1994-1995 Yearbook

Dr. N<'u le l'ryor presellIS u Re.sic/em of 1he 1\/0111/J 1\ ward in c /1aµe/ 011 /)e/Julf of 1he socio/ \l'ork Clu/J . Clioosing o Hesicle111 of 1/1e ,\/orn/1 wos one of 1/1e or~1011iz01 i o11~<> regulor sen •ice projec1s. 1'/1010 /Jy Juson Bun. • Gerry Millerwfilms Solan Alkins os he inren•iews Dr. DoL1id Burksfollowino 1/w clec lic01io11 ceremonyjor rile 1wu1.\Ic lrneer BilJ/e Cenrer . i\Iillerrc one/ 1\rki11s t!'<TC /)or/J mem/)ers of rhe T\ ·. I 9 creLu whic/1cot 1ered ocr iL1i ries Oil compus . I ' /1010 by N01/1an Ironside. Stuc!ern Speecll and Hearing Associa1io11 - First How: Joy Bussell. \\ 'en r ly Non/ 1cw1. Shelly Dallis. Hac/JUcl Priui11 . ,\/e/unie .\/011/1eu.1s. Aki Va11/3uskirk. Jon Traugl1ber. Joni Joh11so11 . seco11c/ How: Lydio Poinwr. Denise Onbols. Kristine Steel<'. r\lic ia Grw npp. Hachel Coley. Solem Is las. 0011iel \/ondewifft. Third How: Angle Killion. Trocy Shorp . Lorisu Pounds. Ro/Ji11 1\usri11. Kenclell Jo11es. Foun/1 Row: i\lu ry I lickmon. ,\laribel Corzo. Shu11no11 Smith . Carhy I looper. Stephonie I 1wso11. Jason Fuller. Fif1/1 Row: Koren i\lcLony (sponsor). Andreu IJeur/1. FWmo110 Bo11khead. Rebecra \\ 'eouer (sponsor) . Six1/1 Row: Don Tullos (sµo11sor). Cl1arla Robenso11. Paige Slle/ro n . srepliunie Forris. l'lloro /Jy Jo.soil Bun. TEACH - First How: / lc01/wr llukn. \\ 'c11cli Toy /or. Dcl1l1y \ 'ulc·111i11e. Sheree11/ lcllry. i\ 'Ikki l :l<'Cll •<·rs . Sccolld How: Stello Nowell . DollllCI \\ 'ollocc. Julie .\turcollQel i . \ 'u/eric Forrl. sum Jucobs . Thirrf How: Ju11er ,\lcK<'C. swcey Gralll. carolanno Heer/ . Cynrfi ,\tcmhews. ll'elldy Cose. ~/wily I !orris. Foun/J How: 11 ·cmiy \\ 'illiums..\Iorio Aruno. Kisho /3row11 Leslie Benke. 1)0110 /d Duw;er. Jeo11i11e P<"ck (sponsor). P/1010 /)y Juso11 /3un . Oroa 11i za 1i o 11s 150 Slt1cle111 S p ef'Cll a nd ll eurill(] fr TEA C I/