calendar of Events The Student Act ivit ies Committee Achieve Their Goals ~denc Acliv liies comminee (S.A.C) p lans a ca lendar of special event s fo r t11e s t ~dent body. This year. ··1 Love Trouble.·· The big movie in the spring was ·The Li on King." t Special acti v ities not only inc luded concerts and their focus was ·· togetherness ... t One of the most exc iting movies. but also theme weeks. The S.A.C. sponsored events of the year in terms o f a tt e ndance and n am e recognition w as the Clint Black concert in the fall. Junior Steve Wright sa id, ··1 thougl1t it was a very exciting concert . p robably one of the bes t at Harding." t' The S.A.C. a lso offered al terna tives to coun try music by bringing back the popular Beatles impersona to rs. 1964, Photo by Terry Dauis "I think it's cool that such popular singers are choosing to come to a small uniuersity. It says a lot about them." Alyson case Sadie Hawkins week in the fall , giving the girls an opportunit y to ask ou t tl1c guy Sophomore Angie Cascl1 said , .. , think it 's g reat because you get to go on a dare w itll a guy who might not have asked you out." This was reversed in the spring in the form of Friendly week. with tl1e guys b ing encouraged to ask ou t the g irls. t In the spring. the andAcappella. In the spring. the S.A.C . a l so sponso red an world-renowned a cappe lla group, Glad. performed . t As Olympic-type vent ca lled ··Hilarity"' w ith games on the fron t usual. the calendar fo r s tudents was filled with movies. In lawn. Through the manyactivities avai lable to students the fall. students had th opportunity to see "Mig l1t y Ducks this year. the S.A.C. accomplished its goal of building unit y 11 :· ··ctear and Present Danger ." "Angels in the Ou tfield" and among tile studen ts. t Hea ther Heffington S I ll d e 11 I L i f <' 206 S p e c i u I E l ' <' ll I s