1994-1995 Yearbook

CLUB TRADITIONS In spite of the numerous changes, many club traditions remain intact Tl1ough the induction process w as quite different than in years past. c lub traditions lived on as one of the most important and distinctive aspects of Harding student life. These traditions provided acti v ities to strengthen relationships be tween c lub m embers , opportunit ies to contribute to charities, and the chance to take a break from studies just to' have a good time . Fall func tions, Christmas parties , Spring Sing, c lub devotiona ls , service projects and spring banque ts , which w ere a pan of every c lub. w ere often the most anticipated events during the school year. While each c lub took its own unique approach to these activities, they all served to promote unity and spirit among members . Fall func tions served as parti c ularly important traditions because these w ere often the first events both new and old members w ere able to attend together. Spring Sing w as also a yearly highlight for m any students. Members spent hours learning and perfecting the ir routines for the ir performance, and this allowed not only friendships betw en c lub members to grow, but also those be tween m embers of different c lubs. "One of our most importan t c lub traditions is working on Spring Sing with Chi Sigma Alpha ," said Regina president Kristen Jones. "It's our bonding time as brother and sister c lubs. w e enjoyed the fe llowship." Ka Re Ta - First Row: Jenny Mayjielcl. Man(/i Forbess. Renay Lee. .Jennifer Clark. Glorio MWthews . Tomi Morris. /\my Smallwoocl. Tara Tu/Jb. Danny ,\lutthews. Seconrl Row: Donny Aloorc. Ginocr Franklin . Swpheni<> Brill . Elissa Eyrirh. 13arl>y Smith. Jonis \\ 'illiams . .Jockic 1\lcCorty. Anoe/a Knox. Letitia Jones . Third Row: Kim 13/ockbum. Toe l'arlcn. 1'atie Coil lJ. .Jennifer ,\Ii/ls . DdJIJi<' 1 lowell. I lewlwr Allison. Jennifer Fisl1Pr. Chrystal NickPls. Jo/\nno Smith. Dm•c Beyers. /'11010 by .Juson Bun Class /1 Sigma Pili ,\lu m eml>er .Jamie Euans /if]hls ht'r canclle w i th he/µ frolll /Jresi(fern Kary JJoouer. ,\'ewmembers each Iii 1heir cumllc tosi~;nify 1/1eir trw 1si1ionfrom class 11 10 c lass I. Pilrno /Jy .Joson Bun . - . ,,.. _____________________________________ S o c i o I C I tt b s 254 Ku Re To