SERVICE PROJECTS Clean-up beautifies Searcy area The memb rs of King's Men and OEGE also continued to work tog th r to sponsor blood drives two or three times a sem ster , which allowed the entire student body to g ive to those in need. "Working with Red Cross m akes me realize what a huge need th re is for blood every day, and it's grea t to h Ip out the community this way," Cara walker, OEGE president, said. Other c lubs sponsored projects to aid and encourage thosv outside of the loca l area . as the m embers of Sigma The ta Tau wrot letters to missionari s overseas . Another way many c lubs b cam e involved in th community w as through various c lean-up projects during the year. Th all-school servi c project in October gave acl1 c lub a chance to c lean a specific area of Searcy and a lso to earn a portion of th money its memb rs raised for the proj ect . The m embers o f TriKappa used this opportunity to s rve. and. in the process. raised more tl1an $400 for the ir c lub. The ta Tau continued in its tradition of c leaning up trash at camp Tahkodah in the fall , and the members of Lambda Sigma worked to pick up trash along the highways four times during the year. "I think it's very important for us to b e involved in serv ing. "Each semest r Titans try to do a servi ce project: las t year w e sponsored a food drive , and tl1is semes ter w e he lped c l an up Searcy and Camp Tahkodah . Service is a very big part of our c lub. " Titan member Ben Kerr said. Sigma P ili Mu - Firsr Hotu: Cin<ly Broy. I ll:'Wlwr \\' t'(I( •er . Curio Quon. Prisci llu Hoy . ,\lirhd /c · Ycirl>roU<Jll. 1\ m!J Siil•a. Cc111u s1xirks Sccoll(/ /lou " Comlyn I torpcr. I lcarhcr .James. 1-\11!1 / larc/y. Sl10m11 src·u •on. 11cwlwr Hay. Lunsa / /un111cur r. Tunyo \\ 'ilson . Tl11rcl How: ,\JurjorieSchwerrly. Trew t touc/.i . .Jumw Et •ons. slwryl Dunkle. 1\my l'ruirr. I tcwl1er l'icrcc. Kwhy Scnooins. ,\lory J<ilcy. 1\ my swulwcll Fowh /Iott" Miclwlc Lee.. \l1chcwl \/o rris . C11risrie \\ 'ii/cox. Jrn11w lrcluncl. Kwy 1loot•er. /\/yssu c;i/bc·n. 1\ my Sco<1<1111s. ,\ /e/111(10 Ol1l'er. 1\lysso Hirkorcl. Fifrh How: 1~/1on<lu lluper. Joscp/1 \\ '11/iwns. .Jennifer Lono. ll<>l>yn IJou •<·rs. swhon ,\Jcllor. Tim Cox. Plloro l!y .Juson Burr . ,\leml>ers of Kings ,\/en one / ()EGE uisir tt'irh cuch 01/wr uf1er rhOf)(' /. The I>m1/wr one/ siswr r lulJ hoc/ mony oj rlwir rhopel sems in 1/w some senion. / ' /1010 l>y Joson l:lun. So c i u I C I ll / ) .s 262 S i () Ill u I ' /J i ,\I ll