Nicole ll'alker goes up for a shot rn the game against \\'ti/rams Baptist. T11c Lady B1sons earned a 71 -62 i •icrory against the Lacly Eagles Photo by Jason Burt Joma Fullerton clrtues in for a basket. Jama was an excellenr ballhandler and three-poinr shooter for rhe Lady B1sons thrs year. P/1010 by Jason Burt. Women· Ba ke1ball - First Row: Jama Fullerton. Diana DeGrenier. Angie Fouts. Jennifer Thomas. Camie Lewis. Chnsty Talburt . Mandy Cox. second Row: Coach Greg I Jarnden. Ky mm Alexander (gracluarc assistant). .\lindy Murphy . Cindy Camp. Bridget Benson . i'<i cole Walker . Sissy Reaper. Glenna \Vnght (tra1nef). ond Cooch Dou1cl Elliott . Photo by Jeff Montgomery. \I ' 0 m e 11 . s B a s k (' I /) a I I 233 Spor1s