A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE IN WOMEN'S INTRAMURALS "T l1e womeri's intramural program at Teams participated in softball. \ 'Olleyball. Harding is as o ld as tl1e university itse lf. " basketball and track. wilile individue:1ls program direnor BarbarC\ Barnes sa id . Wl1en participated in tennis. racquetball. lJactmirnon, tile university moved to Searcy. tl1e progrnm table tennis and free-t l1row competition . Higil was a lready an integral part of Harding. linisl1es in tilese compe titions earned l1igl1er "\\'e really l1m·e a tradit ion o f excell ence poirn rotals for tile competi tors . l1ere ... said Barnes. who ilas directed Hardi11g women found ma11y tile program 30 years. A lli g~1 benef its in til e intramura l program. perc n tage or women lrn,·e consis tently participated in in t r a rn u ra Is . i n c Iu ctin g a Ia rg e number of non-traditional s tucterns . o , ·er tile years. tile poin t system 0 11 wl1icl1 tile awards are based l1as remained u11Cilangecl. Indi\ 'idual "Anylxx1y u._1110 wonts 10 ploy con p lay 011cl llcwc fun." Burlx1ro 1:3orncs "l\ 'e played intramural sports for four years and l\'c made a lot of friends tl1rougl1 tl1is program tilat I would not l1ave known ot l1 e rwise _ lntramurals l1as been a iligllligilt of my four years at Harding ... senior Joy Carter SC\ic!. lntramurals allowed atl1letes accumula te points by being women to compete with and against a member of a cilarnpionsl1ip team. a team other wornen outsicie of tl1eir social clubs. capta in or an o ffi cia tor o r just by en ter ing an and tl1at di,·ersity was b neficial for many. "It's e, ·en t. A special c l1ape l program a t tl1e end of sometl1ing for e\·eryone c-111d it's great for tl1e year provided a publ ic way to recogni ze tl1ose students not in c lubs ... senior l\ Iic l1elle l1igl1-scoring indivictua ls witll plaques and I\ Iarkl1am saict. jackets. Tl1e women 's intramural program Tile intramural program provided continued its strong trad iti on of athletic opportunities tor women to participate in many competition wl1ile providing yet anoth<."r social spons tl1at tl1e c lub aet i\ 'ities did no t o ff r. ou tl et for participan ts. - M lanie Mc ttl1ews ,\ l1cl ]('/(' ,\ lwsl 1<11/ S< '/,'-, 11/) 111<' 1 )(/( l/Jlll 11< )/] Burl )(If(/ l ::ltll'I ]('". SI< ' I J/ 1(1111<. Buu-./ 1<1/ll. n1t1rl /en 1/!C' u •cnll<'ll·.., 1rn1n1<1111c·111 UIHI -;1wlc111 o.;c11r<'l'<'<'IH'I . \//1-. C1/l l:l<I< llllll HI)/]( l 'U-. ( )/]C'Cl/ llll// l!J 111</il'idt1Cll \ 0(1/l( I< •(;<'l '('/ /..<'<'/> <I c/o'-o<' l'!J< ' Oil <I "l"ll'I" prcll'idc·d l>!J 1111· 1111r<111H11<1I 11 • 011!C'11~-;1111ru11H11ull1r1skc·1l)(l//IJU/Jl<'. /JIC)(jl</111 . /'IH>lllll!J.IC/.0..,()/1 Htlll l'llC!l<>l>!J /(/>.;()IJHlllf Sp IJ I' IS 238 11 · u 111 ,. 11 · s I n 1 r u 111 u r u I s