1994-1995 Yearbook

M EN'S T ENNIS T EAM S CORES IMPRESSIVE VICTORIES Led by Coac l1 Da\'id Elliott. the men·s sopl1omor . were named to tl1e 1\ll-AIC team. tenn is team t ok to th e cour ts witl1 Juan Dominguez.junior . anct Daniel Ve lasco. determination despite a \'ery tougl1 schedule. freshman . w ere named to the A ll-Di tri ct r am. Althougl1 tl1 season ended with a medioc re Tl1 Bisons l1ad to face to ug l1 compe tition record. tl1e Bisons finisl1ed witl1 se\'e ral during post-season play. r\ guilar made an impress ive \'i c tori es and an excep ti ona l impressi\'e win in distric t as l1e d f ated tl1e performanc e in til e national Seo HES number 3 2 play r i11 tl1 cournry. but the Bisons fe ll to Ouachi ta by tournamen t. Tl1e re lativ ly young team was c hallenged by a number of sc l1ools in ril e Top 1 o of th AIA. including tl1e number-one ranked Tyler. As tl1ey struggled to keep tl1e ir morale l1igh. the Bison w er able to secure a victory over Southvvest Baptist. who were ranked in the top five in CAA Di\'ision II . , \ C Ozmks , \ C Ozmks .\Tl ' J l3 l ' .JBL ' OHL ' ,\Tl ' emu 9-0 9-0 9-0 9-0 9-0 9-0 9-0 3-G 0-0 4-5 one point. Tl1oug l1 tl1e team fini s l1ed second to Ouach it a in bo th the di tri e r and tl1 e confe re n ee c l1ampi ons l1ips. "tl1ey displayed typical grea t effort and played w e ll beyond the ir al)ility ... Elliott said. This e ffort was e\'id nr in the team·s final f e rforman a t the na tional tournam nt in Tulsa . The The consist e111 effonsofthe1eam·snumber Bison had the best performance 111 team one player . Ignacio Ruiz. sopl1omore. a lo ng l1as ver l1ad in the tournament. plac ing 1we lftl1 with tl1e talent o f fresl1man Arturo gui lar . overa ll . ··we had a b e low a\ ·erage recorct in mad a 11 avy impac t on the team 's sue ess. tl1e regular season. but w e played a very Tl1es two , along witl1 teammates Leonc io s trong scl1 dule . I tl1ink w e pr v ect ourselves Doming uez and Rube n Gonzal ez. both ar ationals." Elliott saict. cu11s1u111/y H 'C11cl1i11!11/w I><111 . Slw/<1011 / )iXO/l/)fC'JlUWS/1/Sl'<'lllfll'>tr</IC'fJ!J. T/lC' l('(//Jl Sfl<Hl ' ('(/ c' Xc'C'//c·111 Ol ' <'f(I// pc·1fom1w1n· . /'/1010 lly .1uso11 Bun. 1\ /l<'f WCll1!] I<> 111<'<'1 1/1<' /Jul/. HU/ J<'/l Uonzul<'Z ui111s }<>r u p<T/< 'ct wttm1 . SC't 1c·m//J/U!JC'fSl!'<'/'C'llUlllC'<ilo1flC' 1\//- J)js1riC1 wrnn 1'/1uto liy .1usu11 Bwt. - Meli sa Owen ,\/ c ll . s Tc· 11 11 i s 2 19 Sp O /'IS