1994-1995 Yearbook

G OLF T EAM K EEP THE IR G AME ON PAR IN AIC PLAY Tll golf ream finished til e season witll its numbers and ta le111. Tile ream was young but l1ig l1est stand ing in I o years. Tl1eir O\ 'erall was full of talen t and spirit. Kelly saict tl1a1 111 p erformance was so consis tent tll a t tl1 e team !lad g rown from fi\'e members his conference winner \vas no t known until tl1e fresl1men yea r to 12 tllis yea r. He also nd o f til e last to urnament. Wl1en til e results attribut ed some o f tl1e growrl1 ro 111 coac l1. were talli ed. rll e ir final standing was second "Coach Ragsdale l1as defirnely caused the in til e con f ren ce in what Coacl1 Scott program ro grow... K lly said. Ragsda le ca lled a good season. Ragsda le was equa lly compl imentary of Tl1 most memorabl \'ent o f the season til e team. He spoke of tl1eir great att itude and fo r Ragsda le was til e tournamen t at Foxwood in Jackson\'ill e. Tile team pu lled rl1roug l1 the A IC competition w ith a winning scor o f 294. 'Tl1at to urnam en t go t o ur conf ici ence go in g and w e w on tl1 e n ex t tournament. Tl1is put us in position SCORES ; \Tl ' 34.5 Ill ' 32 S .·\l' 30 0 13LJ 2G l '. \;\I 21 .3 ' \ C: 18 ozmks 4 pointed o ut tl1a t tllis was recogn ized by o ther coaches as well. "We arc proudest of the kids b cause we belie\ ' tl1a1tl1ey represent Harding well." he said. The team w as i1wo l, ·ed indifferent ser\'i projects during the seaso11 to compe te for tl1e confer nee title." in add ition to their compe titi o ns. Ragsclale sa icl. Junior Ke\'in Ke lly re la t d a ''My fa\'o rite memory about the season was simil c'lr fee ling about tl1 e Burns Park tl1eBigBrotl1e r sen ·iceproject tha twellelpecl ro urnam 111. "It came down to on o f our with. We held a Cl1ris rrnas parry and were freshman to make a b irdie and put the team e\'en able to lo nate a Sarna Claus ... senior firs t in tl1e district." Ke lly said. "And l1e macle Oa\'id Dewitt sa id . it Thr e team members - fresl1rnen Brad Ma tt Tiller . junior and capta in of tl1 team. Willi ams and BruceJollnston. andsopllornore credi ted tl1e 1eanl's c los ness as on r ason James Clark - rece- i\'ecl 1\ll -Dis rri c r l1o no rs. fo r tl1e ir season·s performance. Botl1 Till r Williams was a lso named confe re nce and Ke lly agreed tl1a t th team l1ad g rown i11 medalist. 1'c ·ui111'd/!J (( '(/le/)('-; C'Cl!J< 'rl!J CIS Ill<' /)(II/ llJ()l'('S l()(( 'Ur<I 1/w /111/c '. Tile' IC'Ulll (/oul>IC'<I ill siZ<' 1/11.-. Sl'C/Sllll . l'luno l!y Juson Burt . c; o I J - Cl1ristie Mangrum Bru<I \l'i/Jiu111.-. uli1111s /11-; ,.,fJ()t to /1i1for pur. Tlw wum J>fll<'lll'<'rl c·c11 ·/1 rlu!J ut Hil'<'I' Ouks !JUI/ ('()l/I'"'" l'/J(ll() liy .Jusun Burt . 215 S Ji o r I s