··we arc a c ultural a ware ncss-l)<lSCCI group. We want to ccluca tc people about ot l1er c ultures anct promot e unit y ... Kenny Co llins . Ujirna presiclent . Minority student organization focuses attention on educa ting others about. .. Cultural Differences Ujima was des ig ned to provide spiritual enlig htenment . emotional support and cu ltura l motivation to minority students a t Harding Un ive rsity. This yea r the organizat ion stressed the ne d for a ll p eopl e to participate in serving o the rs. both in the community and abroad. Uj ima tri ed to g ive everyon e, on and off campus, the opportunity to serve. An ev ent that Uj ima got invo lved with was the inne r c it y carnival, a free ca rnival h e ld in Littl e Roc k for inne r c ity children . They a lso assis ted the Kens tt Churc h of Chri s t witl1 the ir annua l ch ildren 's hay ride. The main event for Ujima. and one that has continued to g row each year. w as the Gospel Explosion. h Id in February this year. Crea ted for th e purpose of ce lebra ting black hist o ry month , the Gospe l Explosion was expand d to inc lud c hapel speakers. poetry reading and a unique musi c celebrati on. Straigh t Company, th e Harding Unive rsity Chorus. southweste rn Chr ist ian Co ll ege Chorus. GLAD and Rejoi ce performed during the Explosion. Also. in honor of the month's ce lebra ti on. Ujima worked to help provide food for needy families. The Uj ima officers set up a food pantry during th entire month of February and asked people to bring packaged and canned goods. The id a was to provide a d eeper m eaning of Christi an love and serv ice to w ard ot l1e rs. "Uj ima foc used on service. being one with the Lord . unity among ourselv s. unity wi th others. and c ultural awareness," Kenny Collins , president, said. These idea ls w ere what m ade Uj ima·s foc us unique . - T e resa Ch ism KHCA - First How: Malt Li1tle. Mllrk Farrar. Carrie /'aylle. I /l'urll Lill l'S. A lliSOll Oeu/l . .Julie A/l(/CrSOll. H!)Oll Hwwrfie/cl . secollcl How: Kyle Sllep/ iern. Tone/ Srewon. vwi<·sso Gore. Jeff Vauis . Sret '<' LoJ<ochc. .!<ff Baker. Jeremy 1'-'liller. Photo /Jy Jasun Wirt . Per it Jean oclt •1ser Kay Gowen clisn1sses o possi/Jle p/10ro ossiunm1·1111 ui t/1 Jasoll Burt. J!l1oro~1roplwr. Hurt Ollcl his conwra were o f wniliar si9/J1 10 all t torclino srunt>nrs. Plloro IJ!J Nwllw1 tronsicil' . Oroan i zat i ons 144 K II C A