/\lli50ll R<'ctor U5<'5 h<'r 5puw rime ro curc/J up on sonw oJ Iler srudics. Hccror STU!J<'cl liusy during 1/Jc· 1110111/1 o/ J>c·cc·m/>er us shf' sen •t'cl on r/w rliwcrion U/l(/ de/it •cry commilW<' f o r r/1e 1\n(Jd Tre<' J>rojc·cr . l'horo l>!J scorr Buint'. Tim \\ 'f'stlirook porrici/)()tes os one of 1/Jc f irsr s1 t1cle111s ro s1wuk for rile ju/I IC'C1uwsl1ips . ll'esrorook. ulono wil/1 Foir/J on. coorclinured rlw srudenr l<'Cluresllip in rile sprinu. /'/1010 /Jy Jason Bun. Brion \\ 'urrs <lruws u coricu1ure of cl1il<lwn 01 1/w inner cily curnil •ol in Li11le /Wck . S1t1dl'nrs sen•e(/ os leo( /ers or r/w cumit>ol . nor only ro r/Jeir peers. l>w ro r/1e smull c /1ilr/w11 of1/w 11111er city. P/1010 /Jy Juson Hun SI ll (/ e 11 I Li f <' 204 Cu Ill p ll .s LC' u (/er .s