R UNNERS FIN ISH AS C HAMPIONS FOR NINTH STRAIGHT YEAR This year's women·s cross country team . lov ed the friendships tha t developed during a ltho ug h young and sm a ll in numbe r. the season ... she sa id. In the AIC conference compe ted w e ll. meet. Muir ran th race in 2 3 :43. a rime tha t Jn the first three meets. Harding ent ered was improved from last year's race when she only individuals because they did not have ran a 24: 38 . ··1 w as pro ud tl1at 1 b ea t m y time no ugh runne rs to fi e ld a team . "In the from last year's m e t. 11 shows that. w ith beginning it was l1ard to get runners but , b y con s istent prac ti ce . your time ca n be ll1e nd of the season . w e l1ad enough to run improved ." The Ludy Bisons stan t/1e race in o ooocl position. C/Jristy Tallnm (Ill(/ .Jenni/er Hoyer p lacccl in tile top fil'e durino tlw dtstrict c/Jampions/Jip mel't l'lioto /)y DutJid Crouch. S p o rt s Jennifer noyer 0 11<1 Laura HulJio keep in /JifJll spirits /)y pocino coch or/Jer r/Jrouf) /Jow rlw rocc . Tile wom procr ice<i tO()<'t l wr fit •c cloys u ll'Cek / )lit olso /J u<I to n111 on t/Jeir ou•n / ' /Joto by Joson Burr . 224 II' o m e n ' s c r o s s c o t 1 n t r y - Amanda Krape