,\ lurs l1al/ Brown. senio r . draws a crowd as l1e speaks u1 u dn •o 1io nul in 1/1e arnpi1heowr. The new wnpi1herner sewed as a µoµulur ploce for s1uclen1 ctn11ionuls. l'/1010 by Jason Burr . Bruce ,\,/cLarry shares insig/11 i1110 1l w "inner f ire· 1hm m01it1wes Chris 1ians 10 lil'<' for God. Peak of rile \\'eek wos w1 uplif1i110 l>oos1 ro many s1ud1·111s in 1/Jt' mi<l<lle oj llw week l'horo l>y )CISOl1 /3Url \\ 'emly O'Neol . soµhomore. Sl:'l'l'<'S 1hc co1111rn111i1y of /\ ll>ony. c;eoroio. os rhcy 1ry ro clean up ufwr 1lw flood. Tlw S1U<le111 l\ssociuli<Jll J >lwuw<I s<'l•eral onil•i1i1·s r/Jr<J(l(jilrn 11 llw yeurwl1icl1 fj(I( '(' llw Slll(ll'lllS OJ>J>Orll 111iry ro sen.,. 011 wrs. 1'11010 I >y .\ li<llOel Hoss. SI ll <I c ll 1 Li f c 200 S p i r i 1 u ii I L i f e