1994-1995 Yearbook

S /) 0 r I .S Foo1ball c l1c>crteadcrs - First now: Emil!J 11'/Ji te. IW!J!Jn Collins. S1ep/1unie 11am111it1. second How: As/1/c!J K<'!J. Kdl!J<' c;ooc/J. As/1/e!J Jones. Luuren H!JCll. /'/Joto IJ!J .hjf i\ lontf;omcr!J . 236 C /1 c <' r I c o <I e r s The Bison {0011>011 squod swmls Oil 1/Je s ide/in<' Oil(/ u11emp1s 10 9e1 1/1c crotud 011 l11<'irfe<'I. Tile chc<'rleuclers worked /Ja IJ01h on 1he sideline and /Jefore each game. ro ge1 1/w s1ude111s inuolued in sµons ac1iui1ie.s. l '/1010 /J!J Jo.soil /3un.