T EAM ACCEPTS C HALLENGE TO REPEAT AS AI c CHAMPS In I 993. the men's c ross country team Coach Ted Lloyd also believed in the endedtheirseason as conferencechampions future of thi s t am. "With youth c m s and ser a goal fo r themselves to repea t that inexperi ence and incons is tency. Potentially, performance in '94 . I think they're an ou ts tanding team i f they s tay Despite hav ingonly three returning runners, together ," he said . the team reached that goa l. This vic to ry w as An internati onal fl avor wa add d to the o n o f th e m o re e xce ll e nt performances in the his tory of the team . Since 1962 , the Bisons have SI . \'.\:l>l'.\:CIS ream through members Abraham Kirwa and K nn th Kulei , both from w on 28 o f rhe 33 conf rence meets . This fa ll , b esides winning the conference meet aga in , the Bisons fini shed their regular season by also II 24 SAU 7 6 Lyon 77 OBU 78 WBC 13 1 Kenya. Tho ugh a newcomer. Kirwa w as one o f the team 's leaders . and the who le a ttilude am ong th team members was on o f support and unity. 'This y ar's team was a fin Ozarks 136 winning fo ur o f their meets. example o f how c ross country an The three re turning runn rs, Matt Quig l y be a team spo rt ra ther than just ind iv idual and Jonathan Griffin. sophomores, and Jay compe ting," Quig ley sa id. Hun added tha t th Hurt .junior ,w ere joined by I I first-year runners team spirit w ould be an asset to th team in who added surprising depth and streng th to th future. ··1 believe we're a rea l cohesiv this relatively inexperienced team . "The team group. If that continu s. w e'll do good things had very littl experience. but w e w on the in the future," he sa id. conference. I think there w ill be good things The c loseness o f the t am was also no t d to come in the futur ... j unior first-year runner by the ir coach . 'Tl1is is a good group o f guys Dave Parks , said. with a lo t o f potential ," Lloyd sa id. As rhe race begins. seueral of rile 11ar<ling runners are ar rile f ronr of rile pack. According ro Jon arllan Griffin . rhis year was a learning experience /Jecause rile ream was so young . Pllo ro /JyJason Burr. i\ 1 e fl · s C r o s s - Hea ther He ffing ton Tl1e rnen :s ream concenrrares on rile ract' al1ead of rl1em as 1hey walk 10 rhe s rorring line. FiL•e of rl ie 13-m an reom we/'C' name</ All-A IC rh1s season . Pl1010 /Jy Jason Burr . 0 LI fl I r !J 227 5 / ) 0 r I S