L (Senior). Rt. 3 Box 1202. Front Royal. VA. 22630: 49. 150_ Banks James A . (Sophomore). 18 Brook Dr.. Quincy. IL. 6230 I : 9 I . I 92 . James G. (Senior). 209 Mcadowcreek Ln .. Dewey. OK. 74029: 130. Karen Joyce (P Grad). 12 1 Jawanda Ln .. scar y. AR. 72 143 . Barber Darren D . ( ophomore) . PO. Box 52 1. Bald Knob. AR. 72010: 91. 253. Gregory o . (Soph omore). 190 Barber Rd .. Bald Knob . AR. 720 I 0 : 9 I. 253 . Regina o . (Fresl1man). 270 Elumbaugh Rd.. Batesville. AR. 72501 : 109. 164 Barden Bill (Faculty). 1400 Headlee Dr. Searcy. AR. 72 143. Linda (Fac ult y). I 400 Headlee Dr. Searcy. AR. 72143. Barineau . Mi l1ael L (Sophomore). 265 N.W. 65 th Terrace. Planta tion. FL 33317: 9 1. 245 . Barnes Barbara (Fa ·uJt y) . 23 I larding Dr. Searcy. AH. 72 t43: 36 . Jennifer R. (Senior). 23 Harding Or.. Searcy. AR. 72t43: 174. Jerome (Staff) . 23 Harding Dr. Searcy. AR. 72143: 15 . Katherine C. (Freshman ). 45 11 Elde rbcry Coun . Matthews. NC. 28105: 109. Randy (Facu lt y) . Via niozzi 57. 500 18. Scandicci FI. Ita ly . Stacy L. (Junio r). Rt. 2. Box 127. 1-lo ncy Grove. TX. 75446. Bamen Regina K. (Freshman) . 8 Teresa Cr.. Searcy. AR. 72143 . Valerie L. (Junior) . Bamhan . Charles w. (Freshman). 27989 Lance Dr.. Bonita prings . FL 33923. Barr . Joel A . (Senior). Rt. 2. Box 537. Sheridan. AR .72 150: 39.49. 140. t72 . Barren . Patric ia (Staff). 2002 E Moore. Searcy. AR. 72143: 16 . Barris ters . 138. Barron . Cher ie Jeane tt e (Junior). Rt. 4. Box 422. Tifton. GA. 31 794 : 44. 76. 91 . 153. 160. 253 . Barrow. Je ffrey T (Sen ior). 157 Lake View. A ledo. TX. 76008: 49. Barry Conni E. (Junior) . I 04 Alan Dr.. Searcy. AR. 72 143 : 91. 143 . 149. Jennifer C. (Senior). 13967 Marquesas way # 19. Marina De l Rey. CA. 90292: 49_ nacy L. (Junior) . 350 River Rd.. Hudson. MA. 0 1749: 265. Barrak Ann J. (Junio r). Rt. 1. Box 44B. Merna. NE. 68856: 130. Banch Donald o an. Ill (Grd Educ). HCR 3. Box 8 A . Togo . MN. 55788. Tammy Marie (Senior). HCR 3 Box 8A. Togo. MN. 55788: 49. Bartee. Klay Knox (Grd MFT). Banh. Jill Renee (Freshman) . 6040 Springburn Dr.. Dublin. 0 1-1 . 430 I 7 : I 09. 245 . Banlen Darleen Erin (Sophomore). P o . Box CB 12670. Nassau. Bahamas: 130. Laura Elizabeth (Junior). 1590 Salem-warren Rd . North Jackson. OH. 44451 : 76. 265 . Bartl ey. Dennis w. (Freshman) . Gen . Delivery. Grottoes. VA. 24441 : 91 _ Barto lotta Luigia (Sophomore) . 1 12 Marco Ln.. Centerville. OH. 45458: 9 I . 252 . Michele (Freshm an). I 12 Marco Lane. Centerville. OH . 45458: 109. 252 Barton. Ashley K . (Freshman ). 413 Thlbcn C t .. Ba llwin. MO. 6302 I . Barwick Kristi M. (Senior). PO. Box 284. Hope. AR. 7180t: 49. 248. Robert Ne il (Junior). P. 0 . Box 284. Hope. AR. 7180 1: 76. 248. 265 Baseball Team . 212. 213 . Basham. Bryan E . (Sen ior). 2 176 Ireton nees Rd.. Moscow. OH . 45 t 53: 49. 244. 267. Basinger . Susan (Staff) . 2735 Hwy 87 . 8radford. AR. 72020. Basken Kristin E. (Junior). 5 17 Hillcrest Dr. . Kokomo. IN. 4690 1: 76. 256. Melanie D . (Freshman). 