1994-1995 Yearbook

.Je.s.sicu Bd1zc'r wor.s/Jip.s wil/J 1/Je Hus.sion C/Jri.s1ian.s. Cumpuir;ns offered .s1ur!crns u 1wnwndous m •enue for wotu1J1. 1'11010 l1y Bonnie Gorn. Ju.s1i11 Ulmiu.s1on. Juy Buker. Jeff cas/J amt Forres1 Gardner lldp o researclicr f ix !Jis ouenurnecl m1ck in a gome park in l 'f}anr!o. Eos1 /\frico . The irnerns sun•eyed 1hc n 1ow11ain rer;ions of weswm l 'ganc lu . Pl1010 by .\ 'icole Beoch . Jimmy Brooks s1x'nrls rime wi1h a li11le o irl afwr llw gro11ps·1x·rformall«'UI u local scl1ool in sonl1wn1 !IOll. Ellglanct . seuerol oj 1he campaion oroups soll~J ill 1he scl1ool as pan of 11Jcir work wi1h llw local churches. J 'ho10 l>y Clif .\ lirns . God~<> pcoce isscen 1hrou9h J lis crew io n . Euell wl1ell sigh1 seeinf}. spirirual lessons were learnecl 1hrot1f}h 1he t •isions of C't •irit'nce 11101 Goa made in µans of 1he 1uorlc1 such as Scorlancl. Pl1010 l>y Leal1 ,\ tu119n11n. Spiri1uol Life 203 S I ll d <' 11 I L if C'