- V OLLEYBALL T EAM B U ILDS A STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE The Lady Bison volleyball team celebrated AJA. a conferenc wl1ich featur s 330 a season of many accomplishments. botl1 as volleyball teams. "This year we l1ave really a t am and as individuals. bonded together personally. but we also A team of great depth and talen t, the Lady work d toge ther w II as a team . We rea lly put Bisons earned a first-place finish in the AIC our talent togetl1er on our way to a succes ful with a 9- 1 conference r cord and a 32-1 I s ason." Huddleston said . record for the year. The Lady Bisons' "This is the most talen t we have ScoHES attack was led by seniors Angela ever had a s mbled on a Harding Johnson. Amy Deuel and Marcy girls' volleyball team ... Coach Karyl SAU 3-2 Winters. and junior Regina Huddles ton . The team enjoyed major victories ov r rivals SAU, Hende rson State and Texas Lutheran . These wins gave them the confidence they n d d to move them into a first-place ti e with SAU. The Lady Bisons traveled to JB ATU WBU 013U SAU JBL' ATU WBU OBL I 3- 1 3- 1 3-0 3-0 0-3 3-0 3-0 3-0 3- 1 Bailey said. "They have probably played the best vol! yball that ha been played at Harding. The g irls have really worked well together and I enjoy d coaching all of them ." Successful teams learn to talk to each other and work togetl1er as a team. "W have work d r ally many away games. some as far away as well together and I think tl1at this has l1elped Austin, Texas. "I really njoy d the road trips u to get where w ar now.·· Huddleston we took toge ther. They were very memor- said. The Lady Bisons will return 12 of the ir able. It gave us a chance to get to know each 15 players for the 1 95 season. "With a gr at other better," freshman Jennifer Stein said. Their outstanding conference and overall records rcinked the t am as high as 26th in th Lori I fendricks prepares 10 serue rhe ba/110 rheopponenr . The Ludy Bisons f inis/we/ tllf:' season with a 9-1 conference record. Pho10 by Joson Bun. work e thic , this t am an go a long way ." Bailey said. Casey Wolfe se1s her 1e01nm01e for a spike Their second win ouer OBl ' guue 1hem o c/1w1ce 10 1ie}orfirs1 place Pho10 by Joson Burl . - Chuck Pappas \/ o I I <' y l> o I I 2 3 1 S JJ o r I 5