B EHIND w OMEN'S T ENNIS LIES A DRIVING FORCE Tl1e Lady B iso111 nnis ream ended it s third up the team·s re la ri o ns l1ip - ..w e·re fri ends on seaso n witl1 an impress i\ 'e firs t-plac sp t in and off the court ... Di s tri c t 17. po n rl1e ir re turn to scl1ool in the fall . the A l1ig l1light o f the season w as the ir win ream \Va in unanimous agreem ent on one O\'e r So utl1 as t Missouri (SEMO). an NCAA thing - tl1e ir appro\'a l o f the new tennis Di, ·is ion ll sch o l tl1a t l1ad always b .en a complex next to Jerry Moore Fie ld . r\lthough ro ug h com p tit o r . The B ison s b leacl1ersanda 1ennis building w ere acl1ie, 'ed a I 2-0 record in conference pi et y and placed I 2 th in tl1e na ti o na l compe titi o n . Of 111 s ix playe rs wl10 w ent to tlK ' na ti ona l to urnam ent in Tulsa. Ali c ia Rojas. fresl1man . and Jess ica Rui z. sophom o re. m ad e tl1e AllAm e ri can ro und in d oubl es. Coach Oa \'ici Ell iott w as pl eased with tl1e tecrn1·s success. ··V\'e cli d m uc l1 ScoHES Ozu1·ks D-0 .-\ C 9-0 ozmks 8- 1 013l . 8-1 ,-\ TL ' 9-0 S 1\l ' n-o emu 8- 1 .JBL ' 0-0 J l3L' 9-0 .\Tl ' 0-0 S . \l ' D-0 n o t y r co n s tru c te d . Elli o tt arni cipa red rl1 a t tl1 11 ew rennis court s w o ul d e ncourage m o re spectc=t to rs . T l1e rennis court are rep o rted to be tl1e best in tl1e st a te. 'Tiley inspire more \ 'igor. l lo \'e them .·· L titia (Le ty) Diaz. sopl1om o re. sa id. "They make m e w arn 10 play m o re ... ,\ s tl1ey c losed tl1e book on tl1 be tte r . The team w a p laying cons i_1e111ly season. the w omen's tennis tearnwereexcit eci a11CI con s tantly impro \'ing . New ta lent about tl1e ..unlim ited poss ibilities" in tl1e season corninues to be disco\'e red ... Ellio tt sa id . a l1ead. "I am exci ted about tl1 yea r ... Rui z Tl1e ream·s c los ness and dedica ti on sa id . ex tended into the ir le i ur acr i\'ities as w e ll. Wit h til e success o f the ir season to boost Bur 1l1e ir compe titi\'en ss did no t r a 11 past tl1e ir confiden e and tl1e new courts to play tl1e court s . Claudia Navarro . fresl1man . sa id . on. winning may w e ll becom e a tradition witl1 "Th trip to na ti ona ls m ade us grow c loser to the w om en·s t nnis team. acl1 tl1er... J\le lo dy Iill r . freshman . surnm d - Sta ey Hayw ood l<'-.s1n1 Huiz usc·s /unn un<I -;kill /() twwriz . \ n •iz1 1 usc·s 1lw pupul(lr Jir<'Ji(lf<' /ur1IWJ>l'r/c·n w11m1 . Tlw 1<'<1111 liuck/J(l/l</ s1r1Jk<' 1u w1ur11 ill<' /J(I// /IJ /i111.-./w<I Ill<' '>l'(/'>IJ/l (/'> /)/o.;/rin 11 Ill<' IJ/)/)IJ/)('/l/ . Tl!<' /('(/I)] . Ill lh ill/rd c/J(//llpi<>ll:-. . /'IJIJ/() liy )<1S<>ll l3lln . "' '(ISIJ/J . slJIJ(( '('(/ CIJ/lS/(//l/ llllJlf(){ '( ' - /ll<'lll . l'IJ()/() ll!J )CISOIJ l:lun. S /l IJ r I S 2 16 II ' o I ll c· 11 . s T 1· 11 11 i .-.