202 nacy Lane . Victori a. TX. 77904. Bass Carolyn June (Special ). Michael S. (Senior). 122 Charles Thomas Blvd .. Searcy. AR. 72 t 43 : 49. Ba tes . James Brent (Freshman). I 124 Dentonshire Dr.. Carrollton. TX. 75007: 77 . 109. 160. 246. Batey. Jerem y J. (Jun ior). 795 t s . 86 E . Place. Tulsa . OK. 74133 : 253 . Barres. Roberto Isaac (Junior). 8va Calle 25-34. Zona 3. Que tzalt en ango. Guat emala . 09001 : 172 . Baty . Cindy R. (Freshman ). 1814 We ldon Ave . . Newpon . AR. 72112 : 109. Baugh . Lawrence w. (Freshman). 308 Battleship Cove. Stafford. VA. 22554: 109. Baughman . Jamie Lynn (Freshman). 238 J. T Griggs Rd .. Calhoun. LA. 71225 : I 09. 244. 256 Baugus Lana (Staff) . 14 7 Rocky Parkway. Searcy. AR. 72 143 . Verlin (Staff). 14 7 Rocky Parkway. Searcy. AR. 72 143 Bawcom Amanda Dean (Freshman). t 400 Hillcrest . Searcy. AR 72 t 43 : 91. 256. Charles Jay (Junior). I 400 Hillc rest. Searcy. AR 72143: 265. Lana (Staff). 1400 Hillc rest . Searcy. AR. 72 t 43 : 43 Baxley . Todd J. (Freshman). P.O . Box 249. Mine ral Springs. AR. 71851: t09. Beach Andrea M . (Juni o r). P. O . Box I 77 t . Mt.Pleasant. TX . 75455 : 130. 150. Angela R. (Senior). 305 Latona Ln . N . Little Rock. AR. 72 I I 8 : 49. Nicole Mari e (Junior). 302 Wembley Ln .. Mancheste r. MO. 63021: 77. Beamon . Paul o .. II (Freshman). t 4807 Kimberwick Dr.. Bowie . MD. 20715: 109. 263 . Beard Audra L (Freshman). 2700 Ramsgate way. Ft. Smith. AR. 72903: t09. 142. 143. Ryan P (Freshman). 29 19 Rocky Mountain Ct .. Ft . Collins. CO. 80526: 91. 158. Samuel w. (Freshman). P 0 . Box 508. Rock Springs. GA. 30739: 130. Bearden Christopher J. (Fr shman). 269 Ki-Ke A cres Rd .. Searc y. AR. 72 143: I 09. Vanessa D . (Junior) . P.O. Box 412 . Ledyard. CT. 06339: 77. Beasley Bradley s . (Senior). PO. Box 3 I I . Ferris. TX . 75125 : 137. 256. 259. Karina A . (Sophomore). 2 1o B lueberry Hill Rd . N.W.. Cleveland . TN. 37312 : 149. 250. Terrance L. (Junior) . 34 t B Cypresswood Dr S .. Jacksonville . FL. 32257: 50. 264 . Beason . C lay R. (Jun io r). P.O . Box 194. Forney. TX. 75 126: 77 . 222. 229. 261. Beaulieu. Bren t w. (Freshman). 8100 Hercules or.. Jacksonvi lle. AR. 72076. Beavers . Karen Nicole (Senior). 30 Country Club Or.. Senatobia. MS, 38668: 50. 150. 164. 261 . B ebus. Adam T (Freshman). I 79 Io Lorence way. Eden Prairie. M . 55346: I 09. 263 . Beck Angela M . (Junior). 3 155 Sleepy Hollow. Bartle tt . T . 38134: 172 . Becker Amie c. (Freshman). 232 s. Ballas. Kirkwood . M0.63122 :9 1. 153.251. Canaan B. (Junior). 2780 Webster Dr.. Grand Junc tion. CO. 8 1503 : 77. 265 . Beckham. Russell B . (Freshman) . 2409 AShdown . Bossier City. LA. 7 1 I I I : I 09. Bedolla . Irene (Sophomore). 7818 w 98th PL . Hickory Hills . IL. 60457: 9 t . Beene. Kristen D . (Freshman). P.O. Box 22 1. Qui tman. AR. 72 13 1: I 09. Begay. Na thanie l (Junior). I Box 58. Gallup. M . 87305: 130. Behavioral Sciences Department , 33 . Behel Benjamin J. (Freshman). 