1994-1995 Yearbook

THE NEW CLUB SYSTEM Club process becomes reality Following Open House. new students began th club selection process by attending a set number of receptions each Sunday. Monday, Tu sday and Thursday night for four weeks . During this per iod. both the students and the c lub members began to get acquainted with one anoth r as the clubs provided recreational and devotional activiti s that helped students see what each c lub was like. After each round of recept ions . students ranked the c lubs in ord r of th ir preferenc s. At the same time, th clubs began to rank the students based on various c riteria . Finally, students participating in the se lection pha ived bids from one of their final four c lub choices and , for those who chose to accept their bids . a period of c lub commitment began . These new m embers w ere designated Class Two members throughout the s v n weeks of commitment , while stud nt already active in a club were referred to as Class One members . This phase was designed to both educate indu tees about the c lub's members and history and to g ive them an opportunity to demonstrat thei r desire to be in the club. In addition. Class One and Class Two members participated in a specific number of activiti s. Only activities that served a positive and useful purpo e, uch as partic ipating in service proj cts, learning about lub history and showing club spirit, w ere permitted during this time . Galaxy - F1rs r Row: Sheila I lenry. 11earl1er Do<Ison. Pam .Shearer. .Secon<I How: Giouonni .Salamanca. Todd Parren. Rolx'n ll'icker. Jeffrey Jackson. T11ird Row: Shannon .Simmons. Joe /3oyle. .Jason Lone~<; . Bract Smirl1. Chuck "1orrin. Fourrh Row: Borrerr Lewis. /3rooks 11 ·uir. Pavlo Rolclun . 11•uvnc· /\lien . Clinr Forsyrhe. Don .10/111son. l'horo /)y .1ason Burr. Pasr ancl presenr members of Zeru Rl 10 garlier arouncl rhe /il!J pool for u speciul ring ccwmon!J in /1onor of u former member. Tile social clulJ reunion during Fa// Fesr broug/11 o /cl one / new social club members back 1oge1her. somerimes bringing <'XCirinf) news. Phoro l>!J James Allen. Go I o x y 249 Soc i u I C I t1 b s