M EN'S T RACK T EAM M EMBERS RACE To THE ToP Trac k has trad itiona lly been known as an team unity tll rougll w eekly d e, ·otionals. iricli, ·idual sport. Ye t the e fforts of acl1 a tlll e te Sopl1omoreMa tt Quigley sa id tllat. because has g rea tly inrlue rKed tl1e who le team's he w as fri ends with til e people Ile workecl performance. witl1 . a ll til e hard work and pain Ile fe lt was Tquan Moore. a se11ior and s tudent coac l1 . endured for til e ream . Quig le) ' also sa icl they said. "Wl1en you run. swea t and llun rogerhe r . w e re accountable 10 each o tll e r . ··Tlley'd kic k it n101ivares you. and a re la ri onsl1ip stems me o ut o f bed and say. ·Le t's go ro c l1Lirc l1 ...· 11e from that." Moore also sa id tha t. while eacl1 aicl . Tllisaccountabilit y\vasapplieds imilarly man con tributed to l1i s own event. to homework and to struggles witl1 l1e also support cl rl1 e team as a re la tionsl1ips witl1in tl1 e team. ScoKES wl1ol . accord ing to Quigley . He and ril e 1any ofthe m e11 a11ributedstrong o tl1e r distance runne rs crea t cl a defin it e ly did be tt e r as a team bo1hindoorandou1doorco11ference be ause e v e ryo n e h lped championships. e \ 'erybody e lse... lndi\ ' idua lly . Tquan Moor e . senior. Tl1e t am found time to get toge tl1eroutside Je rma ine Cuffi e. fresl1man. and Je remy of training and compe titi on 'The biggest Winters.junior. qualifi cl for Nationals. Winte r friends l1ips cam e from individua ls in rl1e same and Damon Work. enior. w ere NAIA A lle, ·ents because rl1ey train witl1 each o the r ... r\me ri ca Scholar At lll e1es. Fie ld rece ived tl1e Coach Brian Phillips said. Me 11 wl10 train in GTE Academ ic All-Am rica and Baldor diff rent event s ciorn ge11erally ger to know aw ards . eac l1 o tl1er well. so Pl1illips att empt d to build - Georgia Choe te 1w11<1r Er/J(l/I .-.. /1<'//l<'lrl ..;f/c·rd1c·..., /111 Fi<Jllfill<J fur l/w /1111-.,/1. ( '/uy Bc'US()/1 <11srur1n · <luru IC) u /1<1111< · 111c ., ·1 . El •c·ry pulls slic1/11/y ull<'w I I Jur<I (( •urk poi</ 111</it •i<luu/"..; ..;ucn·..;_..., 11<'/Ji('(/ ln1il<I up u/J us 1/w l<'Ulll (('U/l /J1>1/J 1111/u11r u11<I 1/11' l<'Cllll CIS U ({'/Ju/!' I '/1< "" ll~j .IUS<lll 1Jlll<i1J11r < 1111/< ' rc'flC< ' " I '/J11f() / 1y )U;.,IJfl Bun . llun . S p () r I S 222 ,\/ r· 11 · s T r u 1· /.;