A SPORT FOR EVERY M AN IN MEN'S INTRAMURALS Harding·s m n's intramural sports program so . Though games are comp titi\'e. tl1ey are. has prospered for more than so years . fo r th e majority. played witl1 good Students in\'o lved not only competed in sportsmansl1ip. he said. 'The fact tl1at they a thl e ti . but also made life long fri ends . play a ba llgam aga inst each o tl1 r anct can "Intramurals l1as allowed me ro play sports turn around and pray togetl1er aft rwards is with guys in diff ren t clubs wl10 are normally really what the pr gram is a l! about. 1 like to my oppon 11ts inst ea d of my see all o f the social acti\'ities that teammates . It's also a re lease from take place aft r tl1e game among studying for m e ... junior Frank Mccown sa id . Mccown has participated in men's intramurals s ince his freshman year . Accord ing to dir c tor Mike Pruitt . tl1e men·s intramural program was started in tl1 e 1920s. "We can' t p inpo int an exact year. but according to o ld issues of tl1e Bison. w e\/ l1ad an intramural program around since Hard ing was found d ," Pruitt sa id. "Intramurals he/p eel me with my attitude and LL ith rny sportsmanship." Frank MCCOUJ /l th stude11ts ." Jacke ts were awarded to participan ts duri11g a spec ial c l1ape l c remony at til e end of th sc l1ool y ar. Jacke t win11ers had to l1a\'e played all major spo rt s (softba ll. footba ll. \'Olleyball and basketball) . all sing! sand doubles to urnaments (tabl e te nni s. l1 o rses l1 oes. ra qu tb a ll and t e nnis). <me swimming m t. track e\'ent s in the fall Jn the s ix years tha t Pruitt has been director. and spring, and at leas t so per en t of th sport enro llment in tl1e program has g rown. and skill events. Part ic ipati on. ratl1er than wi11ni11g. the fac ilities l1ave l1ad to l1ange. Two n w l1a b n the premi e for tl1e awar Is. softball fi elds w ere recent ly built and a new Th imramural program ex is ts for botl1 tl1e football fi e ld is currently being onstructed. beginn ing and tl1e \'e t ran a tl1l e t Tl1 e Pruitt said tl1e program is based on tl1 program's th me , "A Sport for E\ ' ry Ian and idea l tha t one who partic ipa tes in intramurals E\'ery Man in a Sport" continued to re fl ect sh uld be a better Cl1ris ti an for having don Pru itt's goa l fo r i111ramurals . .Jeremy \\ 'i lliwno.; (lc/1) uncl Hyon /3ou •1JloJJ u•omi tt/J j(Jr w1 i111rwnurul o.;u/1/><111 <1c1mc'. S1uc/e111spunicipC11l'fl i11111rn1u "I Jon-; i11Jlurcli11f{"11irrumurul JlWfJfWll. / '/JcHo /J!J ./uo.;r111 Bun . ,\J en·s 1111rumuruls 241 - A llison v andeGeve l :v11ho11Hunc/rJ/JJ/111,.,esu/rm ·hw1r/o.;/Jrn ru s /orn r/w liull rn w1 1111rwm1rul fCICC fll C'lfJUJ/ <JC11!1C' / <ciC</llC ' (f)(/J/ (( ' (/<, 1J11c · o/ 1llcrr1u o.;pun-, u/j<Tc'cl 1/Jrrnrr1l1 1fw prr1c1rrnn l 'fJ<Hu /JtJ /u-.un H11rr Spor1s