1994-1995 Yearbook

CLUB TRADITIONS Projects help the needy Often what unified club members most w ere the service projects that w ere an integral part of each club. De lta Cl1i Delta continued its tradition this year by holding its fifth annual Polar Bear Car w ash in Decemb r. All the money raised by the c lub w ent to charity. "We're brothers in Christ trying to work toward a common goat. whi ch is serving God and others before ourselves," senior Chris wag! y said . GATA social club also made an annual effort to help the needy. During halftime of a bask tball game. members carried sheets marked with targets onto the floor and gave the audience a chance to try the ir ski ll at hitting the targets with co ins . The money raised during the project was used to send children to camp wyldewood. Chi Omega Pi made th holidays special for the students of the sunshine School in Searcy. Each year members purchased a g ift for one student and presented it at the school Christmas party. Not only did most of these traditions help charity and other causes. but they also allowed members to grow c loser and get to know ach other better. One way for members to spend time toge ther was with a lock-in or sleepover, as Shantih did in November . Complete with entertainment and games. the night was d signed to he lp introduce new and old members to one another. "Lock-ins give you the chance to get to know people much be tter than you would at a regular func tion ." sophomore Kelli Anderson said . Lambda sigma - Flfst How: Brent Plem ons. Trena Moss. Keu1n Busch Seconcl How: .Jim Tuley. Ethan Jones. Giam Carlos ,\lonzon . P/Joro /Jy Joson Burr Fo rmer SILKlern /an ,\lcCollum helµs Oel10 Cl1i Oelra m emlJers ,\fm ienee ,\ /O!JS. Lee Long don . Ton y Slo w . Greg Corm/I omt Stacie S/1opµard 1o rnie111 a memlJer of Cl li Sigmo /\Ip/Ju . l3ill Diederich . The group spern Oil eLwning goofing around w hile on inwrnwionol cw11puions in s corlaml . P/1010 by Leah ,\tw1grum. Lam/Jclo Siumo 257 S oc io/ C lubs