1994-1995 Yearbook

A New Be • • 1nn1n Internat ional Programs Give Students More Opportunities ~goffeceds1uderns 1heopponun11 y 10 tl1c ir knowledge. make new rriends. dev 101 xpand ultural around long-1erm memori s ..., wi ll treasure the many memories and all o r 1he special fri endships of the group ror unders tanding and . o f course. have the time of their lives a life time." sophomore B cky B lack said. t' Life for the las t fall wl1en ii began study programs in England and student s at Harding Universit y in Gre c (HUG). was one Greece. t Based on tile same concept as Harding Univers it y big c ruise after another. HUG studen ts began tl1ei r threein Florence (I IUF). the new p rograms offered s tuden ts the mon th experi ence on a week- long c ruise of the Aegean chance to expand c ulturall y, Sea . s topp ing in th e Greek inte llec tually and spiritually. As Dr. Don Shackel ford said . "We try to make each trip unique to its area.·· f; Starting in London. the England g roup began their cultural experi ences by vis iting thea ters . c inemas. museums. s tad iums. ga ll er ies. ope ra l1 ouses and onccr t l1alls. Studen ts also saw Buckingl1am Photo by Damon I leot.k'!I "It was fun making quick trips to the Kiofk to get necessary supplies like kinder eggs." Robin Heasley islands o f Mykonnos. Rl1odes and Patmos . w it ch ing from boa t to bus. they began a nineday tour acros Turkey where they v is ited 1t1e si tes of the seven churches of Asia r ferred 10 in Revelation and spen t a day in Is tanbul. Tl1e tour ended in o rtl1ern Gree e. but not before th e g ro up s topped at Palace . tile London Symphony Thessalonica and I hilippi. In the Orcl1es tra and the West End Shows. Th y traveled to Ho ly Land. HUG students visited Jerusalem and Galilee. Can terbury. Stratforcl-Upon-Avon and Stonel1enge . t Dr. c limbed Ma ada. had a devotional by the Jordan River and and Mrs. Evan Ulrey, faculty sponsors. were impressed swam in the Dead Sea. t Somewhere between all of the with what they learned abou t the United Sta tes through excursions . HUE and HUG s tuden ts ttled down for the ir trip to Englancl. "For an American to visit Gr at Britain c lasses. Six teachers helped the s tudents expand on what is to open his eyes to unders tand mucl1 about l1is own they had experienced. In and out of the c lassroom. HUE l1is to ry. lit erature. t chno logy and cus1oms." l1c said. From and HUG s tuden ts learned more about tl1ese cu lt ures. a s tuden t point of view. experiences in England cen tered abou t humankind and. most impo rt ant ly . abou t God. t Stacey Haywood . John Hodges. Tim Stanley I ll I <' r 1l o I i o 1l o I f'> I t i cl i e .s 193 S I ll (/ ( ' /l I L if e