W ITH G REAT E NTH USIASM CHEERLEADERS RAISE SPIRITS A lthough every Bison fan couldn't make it The baske tball cheerl eaders also had to every game. the athletes had very faithful unique ways of cheering on the ir t am. and supportive fans in th cheerleaders. inc luding the re turn o f the Bison Badlands. The g irls ch red at every home game The basketball cheerl eaders also played and were able to travel to four of IO away a special role in motivating thei r team. They games. Whether they could attend the game decorated the players' lock rs and surpris d or not. they always showed their them with donuts and drinks after support by decora ting the p layers' lockers. "We l1ad a lot of fun doing this toge th e r ; a ll th e littl e encouraging things we d id rea lly brought our squad closer together." Ash ley Key said. The players appreciated the cheerleaders'work. "It showed that they wer more involved than just cheering. They "The g irls on the squad this year real/y made it an enjoyable one. Jw il/ neuer forget the year or the road trips we took. " Lauryn Rydl one game. "I really enjoyed h ering," freshman Jana Lynne Williams said. "I f It Ike th e players real ly appreciated us and it help d them to know th re was someone a t the gam e cheering for them. whether they w re winning o r losing." On the oun , the players care about the t am and that is encouraging," felt their encourag ment. "W really njoyed Dale Watson . sophomore. said. the upport they gave us w l1ile we were Another me thod of motivation used by the playing," senior Sigmund Donelson said. football cheerleaders was a pep rally held Whe ther in tl1e band, the Badlands or just Friday riightof Parents'Weekend. otonly did a specta tor. th fans responded to the the cheerl eaders show their own support ch eerl ead e rs in supporting the Bisons through a choreographed routine, but they throughout the y ar. involved fans by ho lding a "club war." - Kellye Gooch Baske1ball Cl1eerleaders - Fir.st Row : 1\liriom o cx/.son . Mi.sti Jones. Ho by n Collins . Second Ro w : Jana Lynnt' I l 'i//iam.s. Lauryn Rydl . Jennift'r Clory. 1\1xlrco Thomthw aile. Pho to IJy Jo.son Bun. C h ec rleac1ers 237 Sports