1994-1995 Yearbook

HARD WORK AND DETERMINATION T AKE B1s0Ns To THE ToP The B ison footba ll team headed into the works toward achieving tha t goal. "Senior Lee J 994 season fac ing major changes . First of Edwards agreed with his teamma te. ·'Altho ugh all. the B isons· 13-year ass is tant coach Randy he was put in a rough si tuation. he helped us Tribble had taken on the head coaching thro ugh o ur hard times and d id an outstanding posi ti on following the res igna ti on of Larry job. He knew what w as going on and we Richmond during the summ r. didn·t miss a bea t." he sa id. Second, tl1e Bisons w ere in the middle of A lthough the B isons did not make it to the a conference change. They knew thi s was p layoffs. they did finisl1 the season as winners. the ir last season in the Arkansas in both th ir s tandings and 111 ir Intercollegiate conference (AIC). "I spirit . ··1 am proud o f the team for feel the conference change w ill working together and not ge tti ng change o ur season just because discouraged a ft e r a loss. T l1eir Th team , I feel, w ill not change," entire s ason. " Tribble said. Th T ea m m embe rs w e r equa ll y The hard work paid off on the fi e ld as the complimentary of Tribble in his new position. Bisons finished second in the conference in "He isn't a s tranger to our program," Gonzalez botl1 offense and de fense . They also set a sa id . "He knows what n eds to be done and record offensively for to tal yards gained in a Paul MaµJe makes o sucn:ssful tack le onuinst his opponcm. The rcanrs I iurd u •ork ond dcdir011on poid off 1/J is ;;('Uson . Photo /Jy .ICISOll Bllrt . Sporrs 228 s ing le game. Harding's ream is ready fur another fantastic p loy. I lardinf) was in the lead wir/1 I 3 .seconds left in rile firsr qucmer. P/Joro /Jy Joson l:l11n. F 0 () r /)a I I - Amanda Krape