SERVICE PROJECTS Clubs exhibit seruant attitudes through special community projects Besides fost ring new friendships and providing a sense of belonging, so ial c lubs also allowed students to become hristian ervan ts . While many aspects of the c lub system changed this year , the commitm nt to servi e remain d an importan t part of each c lub. Memb rs w r often busy with a tiviti e and studies of their own, but throughout they ar , they took time out to help thos in need and worked to improve the appearance of th loca l communi ty. ··1 think it' very importan t for us as club memb rs and r pr sentat ive of Harding to let th commun ity know that w e appre iate them and to demonstrate a Christ-like xample," Delta Gamma Rho member atasha Tomasi said . With this attitude . many social c lubs reached o ut to help the less fortuna t , parti cularly children and the elderly. Tri-De lta members sew d teddy b ars tog ther for c l1ildren in the em rgency room . while Alpha Tau ocial lub aid din c l aning up the home of a local widow. Many c lubs also took the opportunity to make the holiday be tter for those who would otherwise not hav food or pres nrs . "Ju Go Ju provid d Thank g iving dinner for two needy families, and thi year w e were al o able to rais mon y for a family with a baby in the hospital ," Karen Bittle said. "It was aw som . One lady had a brok n hip and was exc ited that someone brought dinner in ." Seminoles - Firs1 l<ow: Elhun Shefjidcl . Clay Beoson. Broden S1ewon. Trol'is ,\lorrison. Chae/ I loword. I lww I/('( 1r<I. /!1111'11/d;rcw . ,\lurk Boris S<'cond How: C/10<1 Griffin. Brod ll"oocl. .1011-,\11cah Clonron. Brent Hru<l.~/1wu. /'nu/ S111J1no11s. ,\lichuc/ Byrd. ,\luc I /urley. 11 ·es 0 1111 ·rcloy . Th1rc1 Holl •: Hyon l>cmk. Lee Edu •urds. l!<'tlli<'y I lurrdl .. 11011 Blt11'. .lames Thom1011.1<oy Tynes . .l<jfl toms. Lorne Lllliker.. \loll Clolxm1e Four1/1 llotl' : Troy 5111ii/1. Tony \1 '001/rujJ. Joson 11 ·yo11. Pou/ ,\ICl/)le. Gwg French . ./ejf Pcmcrson. Zoch .Jocul>sn1. ./od l<tt/ . 1'('t•111 cox. Hyon Slllllil .. 1t1sli11 Bonker. Hoymoncl Gra/Jwn. Donny Dct \ rmon . Joke I loll . .11·r1•11 l!J \ 1'1111< ·rs. John l'lo1J1h. 1\11< lw Hush. S1ucm I 'mnor. Six1/J Hou •: l>C1n11y Allison. Ben I 1011. Tony Fu/t•o. C/1m/ ,\lu'i/1/Jum. /'/1010 /Jy Joso11 l3ur1. Ti1rn is qurnwrl >uck Jus<>ll Slwdiy 1osscs o poss <ll '<'r 1/Je I woe ls ofSu/J-T'i clcfemlcrs ill 1/Je semijilJ( 1/s 1nwc l1 o/ 1/11· lorfJ<' c h 11> 1\ -wum fluofo01/)(11/ r·om1 >e1 i1ioll . St 11>-T WOil 1/Je game one/ u 1enr Oil I()//)(' filluls Uf)UillSI T ,\.'T. 1'11010 l>y Jl/S()ll /Jun. Slian11!1 F1rs1 How: Lynn l>o/Jney . :Vikki Bcopers. Sheryl !'lylor. Du11c1 Ho11k111 . l>clono 11 cxxls. ,\lonely Armsrrono. . \111 Kly Scl10ckmon11. 1'elly G1/Jso11. 1'on S<l1ockmonn. ,\Iorio Hol>l>tn"' 5<'C0llcl How. 1't' l/te r\nclerson. 11 ·e11<11 Toy/or. Kor/Jy Gnmrn. Emily \\'ellmon. Koren Carn11/1. 11 ·endy Cose. ./Wl<' llu ,\lc1'111zw. Heqrno Hose. Ddi/Jy i\loul . 1'11n Ire/om/ . T111rcl How: Jeonie Smir/1. 1'dly Denny. 11sho LemnJJng . r;oylo Ug/Jrfoor. .101w1w Heet ies. Anno Jone_.,_Ashley I 11ckerson. I 1<•11w Ocie/I . 1'im \ "oung. l'wry .IC'nkrns. Founh How: HolJ111.JulX'lo. . 111·c;w1 ,\lcCorkle. .1oonnc1 \Owe/I. Fair/J '"rod. l>l'ix>roh \\dln1w1. Lrnrru S/Jw111011. I lolly ll °CllSOl1 . .Jenny \\ 'Oiler<.; . , \my \\'dmng. Greg Corroll. l ·tfrh HOll' Tl}jUlll} Cl11·srer. ,\lt'll'>SCI (;ury , Clmsry J lurchC'son. 01on11u Lawson. S1ep/Jw11e Turner. inom/ L11mcmC1. \ ·1ck11• .\lerc/J11111..llelcuh cuner. Angelo Lur1rdl S1xr/1 How: Chlms \\ 'olker. Toniu l>ol'e11porr. T1111 Gilmer. S/101111on 11"<'/<lon. 1\my ,\lcAnous. Lynne \\'i/1cr<l1nk. 13ecky Clork. Jomes Clark . Becky ll<'t't 't'S. , \ll<JC'iu 11 ·1111e. Loura Curry. Sel'Clllh l<CJW. Ht'IX'CCU Cllrone. ,\le9/Jw1 Feeney . Truci I lor</111. Kerry 1'1111/xtll. ,\my r\my. 1\11110 1'1111115. K1111 Grrclley. Jcn111fer S/J()(f. IWn<lw See/Jer. Jason K1ll111s. Dec· l>l:'e Cook . . '>IC'l'I' LUIWehe . Soro Jucol>s . Phoro l>y .Joson Bun. s e m i n o I c s fr S h a n 1 i /1 26 1 Soc i u I C I u l > s