Learnin toAdaQt_ Endless Mem o ri s A re Mad in - very Room ~l)' of'" spcrn <he surnmc cbcfmc ouc Iccslmian yc;:1r Clnxiously wonderi 11g what life vvoulcl be like in coll ege. nig l11s when I wanted 10 go 10 beet ancl 111y roo1r 1ma1e wan1ecl 10 s tay up all nigh1.·· freshman se1l1 Crum saicl. f, \\'c wonclercd l1ow 1m1gh our professors w oulcl be. l10w In adcli tion . s1ude111s w ere o ft en forcecl 10 c nclure no ise we \VOulcl get by 011 sucl1 a smal l budget all( I how w e from 1l1e irneighbo rs. rnany 1imeswl1ile 1heywcrca11 c rnp1ing vvould learn 10 c c-11 1he cc1fe1cric-1foocl. But the ques tion most 10 sleep o r study. Freshman Laura I larvcy s0icl. "The walls on o ur rnincts w0s how we would learn 10 Ji\ ·c in a clo rm in our dorm arc so thin you could hear C\ 'C ry w ord the vvi1l1 200 otl1er s1ucle111s ;:1f1c r 18 ~·cars w ith our parc 111s. q: ,\ft cr 1l1c LJ-l1au ls were un loc1cied ;:md 1he las t gooclbyes 10 parc 111s s0icl. clo rrn life J)ccamc a reality for I 1mclingstude111s. 17o r some. thi s was e:1 cirec-1111 come true: sl1e:ir ing a tiny room \·vi th a bunch o l fric11ds. c-1 lo ud swreo ;:met a COllSl cllll SUJ) l) ly 01l) iZZa W clS a ll 1l1ey coulcl ever wa111. 1°or 111ost ··oorm life is not like any other. All I can say is, at least I trust her. " Sheri Clark people were sayi11g nex t door. 11could gc1pre 11 y irritating lat e a t n ig l11. even if they w c re11·1 reall y loud ." f, Though clorm life clict pose a fev,' pro l) ierns. mos t s tudents touncl it to be one of the mos t enjoyable aspec ts o f college. ··u, ·ing in tlK· dorm allows you to meet Cl 10 1of nevv friends. "junior Georgia Crowson said. Th o m e-i s l3usinclle. s1ucte111s. l1owe, ·er. adj us ting to freshman . sa icl . "Tl1c guys on tile ctorms wc:s ne,·c r quite that simple. f, Li\ 'i ng with a my floor played pranks on eacl1 o ther all tile time. II vvas compl ete s tranger . or e, ·en a J)es1fri end . required patience l1ilarious ... t Lo ud ne ighbo rs and messy room111a1es were 0nct tl1e C1 l) ili 1y 10 compromise 1l1at many s tuden ts l1aci ine, ·itable in 1l1c dorm. but so w ere the J1umlrec ls 0 1 ne\ ·crcxperi e1 1cec tl)C'iorecoll egc. Tlleyfouncl1hcrnsel\ ·es mernornblc moment s spent wi1l1 lric ncls . \ \'IK' tl1c r it vvas slmring a room with people wl1ose ideas of nea tness. c,·erytl1 i11g s1ucle111 s l1ad l1oped for or a time 1l1cy vvoulcl s1uct~ · J1 ;:1})i1s Cl nd s leep p0 11e rns clifferec l g rea 1J:; fro111 thei r prefer llC\'er to li\'e through agai n . cto rm life was an ow11 . "J"vly sleep is irnponc1 111 10 me. e:mci 111crc \\'ere Cl 101of unforgc11al1le experi ence. e:- t\ le lisSCl Owen / ) u r Ill L i .f <' 189 S I ll <I <' ll I L i ( c•