1994-1995 Yearbook

\\ 'encfy SUl'<lf)I' Un(f l'reeclollJ UOf)lW/l Slop 10 SU!J "J\/0 /10 " <II 0 .Ju (;o )U recqnioJl . .Ju Un J11 lwrl u 1ru(fi1i0Jl of /10 /clino luous os o woy 10 llJee1 1Jo1en1iol iJlcluc1ces . 1 •11010 /Jy .l!ISO/l 13tm. Ateml>ers of 1\/p/1 1Gun11nu omego. Nrn/1u11 ,\ teu11s . nochcl cunn and Todd I \ 'o /fe. u dcon ic Clinton Fo rsyrhe ro ofirsr-rot 111cl mixer. I ' irsr-rou11d mixers goue smoll clubs like AGO much exposure durino r/1<' clu/J sclecrion plwse Pharo by N01/1an lronsicle. Kappa Kappa Kappa - Ftrs1 How: Dero Perry . Kns11 Li1Jski . .Jill Schwunz. \\'end1Hoy Camplx·ll . 11ewl1cr Tl1ompson. Emi/!J 1\111c/1t1sso1J . .1c1111ie I lull. Emily Cole. Kumwn ,\/WJ/l. Lome Joll1Json. Ldol1 I lolemun. , \sl1ft'y Hoinwwer. Si<'pl101J1c· / lwso/l . Kurlu .July. Seco l)(f liot(I: Sllrn11J / /o /r. S1eje1J1c Sm11l1 . 1\pn/ Keell<'r. Lo uisu Hcmolo110. Enll .lloow. Currie I IUl'C'lls, He/ wccu Lock1·y. ,.,,,,., C<lllnll. Becki Folkens . U insty l:l/rn'k. Stue<y .110<11so11. .lld1ss11 S11111/1. 1'd1 l:lryoll. IWc/11'1 I loll. Thml liot l' · Borl><1ru crwlCla/I . Llso /'/11/lips. rC'ressu E/11011. SllllllllOll S111111l. Cwhy I loop er. Ll~ll Urul'I'. 1'1'/ly r l l'C'nll. ./C'SSICCI Sllll/)SO/l Foun/1 liow: Suro )111Jcs. Corfu 11 •111111011. F:l1z11IJ<'lh \\ 'i/son . //o /llJ Corpc111c·r. \ 'o lerw Coner. , \ n<lreu Hdc/1. le1J11ijer 11 ·ocx/l). .Junull)ll 11 ·1111wns. c;11w l :!rowll. Uturi .11orow1. To111 Sco11. Enn1 H111dmn. , \11 ncc· I lull F1/1/11ww· \\ 'cn<ly SUI/lard.. llOl'IC'll c;royso/l . T1on Ddooc/1. .ICl/1110 ,\:l'll 'SOlll . .it/I SH/C'S. Jon Br<'ll'C'f. I ll 'IC//l (;omlJ1/I . ' \/l/l ,\l('ff/11, I lo /l tj L(ll/ll)('/ . ,'\'(/l(J.~/)(I Tt1ckc·r. 1:!1'111 /{('//Jo/<11. r\S/111'1' ,\JC1'11lll0/l S1x1/1 HOll' ' KC'll/rCl/J (irc'C'll . .\liclwle Buno/011c1. 1'U!J 11 ·yu11 . .11·11111/cr C/0111011 . .\11c/ 1d/C' .11urn11n. ,\fo lllJ .lluclclen. Sora ( nsll'C'/I, Jun111c1 ./Orrell. \\ 't•ndy ./Oljtll'r. / \Ill/ )('( /i('(llll , .\IC'liSS(I ./o/l/lSO/l , CCISC'!J ' l rn1s1ro110. .leSSICCI I )ClllldS. Sickie Son/Jorn. Srcp/Jw1w Corm/I i '/1010 l>y ./oson Burr . KuµpaSi~JlllO Kopp11 - First How: Craig Gus tafson. Toc!cl Billie. Myron McWl1e rter . Chad Wa lke-r. Jamie I !a ll. Valerie caner. Emil y Mi1c l1usso n . neau Dmvk111s . Ma11 Dixon . A111l1ony I ra il. Seconcl How: .1us1in Morrison . Jona1 l1an Coombs. Bill I rug ilan . Drew Dawson. Garrell Hucker. Ke,·in Scroggs . Darren Burrus. Stuart Spencer. Tl1ir<I Row: Peter Novotny. JaSO!l Ogle. Sco11 Waile. Hyan Shepl1arcl. Fourth Row: Bryan Ll\·ingston. Cilris Lareau Sco11 Cmru1l1 . Kld1 ke Tri ckey. Jeremy Duncan. Ross Rucker. JacoiJ I lilrr. Jay Jones. Ma11 Matilis. F1ftl1 Row: Travis Harris. Jefl ~ r urrin . J<ison Wint er. Brian Leonarcl. Brent I leins<"lman. Cl1r1s Laws. ~ r icl1ael Hermton. 1 ~ya11 Hobcrts. Craig Parker . S ix1l1 How: J1rn111y Sprague. Brian Pannell. Jason Wiles. Thomas Garner . Hul>e Glo,·er. Tim I lut cl11nson. Jason Smi1l1. Brian Tumlin . Sn·e111l1 Row: Billy 1 ruclcllcston. Kevin Corum. Cl1ns I Jnwalct . Jeremy Bishop. Jay Dwight . Brc111 Pa11erson. Bract Elsner . E1gl1tl1 Row: Randy Cole. Jolin Lane!. Branclon l'ollartt. f'ax1on Dickson . John Heibol<lt . Stepl 1en Hobertson. Corey Jennings. Craig SoweU inih Row: Eric Fletcl1er. Jol11111arr. Kenyon Fletclier. Jerrod Flt>iclwr. Ma11 l'l1 il lips. Patrick Br<u1climorc . Corey Donavarn. Jeremy Hu1cl1111son . Tcntll HO\\" Enc ~rorrison. Kenny Scroggs. Hryan I lutlkins. ,'\Jan Corum. . \ndrew Shadel. Chad Cle111en1. IVt'SIC) ~lcElroy . 1'11010 J)) ' Jason Bun . Soc i u I C I t1 I> s 252 K U /) /) u K u p JJ Cl K o JJ p <I fr K o p p u S i fl Ill u K o JJ f J ( I