Amy 11enclerso11. K('mfoll LJoon. ,\lull Shire/ rn1<1 Dr. Duww \\'urctcn sino songs ana worship 1ogc1J1cr<turino u Sigma Tou Sigmo <l<•t 1011onol. Sio1m1 Trn1 Sioma Ile/(/ clu/J c/el'Otionuls frequently 10 unify 1/1eir club. /'/1010 fJy .1uso11 Hurt . Members of Pi Koppo EpsJ/011. Josh ,\loore. Varrcll 11 'dcl1 . . '->ponsor. Oil(/ Bryon Hies. prepore r<1reslllll<'lllS <lurill~J o Bisonfoo1Jx1/I owrn• Sonol clu/Js rotate({ tile respo11s1/J11i1y of work1110 OI the concession swn<I durinu l1011w urn1ws. /'/1010 by .Joson Burt. Delta Delta Delta Epsilon-Firsr How: swphanie Cooke.,\ tmum Dcxtson. Shannon Farley. ,\1111< lo llll(l<)IC'S Di0110 Forlws . t tewher El/rs. Cynth ia Hwerman. trcn<' t\llliJ. t\uthryne INet •es. Second How: \ 't'<'ll<' ,\lessenoer. Kwhy I lemn. Tirzoh &Kly. Sancy Bel/cock. 1\llf)ie Killion . Clms111Jc1t•is. Tocy DulJl1ch. . lld1ssu 1\l>el. Lisa Kilgore. Thrr<I How: ,·\nclrew Thomp<;on. f)conno Cosomcmo. .11el1ssu 1 toug/11011. E<lrw sco11 . srep/1(1111(' /30/ch. ) 't •('II(' El/rs. . lld<Xl!J .llOrllll . . \11chcllc /3{)[('1(', ./Clllll/C'r / /(11'/l!Oll . Lynn I llllll l'hOlo l>y .JosonBurr. Closs II C/Ji Onwoo Pi mem/Jer Tricio Turner t •is11s u >it/J Jwtm' I /orclino stuclenr Hegon 1\11clcrsen Hegan wwn<le<I 1/w sonol clu/J reunion as p<lrl of 11omC'co1111ng festil•itie~ u •11/1 Iler motlwr. S/1oron / /eo/ey r\nclersen. o former member oj H<·o111u. /'/1010 /Jy Jomes Allen. /) (' I I (I /) (' I I a /) e I I (I E JJ s i J () 11 247 S o c i o I C I u IJ s