THE NEW CLUB SYSTEM The start of something new The committee f It , as many others did, that the new system should be less restrictive than th previous system. According to James And rson. assistant dean o f students. "Club m mbers and induc tees struggled with the decisionmaking process and the vo ting as far as getting students into particular c lubs. we (committee members] felt the need to make the commitment phase more in line with Harding's mission as a whole (and) with state law." Rather than an intense week of c lubs lection and a week of pledging, as the system had been in the past, the committee decided on a longer and more inc lusive process. They hoped that the new system would not interfere with c lasses, and that it would be a more positive experi ence fo r everyone involved. The process began during Stud nt Impact. During this time interes ted tudents were given a social c lub handbook which explained the new system and presented a brief introduc tion to each c lub. ew students attended a "power session" that introduced them to the idea of social c lubs . On August 27, new students were given the opportunity to visit with individual c lubs for the first time a t Open House. Freshman Dianna Lawson said. "I really liked being able to see all the c lubs together at Open House. I think it was a g rea t way to introduce the clubs to all the stud nts , especially th ones who had no idea what social c lubs w ere about ." C111S1gm<1 Alpl1a - Firsr How: Andrea GeorllOrr . Korrina 1Vrig l1r . lJee o eeCook . Alrs ry 1\lcn owell . Becky Carroll . second Hrnu: Mr ke l3m111r; . Ky le Laws. Kcnr Jov e. Hycrn Sco rr .Spencer Orro. f3rer Jones. Srnw LaHocl1e. Tllrrcl Row: Dm•r<1 Snirrh. . 1011url 1w1 Tl1cJ1 nos. Joson Edens. DClnre/ Kuhn . LClne \\°lmoker. ,\la rr o auis. Kenny Lyons. Adom Kno rr . Fourrl1Roll' Kel'in canrer/Jury. Gcrrv Go~ ron . Kerrh Brooks. Brcrd \I 'll rrron . Gil:'n ,\lcSpoclden . Jomie Truox, Ket •in Laws. \\°oyne Cook. Fr/rll now: Ric/1 Sl1ockley. sholl'n \\ 'hi rnev. Cl1ris \\ 'hi re . Andreu• Cooper . ,\like Frederick . Brion Si mies. Ken Lows. Shane I luff Sixrll How: LJcrno Srcrl. Sew1 Dowson . Keurn Bal<lw rn . Tyron<' Cilns ropl1er . l'llul Sw rnm. Don Cas rlelx-rrJ . Clms Shelly . Jim Harnes. Sl'l'<'l1lh Hou •: Jonorhan r\llmy lll . l'l11t1p 09re11 . ,\lorr Bronch . Marcus Sic'll. Joel Segraues. Poul Jol1nson. Nwmy Brown. Eigl uti Hrnt •. /3111 nuzel. Jeff Knnks. Hon<ly 11 ·1irr111Cln . Dm •i<I Dyche. Tommy 13rown . Phoro by Joson Burr. De lt<1 Clli Delta - Firs r Row: Curo/inc Clenwnrs. 1\ldisso TilJl>les . Clm s Wag ley . Dam on Bingmun . .Jess ica Pell , Chrisrine Tucker. Todd Denoyer . Gref] Carro l/ . Tijfuny Clwsrer . Cl]('1yl Grahwn Second Row: Juson Jones. s can I tudkins. Nolhan I logue. Sca rr Hurlwrfo rd . DwHl!J Freem on . Lewis Shorr . Tonv slwc . Thomas Husinellc. Thrrd How : Eric t louohron. Lynn I lunr . ,\lical1 Parkl1urs r. Co// Jy Cw 1rerl J11ry. Slio<I Lomp. Seem Bo lC'1W1w . .1011ws Conroe /. Founl1 How· BrC'nr Bates. Brenr Coffey. Aoron Ho lwu l. 1Jw1nv Douis . Kirk 11 ·orkmun . Brei" Dour~ . Flf l/1 How: Scorr ,\lo rrhct us. Cl 1w1ninq Brodford. Jo/1/1 I laus tein . nyan r\ shl>y. L<'c ' Lonodon. 1\ ndww l'OC<'. Andreu• Boker Sixrl1 How: r\lly n \\"u lkcr, Fo rrest Dor/r /ingron. Adam Lerr . Ky le IJal'iS. ,\fem Lc 'c. Joshuo .\lcGouoh. 11 ·ill ium ,\lcirkurr . Sel'enrl1 How: .11111 \\"Wkins . .llurk Cross. Chod McNorr . Murray \ 'C' rl'crcla. Hick 13/wr l'lloro IJy .luson Bun S o c i o I C I LI /J s 246 C /1 i S i g in o A I p /1 o & I) c I I o C 11 i /J c I I u