Spencer 0110. a member of Chi Sigma A lpha. helps unload <:'quipmenr for 1he Clim Black concen . The conc<:'n was one of many euerns plannl'ri /Jy 1ht• S1ticienr /\ c1iui1ies Commi11cc'. Pho10 by Jason Bun. Seminoles Brem Adams and Paul Neil s1op 10 compare class sc/1e</ules for 1hc · spring scmes1er . Many s1ucienrs were onxious avow wha1 1hc n<'W senwswr would bring. Pho10 by Jason Bun . King·s Men - Firs1 Row: Cara Walker. 11e01J1cr Dreessen. Taran Rawlins. Jennifer Wo lfe. Linnea Benson. Second How: S1ephen Thom/1ill . Jason I luff. Ben Parker. Na1han 1Vo/f1:. s co11 Lloycl . Th1rcl How : Jim \\Ii/banks. I la / Epperson . Marc \\'olfe. /\clam IJ/ukc. Mic/ mt'/ Gilpin . Fourrh How: 11cwh 1'1ckc>nng. Dan Jackson. .\larcus Porrer. Daniel Tl10ml1ill . Derck Prrn'. 1-"ifJh Row: ,\lark Prior. Jeremy I larncss. 1'11010 IJy Jaso11 Burr. Closs 11 Sl ianri/1 member Kim Ireland 10/ks w i1/1 A llison ll'ard as 1hey walk 10 1/1eir nex1 class. f-'riendships were no1 always limi1ed 10 1hose w i1hin ones own social club. Pho10 by Joson Bun. Kill 0 'S !II ell 255 Social C lub s