Junior Russell Boyd inquires abour f reshman Aaron P iper 's m e thod of transponation to chapel. Et1ery morning. s_rud ents poured into the B enso n Auditoriumfor a deuotional. followed /Jy fellowship w ith their friends . Pho to by Sothon Ironside_ Kim Yornz. sophomore. Jeff Jayton. j unio r . anci Kristi Linski . sof)homore. rake acluornoge of an opponuniry ro s ign up for ocriu11ies 1ha1 were onnounce<i in chopc/ _ Thursclay was 1 1e rypicol cloy for chapel announcemerns. Photo l>y Jason Hun . Annetw Douis perjonns her <iaily 10sk of checking <hop<"/ one1 Klonce. A lthough chop{'{ wos enjoyecl l>y the srucle/JI l>cx ly. ii was nor uncommon for stuclerns to giue !If> their seots 10 uisilors. Photo by Jason B!ln . Student Lif e 180 Chape l