Kare Sugg gers off a shor rluring an inrrornural baskerlmll game. The inrramural program has been er pcrn of 11arcling since 1he uniuersiry mouerl 10 searqJ. Pharo by Jason Burr. Jill Shirey rakes 1he /Ja il clown rile courr. The wo1Twn"s inrromural program prouirles mony oµµorruni1ies for women 10 parricipa1e in sµons. Pllo 10 by Jason Bun. Allison vandeGeuel (lefr) and Sracy Tucker cornpe1e in rable rennis during rile rounrl robin roumamenrforwomen. 1111ramurals prouiclerl o ucrriery ofsporrsfor cornperirion among srudenrs. 1 >/1oro l1y Jason Burr. I V 0 !Tl e n . s I n I r u !Tl u r a I s 239 Spo r1 s