1994-1995 Yearbook

CLUB TRADITIONS Fun actiuities highlight routines oursid o f fall fun tions and spring banque ts. many c lubs partic ipa ted in acti v ities c rea t d just for fun. The members of Ka Re Ta socia l c lub gathered for a 'Viking Dinner ," a yearl y event they began in 1993. M mbers feas ted on spaghe tti , but inst ad of ea ting with utensils, they were forced to eat with the ir hands . Thos who a ttended the di_nner w ere also not permitted to speak during the m ea l; inst ead , m embers communica ted w ith one ano th r by making unr cognizable sounds . "It's rea lly fun . If w e w ant to wipe our mouth off w e have to do it on our ne ighbor's c lo thes ," said senior Tara Tubb . "It didn't take long for us tog t into an all-ou t food fight ," senio r Paula Garroerre said. The men o f Ch i Sigma Alpha also continued w ith the ir own tradition as th y donned the ho liday spirit this December and w ent caroling to the g irls' dormitor ies. Standing benea th th windows . th c lub serenad d the dorm res idents wi th Chris tmas caro ls and sync l1ronized movements. "We enjoy doing it because w e have a good time - I think the g irls do. too," senior Mike Roy sa id. Th new induc tion system brought with it inevitable changes for Harding socia l c lubs. Wl1ile each c lub learned to make adju tments. members continued to carry ou t th ir o ld traditions and to c rea te new ones . OEGE - Firsr l<Olt' ./uson I luff. .lldin<iu I luff. 1\11<lr<'C1 Curmwi. 1\ 119(-'lu ll«rr!J . Turun Rwului.~ ..\l1c/iuc/ c;;/pin S1·ro11d R0t1 •: .lcnrnfer srru<ler. El1zolx'ril .loilnson. Curu FwrC'll . .Jennifer /{<'C1Jl11<·y . Shannon Enck.~< 1n. .\t1clw//c Tli/err Till rel RO! P: Sl<'phcn T/1ornln// . Coro \\ 'ulker. Lillll<'ll Hc/lso11. , \ rny .10/1/l.son. I lo/ Epperson. Fourth How: .Julw Cruckt'JJ. Slwilu Hulxrr.s . H/10/l</o c;n i/J/Js. .ll'nnijcr 11 ·0/fe. l{onllu Lunoo. I lewlwr Drccs.~cn . Dcrns1· ,\Ii/In . Lln<lo Thomroll P/ioro l>y .Juson Bun. Berh Smith wwc/1e.s u.s c/us.s 11 m eml!er<; ,\ lury 1\licc· Heecl Oil( / C/1risr i ,\/t 11/ins rcci re the G/\T/\ clul> .scriprure clurino the jormul imluction . G1\ T1\ mt'ml wr.s. o f<I om/ m ' ti' . l>ecumc lw11er ncquoinwrt t/Jr<ill(}ll urtit•11ws oncl <ie1 •or ionu/s durino 1/w co111n1irm1·rn pho.sc. i'horo / J!J .lo.son Bun. Soc i ct I C I u /1 s 258 0 E G 1-: - Me lissa Owen