B ASEBALL T EAM S TARTS S LOWLY AND FINISHES WITH PRIDE mle-r 1l1e direction of Coac l1 Jess Bu y. season.·· senior Nick Fouts said. 1l1e Bison baseball team ll aded into til e '94 1mprm·emen1 corn inu d rhroug l1ou1 1!1e season wirll hig l1 expec ta ti o ns. After a spring and culmina ted in an excep ti o 11 21 ll y disappointing season las t year. rl1e t am strong finish. in wlli c l111le Bisons won nine- of focus cl o n combi11i11g the ir ta lent Jo gam s. Tl1e team was ranked witl1 exp er ience as they fa ced each third as the::" e 111 e red distric t play. SCORES gam e. Tl1e Bisons· l1ard w ork and Tl1ough they clid not ad\ 'ance dedication resulted i11 a n o u1s 1ancling season. and tll f' c lub's 20-22 fi11isl1 ser a newscl1ool record . Tl1e team placed much of 1l1e ir confid nee in rl1e ir lli11ing ability. Designa1ed l1ine r Cl1ip Busbee led 1l1e team with a .382 battinga\'erage. and 'v\ ' s i\l cElroy. Wade Wilson. Zacil S1eect. Je rry La ird and Todd Mill e r eacl1 contribu1 d an a\'e rage of .300 or better. "Our gr a1es1 s1re-ng11l w as definitely o ur good . solicl hitting ... sopl1omore Daryl OBl I ()l~l ' , \ Tl ' , \TL , LJ , \\.l L': \ :vl . \C: . \ C Ozmks Ozmks , \ TLI i\T l ' L'. \M L'. \ ,\l S . \L ' S . \l ' O z<1r1's Oz<1rks . \ C: , \C 013L " O t3L ' 10-+ 5-.+ 0 - 10 CHJ 2 -0 10-3 2 -0 + -3 2 -8 7 -D 7 -() 1-3 3-2 ()-2 1-3 7 - () I 1 -2 G-2 ( j-3 8-2 1-2 3 -7 beyoncl tl w firs t round of N, \I A playoffs . til e Bisot1s pro\'ed to be se ri o u s co nt e nd e rs with a spectacular\vin o\'er second-ranked ,-\rkansas Tecl1 in tl1e first game . Bucy a ttribut ed til e win to g rea t llirting a nd a n o utstanding performance by pitcl1er Nick Fouts. As tl1e season cir w 10 a c lo e . borl1 til e team and tl1e ir supporters were pleased with the ir tremendo us impro \ ·ement. Two team m embers. sopl1omor Ke\' ill Burton and Daryl mora le . and I think tha t he lped us a lot tl1is reconside red ... - Me lissa Owen I l't's ,\/<'Elroy ..,/JrJr· .., o.;Clf<'l!J I JC/Ck I<> first '/'()r/r/ .\ lill<'r sr •1s /()r 1/w pit<'/J. I le um I rlurinu Cl pi< k-u// Cl ll< 'IJJ/!I . Tll<' l< 'Ulll /it '<' l< 'U1n111<11r·s /)(111<'<1 <Jl '<'r .:1uu fur fi11islwr/s1n JI)() <lfl<'I (/f'(Jtl<j/J I )( 'fjillllill<). Ill<' S<'<f<.;( JI] , / '/J< !f() /Jy ./CIS< Ill 13!11'1 . /'/1<11u l>!J ./<1su11 l ~un . S fl <> r I S 2 12 /3 us 1· /Ju I I