1994-1995 Yearbook

THE NEW CLUB SYSTEM Changes worth the effart Whit e the new system presented some adjustmen ts, many felt that the change overall was positive and one that provided a more hristian atmospt1ere. Freshman Lynn Dabney said , "I w as glad I had the opportunity to see all the lubs at leas t a coup! of times be fore I had to make my decision." The Induc tion Review Team h ard both the positive and the negativ and began plans to make the system work bett r. "Th re are many modifications to make," Peggy Huckeba , assistant dean of students . said. Senior Carter Davi said that a formal visitation process cou ld be inc luded to help the system. Don eal , also a senior, thought that a smaller time period for the commitm nt stag would make the syst m more effi c ient. Th team me t throughout the fall semester to review not only club infrac tions of the induc tion proc ss. but sys tem modifications. "We've been challenged with implementing a system that we didn't origina t , and I feel the process has worked w II to liminate hazing. we do plan to make change and alterat ions to the process for next year ," Scott Morris, c lub sponsor and team member , said. Though some students still preferred the o lder sys tem. by the tim new members were formally induc ted in Decemb r , many agr d that the n w induc tion system had proven to be worth the effort. - Melissa Owen and Georgia Choat Kappa Tau Omega - F1rsr Row. Jim Osbourne. Jenrnfer Kramer. Krisrine Sree/c:. Lisa Grol'e. Jeremy Downey. Seconcl Row: Darren Barber. Kcu1n Smrrh. Brenr Si/ua. Greg 13orl>er. T/11rcl How: ,\like Sriger. Dusry Crowforrl. Mike I lunr . Jusrin Florio. .Jeremy 13Urcy. Fourth Row: Jex-I \\'a/ker. Ben Terry. llyan Blue. Joel Buker. Ale/en Srrea/ey. Fifrh How Rusry Tolx>r . \\ 'ocle ll'i/son. Ronnie LiUhrfoor. Tim Loe<'fielcl. Sixrh Rou •: .\lichad Taylor. Jc1son Leslw. l'wrrck l.IUhrfoor . .Josh Rader. 5<'l'enrh /low: Damon Burl<'r. Hyun Tharp. Cl10cl l3mwn. Jacl<' 11 ·<'sr. Phoro IJy .Joson Burr. Sheri Clark. Sherrie Krebs. Cherie Barron and I fear her I lefjingron reminisce ol;ow 1/1eir µos1 clul> exµerienccs ar 1he womens Open I louse. Open I louse wos o rime for older c/ul> mcml>crs 10 sl1ore fun ond memories wi1h pmspcnil'e mcml>ers. Photo by Jason nun. KO/)/)O Tau 0111C' f}GI 253 Socio I C I u /J .s