1994-1995 Yearbook

Alpl1a Delta Mu (socio/ LPOrk honor society) - First now: Tlw resa Broy. Stephanie Dm1is. 13ccco , 'ooner. 11 ea ll1er 11effing1on. L o ri Blake . Second How : C01 /ier in e \\ 'e/Jer. Tricia \\ 'e/ch . Derek I lwnpron. Dan Murie. Louise Pace (sponsor). P/1010 by Jason /-31m . A lpha Psi Omega (performance honor sociery) - First Row: Rachel Coner . Alll i 1vterri11 . t te01 /wr Ellis. Ellen Fowler. Jonis \\ 'illiallls. Jennifer Clark. /Jal'icl Philpo11. Second RoLP: Jenny Moses. Jason 11ewi11. Chae/ Gurley. I lenry McDaniel. /3en Jones. Hobin Miller (sponsor).Mo rris Ellis (S/)OllSOr) . Pl1oro by Jason Burt . Orgonizot i ons American Studies - Firs1 How: Zach S1eed. June/ GorclnC'r. ,\ /i ssy ,\lcJunk ins. Chris 1y ewe. Liliana Sanchez. Jcjf Lay/Oil . Bill S/1unnon. Jejfrey Baker. seconcl How: P/1illip Shera. Slwnnon /3erry/1ill. Ulen I Juffard. Frank Mccown. Hachel I l eineke. Andrea Po rt er . \\ 'endy ,\/ouricio. Huz ico Dokouic. Jenny \\'o /1ers. f\l a rc Childress. sco11 Scl1wieger. 1\ 1ar1 Quioley. Third now: Jimmy JJrooks. Tracy Falwell . Diono SpringC'r .Jana Tho /llos. Ashley Price, Jason Pox 1on. Vick i Speice. JuliC' Dunaway. Mit ch ell 1:!/ue. Laura Picklesimer. Fourth How: TUllllllY Clark .Jim \.\'illx1nks. Dan ilO/\lll ore11y. /\ lex Ma rtinez. Angel Marti nez . 1\nne11e />rior. /\my Co1hran. COlhlyn Tsirgio1is . ll'C'n cli \ \'agner. Luis Golllez. fllin o r f\l o n ge. Todd Mwheny. Sheilo I l enry . Handy 13unklcy. Fifth Row: /\Ila Casey. Luke Smith. BrocllC'!J I luyes. 1\ngie ,\l o n g . ,\IC'l ani e ,\ 1C111hews. Lisa ,\ 1CJcleley. Clint Strong. Jo/Jnna /Juke. Laura Jewell . Derek 11omp1on. Bo/J Hee/y (sponsor). Mic/10e/ Brooks . i'hOIO b!] Joson Bun 166 Alp/Jo De/10 .\/ u /\mericun Studies member C/1ris Turney l'iSits wi1 /1 Malcom Forbes lifter Forbes· address. For/Jes Luos one of the lllony interesting speakers broug/11 10 I larcling by 1h1· American srudies µrogrum. P/1oro by Juson Burt . / \ I p /1 u P s i O Ill e fl a fr A n1 <' r i c u n S 1 ti d i c s