~rding spc lll 111c year sc<i rc ili11g for <i place 10 tic lo 11g will1 il s i111c rcollcgia1c c11J1Jc 1ic prog ram K11 owing thc-11 l 9D4-95 w o ulcl be tl1e last season fo r tl1e A rkansas Int c rcollegiar Conference ( IC) . tl1e univers ity se t out to find a new conference in the Na ti onc-11 Collegiate A tl1l e ti c Assoc ia ti on , Divisio n Two ( CAA-JI ). '(, TIK' clerni se o r tl1c AIC crn11e as a result o r se\'eral conference schools switching SEASONS ti 1e ir m erniJcrsl 1ip to NCAA-II over tl1e le-1s t lew years, leaving an insufficient number o f loo tball scl10o ls lo r conference compe titi on . Tl1e fall mon1l1s led tl1c university to inves tiga te OF the Lone St eff ;:m ci Gull South conferences. w eighing 111e s treng tl1s and w eaknesses ror bo tll CHANGE t11e conference C1 nd the local progr0rn . t By the end of September. Harding w as notified that b icis 10 til e Gull South conference l1ad been ext ended to Southern Arkansas Univers it y and SPORTS tlK' Uni vers ity o f Arkansas at Monticello, but no t 10 Harding. Tl1e uni ve rs it y ralli ed and continued its ques t for acceptanc inl'o the Lone Star conf rence. '(, Tl1e A IC haci spo iled it s scl1ools witl1 ;::1m ax irnurn ciriving time of six ho urs lo r co11l c rence compe titi on . making it possibl e fo r s tudent s to trc=w c l 10 c:1wc-1y gmn c s . But lif co uldn't rerna in tl v tt simpl e fo r a p rogram w l1i ch had g rown to inc luci so m any sports on sucl1 a llig l1 level o r compe titi on . I larding had c l1a11gecl and . witl1 tll at c l1 c=m ge, 111 p c-Kc o r c:1tl1lc ti cs asccncic d to a new level. 't A rnancla Krapc /) i (' i s i () /l / ' ( / u (' 211 S p <> r r s