8 B lue Ridge Dr.. Searcy. AR : 265. James (Staff). 8 Blue Ridge Dr. . earcy. AR. 72 143: 24 . Sally (Faculty). 8 B lue Ridge Dr.. Searcy \H 72 143 . Belch. Andrea D . (Freshman). t 836 Hunters Forest or.. Winston- a lem . 'C . 27103 : I 09. Ferne 11owe fan rhrough a l>rochure on rhe woll in rile new pectesrrian mall orea. The C. L. Kay plazo wo a new octctition to th campu rhi year. Pl1oto Liy Joson Bun. 155. 252 . Be l her . Michae l Todd (Freshman). tot 7 AShbury. Ola the. KS . 6606t : 265. Bcliech. Stephen (Staff). E. Married Bldg 3 Apt B-2 . Searcy. AR: t 6 . 45. Be ll Dorothy Ann (Grd Eduq. Hallie L. (Freshman). 1325 Charlest0n Dr.. Padu ah. KY. 4200 I : I 09. 25 t . Millard R. (Junior). 401 7 Oak Grove Rd. N . Little Rock. AR. 72118. Be llcock Be lva (Staff) . 128 woodland Dr.. earcy. R . 72143 : 43 . Nancy B . ( enioq. t 28 Woodland Dr.. Searcy. AR . 72143 : 48. 50. 158. 247. Belles & Beaux . t 55. Seltzer. Jessica M . (Junior). 73 3 Oay ton-Libeny. Dayron.OH . 45418: 77. 203 Belue . Wilham Russe ll (Senior) : 50. Bendickson noy D . (Freshman). 103 E. 2 t st. Grand Island. E. 68801 : 91 . Benke. Leslie A . (Senior). 304 Blou Clowe r Ln .. Bull hoals. AR . 72619: 50. 150. Benne tt . Bradl y (Staff). -os E . Vine. Scar y. AK. 72143 : 43. Benoit Me llodie M . (Freshman). I 009 Cass St. . ulphur. LA . 70663; t 09. She lly L. (Sophomore). 1009 Cass St.. ulphur. Bank e r 10 Berrerl1 LA. 70663: 9 t . Ben kin . Jaymie F (Junior). I 70 Be nskin Rd .. Jud onia . AR . 7208 t : 33. 77. 15 t Benson Bridge t M . (Sophomore). P. 0 . Box 7 . Imboden . AH. 72434: 91. 163. 233 . Linnea D . (Fre hman). 103 Bottin Dr . Vi ksburg. MS . 39 180: 255. 258 Penney Lynn (Sp<' 1a lJ. Benthall Jessi a ue (Fresr1man ). 32 w eathe rwood Ln . Maumelle . AR 721 13 : t 09. 256. Linda K. (Frcshman1. 32 w eatherwood Ln .. Maume lle. AH. 72113. 109. 256. Sheri Ly nn (Senior). 32 weathe rwood Lane. Maum lie . AH . 72 t 13. 50. 167. 256. Bento n Kimbe rly J. ( phomore) Mark (Facult y). 606 _ Woodruff. earcy. AH. 72143 . Melody (Staff) . 606 = vvooclroof. Searcy. H . 72 143 . Bequette. Brian G . (Grd EcluC'). I g H1vc r O<lks Ln.. Russe llville . AR. 7280 t . Berger . Christophe r S (Freshman). t 909 Northfield . Overland . MO. 63 t 14. Bcrmuclcz. Jaime F. (Junior). M1plan Costado Norpo nicnte Concha CEL Edif 3 . . entro de Gob1erno an a lvador. E l Salvad r : 77. 172 . Berreth. Troy L. (Freshman). 60 t Craig Dr.. Pales11nc . TX. 7 80 t : 229 (fJL idem limon sianed o 530 billi<m Crime Bill . The l1119P low bons rhc manufuc ture. sole and possession of 19 specific 1ypes oj nssrntll-st~Jle tueo1xms. 11 also allows rile c/e(lt/1 1wnol1y for GO addirionulf('deral crimes. including driuc-by sl1001i11g and rorjocking <leoths . As for Ilic money . t/1(' lrnt ' aw/1orizes billions ofdollors ouers ix y('ors 10b11ild prisons ond hiremore police. A11omey Gctwml .loner Reno soicl r/101 20.000 newpolice officers sl1ould be on the streets by J 99G. J>horo coun<'sy of HM P/1010 SertJice. Inc 275 I 11 d (' X