1994-1995 Yearbook

"TIK' lang uage is diffcrc111. 1Ju1 we share in 1l1e uni ve rsa lit y of Goel." Anasrns ia Yeck. sophomore. Spanish-speaking students hold weekly Bible studies in the ir ... Native Language On any g iven Wednesday evening in the Ganus building. a group of students could be found worshiping in Spanish . "It's a mid-w eek respit for Christi ans and non-Chri s ti ans a like." Ava Con ley. fa ulty adv iser o f the Spanish Club said. About half of the 60 students who attended w e re from L a tin America. The informa l ga th e ring fos te r ed c lose re la tionships among thos who a tt ended the B ibl e study. "Ev e ryone was g iven a hug, a pat or a h andshake." Gian Carlos Monzon . sophomore. said. Con ley said the forma t was tha t of a home Bibl e study. Th is year. tl1ey s tudi ed the parab les of Jesus . The c lass was in Spanish and inc luded familiar o ngs and h ymns. "Th singing was awesome ," said Anastasia Yecke. sophomore. "Although it's diffe rent words. it's the same tun and you can pick it up . This Bibl e study provided nor only a soc ia l outl e t for the stud nts , but a unique opportunity for m any Spanish speakers. They enjoyed the fe llowship o f those who spoke the ir own lang uage. "It's a wond rful opportunit y for Spanish students to be toge the r and to get to know each o the r b e tte r ," Aristides Ortiz . a s enior from El Salvador. said . Stacey T enpenny, a freshman taking Spanish. said , "I enjoyed getting to know people from a diff rent c ulture . A lot w as communi ca ted h ere. They were very accepting and wond rful people." The Spanish g roup had a sense of toge the rness , Monzon said. They wanted p eopl e to fe I accep ted and w e lcome. As they say in Spanish , "Bi envido" - ''All are w e lcom e." - Lois Voyl es criblJlers (creati\'e writing c lub) - Firsr How: Corhlyn Tsirgioris. Solem Islas. Krisra Slwwmukcr. Secom/ How: Society for the Ad\'ancement of Management - Firsr How: Jess ica Huiz. Clauclia A lmenclar<'Z. Eue/un Cruz. ,\lissu ,\fcJunkins . Julie Dnuooctu. Jim \\ 'ill>wiks. Seconcl How: 11 ·cnclu ,\/ouricio . .Sran'!J ,\ /oor<'. .Suzonne Crauljorcl. Liliuna Sonch('Z. \ '1cki Speice. Huzica I Jukouir. Thi rel How: Sonuo Kornc·ouu. Morr S1>1·11cc'r. Ndclelise Somarri/Ja. Alex 1\ ziamol'. Roi> Luu •uer. Dauicl \\ 'al/er. Founh How: h:risrop/wr Kcilll. nuisukc IJol>o. L>anilo Amorcrr~;. G1ouonni Sulomunco. .Jonorhwi I lirnes. Hoel Lesl ie'. Fift/1 t ~ow: ,\/ic /1ad Gurner. Luuon Curwr. (;reg French. Hou Lizono. Ke11uon Flcrclwr. 1'/1010 l>y Juso11 Burr. C<'cdy Sm•aoe. Dr. Jo/111 ll 'i//iwns (sponsor). Apri l Fears . Pharo IJ!J Norhon 1rons1cte OrQOll i za ri ons 148 S c r i I> lJ I e r s & S A ,\/