-w e have a te rrifi c time playing for the audi en ce and w e work ex tra h ard to m ak e those se lec tions special. " Ma 11t1ew Smith. Jazz Band Instrumentalists provide a unique brand of entertainment through ... Jazz Performance When a prospec tive student rememb e rs a Spring Sing p rforman ce, he or she probably thinks first of the brilliant co lors and bright lights of th e hundreds of cos tumed performers. However , a less notable entit y o f the production h as always made a unique but essential contribution to the show. The 15 m embe rs of the jazz band begin ea rn es t prep aration about one month b e fore Spring Sing w eekend ea h year . Matt Smith , who played bass g uitar , said that m embe rs w e re allowed to choose the ir own songs for the ir fea tures during the show. "We have a terrifi c time playing for the audience and w e work ex tra hard to make those selections special," he said. The band also bac ked up the songs of the hosts and host esses. Colby Canterbury, a senior trumpe t player. said the g roup had only a w eek to perfect the accompaniments . "It's kind o f tough for us to get it togethe r , but the end result is worth the struggle," he said . Cant e rbury said that a favorit e part o f the Spring Sing experi en ce for jazz band m embers was watching th cl ubs practic and perform. "It's n ea t to see the way the individual shows com e toge the r ," h e said . "Oft en we wou ld s it the re and ac tua lly judge the c lubs whil e they practiced ." When the curtain cam e down on the final production. the struggle to achieve excelle nce found its reward in the audi ence's favorabl e response. - Andrea Stark Good News - Firsr Row: Jay Genrry. Tec/c/y \\'urren. /\1icuh Parkhurst. Jessie Tyree. Second Row: Lee Jons en. KimlJer/y George. Berh Spurlock. Kami Shores . Phoro by Jeff i\lonrgomerv. i\lan Smilh ond ,\ Wn I Joclges run 1/1ro11gh u new m 11nl>er during Jozz Bumi 1Hocrice. Smirh ond I Jodges l>ro11ght experience ancl leadership to the group. P/1010 l>!J Joson Bun. Organ i zat i ons 156 Good News