1994-1995 Yearbook

M AYBERRY L EADS T EAM TO SECOND-PLACE FINISH The l 994 track team was small in number a11d dedicatio11 during d<tily two-hour practices. but big in spirit. Tl1e team placed seco11d rain or sl1ine. The conferC'nce meet wets on a overall in Narionals and had some outstanding dreary-looking. c loucly clay. ··!\ 1y e,·en t 'vets key players. com i11g up 11ext ancl it l1acl just begun to rain ... ··we didn·t have vf'ry many g irls . but our Stepl1anie Heard . fresl1rnan . said. ·Hu1ming in girls gave surprisi11g efforts . beyond wl1at tl1e rain was llarct. but competing against they would normally l1ave to do." some top runners made the rai11 a11 SCORES and was n o t meeting my fri e n cls l1ips among th e te<tm expec tarions. but things slowly got members. '"We practicecl witl1 tl1e b tter, " Mayberry said. She ran in Spain wi1! 1 guys so we w re like one big family. Wl1en tl1 International Team during the summer. you practice witl1 <t g roup of people. you Phillips praised 1l1e performance of s em to grow wi1l1 tl1em. 1101 on ly mentally Angie Fouts. a two-sport atl1l ete wl10 placed but spiritually as we11.·· Heard sa id . second behind !Vtayberry in 1l1e confere11ce Tl1e ream placed seco1 d in tl1e confer 11ce mee t by competing in the l1ig l1 jump and in o utdoor and seconcl in tl1e district in indoor discus. track. As a tc0m . tl1e worn n exhibited hard work - Amanda Krape \\ 'ir/J/Jl()(/d/1 nm. /'l'llll!J .\/<l!JIX'ff!JclC'(//'S Ill<' l>or. .\ IU!JI lC'ff!J I )fl >kl' II)(' <.;c/J111JI wcur<I cl'i1h 11 jump u/ /il '<' /<'<'I. sc·t•c'll illcll<'S . l'l1111u l>~J )C/'il!ll Bllrl . \\ ' o Ill <' 11 . s T r u c k h:cTi / /t1lc/JIS()I J fl II JS Cl <fl'll'rt llll J<'<f /'(/(I' <luri110 1lw i11</uCJr 'i<'cl"CJll. Tlw 1t·u111 pt1Jll'<llrn}C'llJC'1 ll1/C1WJl11l1!'1Ju<11/u111I flrn/ l/llll'S. l'/JI JI() ll!J )C/SUll Bllrl 221 S f! U r I S