THE NEW CLUB SYSTEM Process elicits controuersy The entire process was overseen by the Club Induc tion Review Team , which was composed of Io students e lected by the ICC, four sponsors appointed by Dr. Burks, three faculty memb rs and Deans James Anderson and P ggy Huckeba. The team was responsibl e for informing the c lubs and students abou t the new process and supervising the process as it progressed throughout all four phases. The new system. wh ile it had ~everal benefits for new inductees , proved to be a source of controversy during its first year. Though many appreciated the efforts made to spread the process out and make it more inclusive. others believed the receptions demanded too much time. Sophomore Hea ther Henson said. "Last year, the whole proc ss took only two weeks. and then w e had the rest of the semester to 11ave fun. This year it took up the entire fall semester ." Freshman Travis Harris ci ted the impersonal nature of th process as his c lub·s main complaint. "B cause induction was so spread out this year, it seemed like the m embers and th induc tees w eren't in a hurry to get to know each oth r. In years past. I think induction would have been a much higher priority, but this year it was so relaxed that a lot of members didn't pay much attention to it.'' Melissa Houghton, president of Tri-Delta Epsilon, said, "It was much hard r to get to know the n w members because we were not allowed to spend much informal time toge ther." G1\ TA - Firsr Row: Diana ll'illiams. Jamie Griffin. Anclrea Stark . Charissa I luffcird . Kim Fw lono. Seconcl Row: .Jodi I loll . Kdly I lo ll . I lewlwr Amos. Volcrie rord. s1cpl1w1w Ho/.J1nson. Sorah Doran. )(·ss1co Ford. Thircl Row: Melissa Gilmore . Jennifer Royer. J\lory Alice l-l<'Ccl. 1\moncla Felkner. Jennifer Coun . Foun/J Row: Kwrina Doran. Julie Buclurin. Koren Railey. Apryl Gwer. Dennis o·,11u lley. Fifl/1 How: Stn•e r\llen . Laura Irwin. Kocey Yow10. Chnsry I lenrlrickson . Jl111 /3/ock. St<'l'<' Block . Photo /Jy Joson Bun. Social C lub s 250 GATA fr Ju Go Ju Ju Go .lu - First Row: .Joy /'ark . Julie 13i~HJ<"rt . l\m1rca T11om1h1uaiw. Niki ,\loore. I leorher Rolx nson. Ferne· I lowe. Kari Lucas. Choricc Cunis. Annu l'etrir . Slwllcy Rol>ens. Korrie Braclshmo. .lulic 1J1·1r oo<ly. second Row: Becky Carner. Robyn Coilins. Kim Reed , JOEiiyn Col<'. I lo lly ·' '1cl10/s. Tesso I lectrJeconll. Erin T/1ornoson. Tennyson Ko / 11. 1\1Klriu Sisson . Dawn Carr. Donna Helms. Third How: Kurc·n PC/fie. S1acey ,\ /oorc. S11z11nnc Crowford. 1\nr1u Stone. Louro Elsner. Hoclw/ I lunclley. Maria Howclen. Lauro \\ 'hite. S/10nnn Lumpkins. Liso Grow. Kim/x·rlu Lomlwn. Kelli 11 "0</e. Em1/u 11 '/W<' . Foun/1 How: Km .11c,\lol10n. Frecr/0111 Gr>!J<Wn. llyw1.sorrell. r\11 nee Boy<'trc..\lork Cru/1011. ,11e/1ssu Gorclner. .Jonell Brown. El iza/.Jerh Gamer. Be1h ,\ leeks. Amy Cox. Srcph11nw 11 ·11.son . .le111111sny<ler. Fifth How: ./o/111no Bumctr. Steuen Grcothous<' . 11 ·1·ndu Edmiotson. Korino Beasley. Ashley I loyes. SIUCJC I lolluncl . Stcphunic .S/)CllCl'r. SWplwnie C/oru. Jenni(t•r Clary. .Jomw I tunrer. Trad Sipkowski. Amy S<'el!J . S1x1h How: I tden I l< 011ry. nunu 1:3urleson . .Jenny Purrorr. ,\le/onie Dreher. .tc1111ifer 13urnerr. IV/1ir11ey Storn<'s. l>arrcll Simek. . Ill/ S1mmons. , \llyson Case. Srephon1c .\loorc. r \ mr111</t1 11 ·oc1e. SCl'<'IHll How. CIWSIO Christian. Di)ono Dow. Clwsty l'rrrmon. S1kk1 Srcholson. ,\lclo111 ,\loruun. l\s/1/c·y IJro<ly . Ei~Jlllh Row. Kori Eno/<11)(/, Angie Myrick. Tommy \ 'eazey. Shann Clil>urn. /\rm .llcC/C'llun. 1\ nodu RUll(/olp/1. P/1010 IJ!J Juson Hun.