SERVICE PROJECTS Students benefit f ram helping others An ongoing proj ct for many years has involv d Shantih's work with th Migrant Headstart program. Members volunteer th ir time and energies to supply the needs offamil ies and organize sp cial parties for holidays throughout the year . "We enjoy working closely with this program becaus these childr n need the love and support that w e share with them ," club president Dee Dee Cook said. "I don't think there has been anything that made me fee l b tt r than seeing th ir faces light up when Christmas pr s nrs were distributed this year. For some. I think it may have been the only one they got." Kappa Sigma Kappa directed its service efforts for th second year in a row to a very sp cia l family . Eric Jenkins. a fre hman member last y ar. had to drop out of school for additional surgery for a brain tumor and tl1e club rais d mon y to assist his parents with accumulat ing medi al bills. This year . th y conduc t d a collection in chape l . held asp c ial servic day to do odd jobs and donat din excess of $4,000 to the "Friends of Eric Jenkins Foundation" a t hristmas time. In keeping with a strong tradition of d monstrating Christian love for others. th is year, club members continued in th ir commitm nt to ervi ce. Though th ir methods were diff rent. th actions and xampl of Harding social c lubs touch d th lives of hundreds , both in the local community and in fore ign lands . TNT-First Row: ./Cnny Ch<'SS«r. .le11111/er ./o/111so11. 1\ 111y Co11ner. Second How: .llllll SchmHz. Cha<I Bogle. T<Xld /-/owe/I. Kei th Moore. .llork /Jeun . .Ion ,\ /0111u<1tw. Hich Um/Jtlr(J. Hyun Smith. Thir<I How: Christion Scuf/cler. Shown Curts. Jrm Gaskins . .lim Miller. Stet>en 0110. i:/ior Gulycon. Do11 l 'rr1·1. Chris Turney. i\lortl iew I lf'JK/erson . Fourrl1 Row: James Johnson. Robbie Borwick. Clirisroplwr l'h//lips . ,\ '01l1un /lu/)(lolpl1. Zuck \1 'e.sley. Todd Ki les. Ben Kwon . ./uson Flint. Ket ,in \\'orren. Ben Behel. Fifth How: Tlwro11I/t111011 . l lnw r ,\ /<111sdoe1f<'r. Tin J./e11k ins. Don~ lu rrie. Hyun F/i111 . • 1-1c111 QllirJ /ey. Joy l::lowcom. Srxrh Row: Reuben /Juuis. Toflcl llclc/wr. .101111 Glacl<len . Kc111 Loshley. ,\/Hclwll 13/ue. Joson Flllmer. Rob 1\rgo. Scorr Schw1eqer. ,\/icl1ael Brooks. Set•c111h l<mt• : /30/Jl!!J I 'c11111rn11on . ./oslJ./o/Jnso11. LukeSal'Ofie. Don Norron. 1\llcn I lo llancl. I lonk Bingham. Jay llarnclen. Hyo11 11owurfl. E1~1h1l1 Hott>: ,\/ic/md I lorron. l '/Jrno IJy ./uson Burr - Me lissa Owen Zera Rho - F1rs1 Row: Lisa /-lf'ndcrson . Bo11nie Ga111. ,\/orcie Sullil'an. Trocy Borry. Swpho11re Neff. /Wehe/ Coner. Mandy .lo Alexancter. Stacy I lesselrocte. Shelley A llison. 1\ll1so11 Hector. Seconrt Row: Stoey Scl1C1jfer. Re11ee Sttwnson. Ln·cty Koy S11111h. Saro .\lcJunkins . Jc11111fcr \\'alkcr. ,\ /1~11 Jones. Sl1el/y / lesselrcxte. Leslw Teogtw. Llso Lrt•1nosro11 Third How Soroh Doy..llarcie Fows..\lissy ,\/cJunkrns. Carolyn Escue. Hochel I leineke. Sue .Jockson..111ca ly1111 l'orker. Founl1 Row. Beth ,- \nil Fox. />om Sheorer. Becky Segroues. Loura l:lorrle11 . Jone/ Gordner. Sheri Ut •111os1011. Twcey .\lcCor1111ck. Al1no Gmmpp. Shelley Forner. Emily Farrier Fifth Row: Aml:ier ,1 lyers . Jenny Daniel. Johnno Duke. Shonnon I 1'11/JHe. conoon Becker. Sora Krrkpwnck . Hocl1el/e Rose. Anoclo Eoly. S1x1h How: Kare suoo . .Jennifer D1smc1no. Loura 1110L>ee. Chemwne \\ '('(ll 'Cr. 1\ my Burns. Came Payne. .Jessica Stipp. Lesley I 1'/1irlock Sel'<'lllh How: Lisa Thomos . Jenny Chc~<>ser. Jennifer Jol111so11. /:J<•r/1 1 len<lerson . Hocl1el I /ole. Jlochel/e Elledge. /\na Kulilcl . Hochael Prtl'lll . I leWh<'r ll'icst'. .lenrry Corrwh Eiuh1h How· Showna Serbo. El1zol:Je1h Ewing. Cindy Chewhw11 . Krrsty Alexoncler. swolw Tokwrn . Loun Enol1sh . 110111 E//1s. . 111clwlle Hres Silllh How Sandi \\'nght . r\my ,\ 'isl.>ell. Alison Sprncller. Tereso Cloer. Anoeto Sl10ll . Sora Loon1·y. Sl1annon Sm11h . ,\lary Glyn 11enderson. Shannon Pol/orct Tenrh How. .Jennifer t lockney. 111/Json Trou1s . RolJ1n l'sscry . ,\lono Hol><·rrs. ,\ 'U1l1w1 1wmtolpl1. Kelly .110111gomcry. \\'esley vnnon. Cloy Collohw1. Doniel L'rrer. Cara Leo Greoory. Julie I lors/1 l'lwto IJy Joson Burr T ,'\' T fr Z<'IO Hho 265 5 o c i o I I u b s