1994-1995 Yearbook

The Finish or the Start Graduation Generates Mixed Emotions for Participants @._,was commonly desolbed by Pmslde nt David Burks as a "bitter sweet occas ion." graduation was the !iv s are changing just as the school is chang ing .. . It's sad remembering how it used to be. bu t it's comforting to unique ceremony tl1a t eacl1 s tudent w ent through in rea lize the good tha t is taking place due to the c l1ang s ... ompleting the college process . With each commencement t Gradua tes always c laimed a faculty m mber as one who experi enced by the s tudent body came a very spec ial se t he lped make the occas ion possibl e. "As the professors o f emotions. From parents and relatives. fri ends. alumn i w ere marcl1ing in. I kep t thinking abou t l1ow many of tl1em and facult y to the gradua tes themse lves, feelings w ere had such an impact in shaping my life ... Jil l Cushman Martin juggled in the heart s o f all parties who w ere present to w itness the miles tone. t Parents w ere especia ll y pl eased wi th th e accomplishment o f life- long goa ls. Jac ki e Hill. mother o f graduate Jason Hill. said. "I've been p ick ing up tl1e tab for four and a half years. rm not a t all sad ." On the o th r side o f tl w Benson Aud itorium . a father revi ew ed his son·s achi ev e- "When students graduate from a state uniuersity, they graduate into a secular world. But Harding students graduate into a greater Harding family of God. " Rich Little said . "ti's a sad and happy time." Jerry My han, assoc ia te professor of nursing , sa id . "I am proud to see the people w 've trained reach the ir goals. but it is sad to see them go." t Graduation was seen unique ly through eacl1 se t o f eyes which peered through the emotions . For the two little boys s itting in be tween the ir parents. it was just ano ther dress-up occas ion ments. Dav id Conn r . father of Jeffrey Conner. said , "A tl1at brough t p inches on the leg each tim things got a little major miles tone has been accomplished ; now it's time fo r res tI ss . For the parents, it was a personal achievement. another chapter in life." t Friends express d a few of the ir To the entire population affected . it w as a stark reali za tion. own emo tions. Jamie Mayes . fri end of gradua te Ca thy Emo ti ons came and those who w ere affected by tl1em Kemmerly , sa id. 'Tm very proud of her. Sh had the dealt with them. Chapters w ere c losed and new ones w ere courage to seek her goals and to fini sh." A lumna Ke lly opened. t Life does goes on . and so do the achievements. cooper said. "Everyone is going tl1e ir separa te ways. Our t Leah Mangrum G r u cl u u t i o 11 209 sruclenr Lif e