1994-1995 Yearbook

Regina beau .\like .Jones reads ond illustr01cs -11uw tlw Grinc/1 Stole C/1ristmos· 10 w1 ottcntit •e audience durino the onnua/ Christmos µany . Dr. Suess· story was a must- react troclition for Hegina. Photo /Jy Joson Bun. l3ecco ?\'<>oner. Kim Thomas one/ Amancio l3o/(/en pe1forrn their ucrsion Of "The Twe/ue I >oys of Christmas· lit the Phi DC'lro C/1ristmas party. The girls omw o speciol serena({e to their i>cm1x. Photo by Jason Burt . Sigm<l T<lll Sign><l - First Hou •. I '.ll 11/!J 1\/1 m()ht . Llso t ielTi(] . .Tino Su 1\nd<TSOll . Second ROW: Cloy Fowl<T. .Jeff J\ /cGlown. ,\/(//I Shird. /( ' r<'ll l!J Tulllll<l/l . Tl //fl 11 /()({I ; /JOl'i<I ,\/C1\ <IOlllS. I){// lid \ ·u11dcw1ff1. Poul Dm1s. l'oul S<'nn. Dr. /Juw11· 11 ·cmlcn l'ounh l<uw: Tl 1omus Tumly. Hurrv Cooper. 1\ llcn Conskr. Joson Brown. /-'/1oto l>!.J .l<1son Hun Tl1e ta T<lu Dctm - F1rs1 Roll Bna11 / /111zc'. rwrnrn1 Clork . Shunn 11011. Ll1rry Bil/1110 . Crw<J ux·. Tye C/01l11er SC'COnd Row: Brian \\'(11/S . Johll/JC/ f)ukc . ,\1(1/T Co<;b!.J. Ben Diles. Don/ll(' /W(/O/X/l/(j/1 T/1ircl Rott • Jonw/lw1 I Joker. Robcn Cog9111 . 13/oke Hllltions. Drn •icl \\ 'rnson. Foun/1 Row: I /<' (Ith llow!-.011. Sc1>11 G<X><lc. Shown Killeen . Fift/1 Rou 1• /le11111s \\ 'hcder. /'ou/ Fisher. Chn~ Cooper. Bnon / lol/1s. 11oro11 11 'hi11i1101011. S1x1h How: Clt111 S111uer. l>rn •1cl C11mlx·r11·cfoc . r\clom /3dJL1s. Douu B<·wnon. C/1ns1ophl'r /lum·ss. Sl'l'<' /11/l How: Cllocl 11 ·ecms. .Joi'/ Boone. Huw1 .1 tycrs. C/lacl Broou. ,'\'e1/ Amol<I I '/1010 l>y Jw>on Bun S i () tn Cl T Cl ti S i 0 m Cl & T h e I o T Cl ll I) <' I t Cl 263 Socio/ Clul>s